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Thread: Oh, the indignity!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA

    Oh, the indignity!!!!!!!

    Our mom actually put us in the cat carrier this morning!!!! And we had to stay in there for a while, then we went to the vet's office and he took us out, one at a time (we will admit that he was gentle), and he scissored our wings!!!!! Yikes!!! Mom told the vet how smart we are, and that Roger can talk and sing, but he refused to do it for the vet. That's how mad he was!!! Now we can't fly and poop on stuff in the room. Mom is happy, but we are not!

    Milly Cockatiel

    PS Will someone please come rescue us from our evil mom???

  2. #2
    Hello Millly!

    Tis me Muffin! Sowwy you had ta go to da white coats! We hates when mommy takes us dere! White coats guy is gentle..............but we no likes him ya know! He neber clipped obur wings cause mommy does dat for us.............but he gives us check ups! Its not nice to check a little birdie like dat now is it? But momma says white coats are good for birdies! Den when momma's mommy takes HER to da hooman white coats, she doesn't wants to go either! Moms!



    Logan, I was just going to PM you to ask how it went. They had a checkup right? How did that go?

    Popcorn and Muffin can relate to poor Roger and Milly. They really can. He he he he

    BUT.......if Milly really wants to be rescued from her mommy.............they can come live with me! 4 that's being in heaven! He he he

    I know you would never give them to me though........right Logan?
    Last edited by popcornbird; 10-27-2003 at 04:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    Awww.... glad that your home safe and sound.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    They aren't going anywhere, Popcornbird!!! But I'm glad they would have a place to go if I needed someone to take them!

    I got your PM......I didn't even think to ask the vet to weigh them! He just looked them over, clipped their wings and we talked about their care and eating habits. He said they both looked great.


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