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Thread: Teach an old dog new tricks

  1. #1

    Teach an old dog new tricks

    i was wondering how do you teach an old dog that doesnt know any tricks, tricks such as fetch, sit, play dead, and roll

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    well just simple obediance should do it!!If you want to teach her to sit,then just say "sit",if she doesnt then just push down on her bum gently and when she hits the ground,praise her!! dont train with food.If there is a local obediance class in your town then i would recommend taking her there,There is a older dog in my group and she seems to be learning!!

    Or if you dont want to take her,then just show her how to do it and give lots of praise!!im not sure if you can teach a dog to fetch.i guess if she's really into it,then mabye but if she doesnt chase after the ball,then i don tknow what to do. With Rollover just show her what to do,get her to lie down then tell her to "roll over",and if she doesnt,then roll her over yourself,i would recommend using treats with this one.When Kodie was learning down the trainer made us use treats,and we had to pick up his front legs and put him down.and he picked up down pretty sry if too confusing!

  3. #3
    The same way as you would teach a puppy

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Toller 42
    The same way as you would teach a puppy
    I agree.

    Lots of repetition, lots of praise, and lots of treats. The treats don't have to be food treats. Use whatever motivates your dog, whether it be food, a ball, playing tug etc. Whatever gets your dog super happy and excited is what you should use for praise. Also mix it up so the dog never expects just one thing.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Exactly what everyone else has said. Like a puppy- use treats, simple commands,a firm voice and lots and lots of praise if they do it right. If you can't do it yourself training school is a good idea- there are experienced trainers that will teach you how to do things with your dog the proper way and your dog will meet some great new dog friends. We took our Golden to dog school when he was younger to get him to socialize and learn some simple commands and there were older dogs there too- and they turned out great. Good luck and keep us posted.

    ~ Highschool rox ur socks!! Highschool is so amazing and I love it. Hi to everyone on Pet Talk, I know I have not been on for a while, I'm just busy. All of you here that I know rock! Keep up being friendly, posting on Pet Talk and havin fun. Buddy sends kisses. ~

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