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Thread: Fat Cat

  1. #1

    Fat Cat

    Earlier this year there was a post about a cat that someone inherited. The cat was morbidly obese and there was discussion about how to help this cat.

    Well I ran across this today. Is it the same cat? If so, FABULOUS job on helping her regain her figure and energy!

    Kim's Gracie on

  2. #2

    sorry to be answering so late, but my schedule has pulled me away from the puter and now I'm trying to catch up -

    Yes, this is the same Gracie - or, as her first owner called her, Gray See. You can follow her progress here, too:

    Check out her guest book for more of her story. I really thought she was going to die when I first read her story, but lots of prayers and a loving foster family have saved her.


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