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Thread: Blind, tunnel vision, or inattentive?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK

    Blind, tunnel vision, or inattentive?

    My puppy, Artica keep running into things. If I throw him food, it either has to hit him with it or throw it hard enough he hears it hit the ground. He is only about 5 months old. He grew really fast. He runs into things as see-through as a chainlink fence, and as solid as doors and tables. when he gets to running, I'm not sure that he can stop with out running into something, because when his daddy or I call him, he runs directly to us, but he runs into our legs, and if he misses us, he runs into whatever is on the other side of us. Someone told me it could be an effect of the meds he took for rocky mountain spotted fever, which he had a few months ago. When the neighboring dogs bark, he will only bark if it is a person near our yard, not if it's a kid in the park across the street or another animal and that's when he is inside, where he can't see where they are. He looks at us when we say his name. when we hold something he wants, he looks right at us. He's even figured out how to open the lower cabinets where he raw-hide chew sticks are and get one out. I don't know why he only takes one, and not the whole bag, or why he closes the cabinet back, instead of letting the other dogs get at the treats. I'm not sure what it is with him. What do you think?(I will upload a picture of him later, as I have no good ones of him yet.)
    Catch me if you can, Love me if you dare.
    Tarra & Chris

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    welcome & yes cant wait for pics!

    This sounds like it should be seen by a vet

    What breed of dog is it? That MAY have some affect as sighthounds ussually cant see things too well close up, rott pups are just plain clumsy etc....
    Does this seem to happen more at night/day?
    Are the eyes discolored at all (blueish tint etc..)?
    Did this just come on suddon, Or has he slowly become this way or always?

    Im not familiar w/ rocky mnt fever I would seek vet atention or at least call & ask them about this.
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK
    a little bit of German Shep, but mostly Dingo. I'm going to put up a picture of him swinging in a baby swing. He looks so cute, I'm not sure why he likes swinging. It started out one day when we walked my neighbors kids to the park, and I tried to swing, but he kept jumping up on me, so I picked him up, and he didn't cry or squirm. so here's Artica...(we put his leash arcross the top so he doesn't fall out, dogs aren't to balanced at swinging.....)
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    Catch me if you can, Love me if you dare.
    Tarra & Chris

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK
    He has always been clumbsy, but as he grew, it seems he is a little better at running, but worse at stopping, he used to chase things that we threw, but I doubt my poor boy could play fetch. When he doesn't get what we throw him, someone else gets to it before we can show him where it landed...
    Catch me if you can, Love me if you dare.
    Tarra & Chris

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK
    rocky mountain spotted fever is a tick born disease, when we moved, we quickly realized that our neighbors dogs had ticks, we bought enough stuff to kill every tick in the neighborhood, but saved most for next year...... I had to make a choice on what to give up..... one of the meds would have hurt his joints, one his muscles, one skin, one his kidneys, and so on..... I told his vet to just pick one, I wasn't going to condem any part of my dog, so she gave him the quickest working one and something to couter it...he was better in a few days.... he's still got about half the bottle of pain killers she gave us, incase he acts like his joints are hurting him....but she said that at the time he was young enough he should out grow any of the side effects....
    Catch me if you can, Love me if you dare.
    Tarra & Chris

  6. #6
    Poor thing! I hate ticks myself, nasty little things. Anyway, your pup sounds lovable and adorable, good luck with him!

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