We got a kitten about a month ago from the Humane Society. Ruby is about three or four months old (the vet and the Humane Society have different guesses at her age). Every night at ten o'clock we put her in her bedroom with her food, water, litter box and her favroite toy because she can get into places, but cannot get out of those places in the house, so we can't find her. In the morning, as soon as she hears one of us go to the washroom, she scratches on the door of her room and starts meowing until we let her out. You would think that this would not be a problem, but sometimes we take this trip during the night and we can't get back to sleep because she keeps scratching on the door and meowing. If we let her out of her room, she jumps on everyone's bed and wakes us up. We would all really appreciate any suggestions anyone has about our little problem. Thanks.