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Thread: "Outdoor Dogs"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    "Outdoor Dogs"

    I was just wondering about views on "outside dogs." As a child I think I observed more outside dogs (dogs who seemed to be outside 24/7 with dog houses, etc.) Right now in my neighborhood there is a black lab who seems to be an outside dog. He has his dog house and seems to be outside whenever I go by. Personally, I am very puzzled why anyone would keep a dog outside. I think it is probably more prevalent in rural areas and maybe they are used for "protection." Couldn't a dog "protect" his family just as well from a nice spot inside by the fire? Maybe different parts of the country, or even different countries, see this differently than I do. I have grown up with dogs being very much a fixture INSIDE the home. Why have a dog at all if he must live his life outside? Anyone have any views?

    [This message has been edited by Pam (edited November 16, 2000).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I often thought the same thing! The neighbors across the street keep their Rottie outside, roped (or chained) to a tree and the poor thing just barks his head off! He snarls when anyone passes, esp; with dogs, I never see the owners walk him. Even very late at night they leave him out, even when it drizzles (ok they take him in when it rains)Not only do I feel sorry for the dog but why have a protection dog if he's outside all the time? The only reason I don't call the Humane Society is that I know they will know it's me and I really don't want to start anything in our very nice, friendly neighborhood. It is a big issue. My Cody is outside alot, but usually with somebody. The interaction is inside, play is outside. I guess it depends on the dog and location. Just my thoughts, as well

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    There are a lot of people who are fanatics about not having dog or cat hair and mess in their homes. I have to wonder why in the world someone would bother to get a dog if they are going to chain them to a tree. Someone finally stole a cocker spaniel down the street from me that stayed tied to a tree 100% of the time. I have to admit, I was delighted!
    My dogs are only indoors when we are at home. They are still quite mischievious, so I can't trust them when I'm not here. On very rare occasions (like storms), I may choose to leave them indoors when I am not here. They love to lie in the sunshine and run laps around the yard, but I can't imagine having them and not enjoying them inside. Yes, I have to vacuum and sweep more often, but I love having them around me. That's my two cents worth. By the way, Karen, I'd have a hard time seeing that dog chained up everyday. Doesn't it just kill you to see him?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Yes, especially at night, when I can only see a bedroom light on, maybe the back porch light. (They have a small dog that stays inside) They used to walk it, but Cody is cool, calm,collected compared to this dog. I keep expecting the rope or chain to break cause the dog runs back and forth when he sees anyone, esp: me and Cody and I can hear the friction against the tree. This is why Rotts get a bad rap..wouldn't you be ballistic if you were tied up all the time? I just can't understand either WHY people get dogs if they can't enjoy it's company. I wish I could be with Cody 24/7!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Karen, don't you wish there was something else you could do for that poor dog!! It would kill me to see him like that!!

    My dogs are inside dogs. Killian (the older rescue) wants to be where I am although lately he's been staying outside with Shiloh (younger rescue) a bit more. Shiloh likes to be outside in the course of the day. She loves to run around and play frisbee. Neither use the doghouse built for them, we use it for storage now! On snowy days, though, neither of them want to come in. They love plowing into the snow drifts, rolling in it and just running around! I would never consider having them be "outside dogs". They even sleep on my bed!!

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Many years ago, there was a dog in my Mom's neighborhood that was left out in the yard all day long. She would bring the dog over to her house during the day and give her some attention. She even went so far as to buying the dog a doghouse for its own yard and she told the neighbors that they should take care of her more. My Mom would feed her and give her water. I think that the dog ran away after a while.....

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    The people I've known that have kept their dogs outside (with a doghouse) never struck me as true "dog people". I wouldn't have called them mean-hearted, it was just that the dog always seemed a sort of accessory or work animal for them, rather than a pet. In my house, pets have always been family members. We wouldn't have dreamed of keeping Grandma out on the porch, so the poodle wasn't kept there either!

    However, I just can't fathom not giving a dog some sort of roof over his head--that's cruelty.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I think there are lots of reasons why people keep their dogs outside. I personally think that most dogs belong inside, but people can come up with lists of excuses....

    the dog hair
    for protection
    he's just a farm dog
    doesn't have any manners

    and it goes on and on

    Of couse, if you brush, you won't have as much hair, a dog can protect just as well inside as well as out (if that's what you want it to do), and a little training will solve the "no manners" part. Some people just don't understand dogs and have never been educated about them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Right! I mean, Cody LOVES outside, in the spring and summer(xcept when it's stifling hot of course) and fall when it's still light, he'll sit on the porch (dbl long leash around banister but he can move around freely)alone for a short time or with a family member. But it's for a short time. He misses being inside where the action is-doesn't want to miss a thing! There's a difference between deserting the dog ALL DAY and playing outside. Smilla's right, you wouldn't do that to your grandma or kid. My very strong sentiment has been, if you can't enjoy your dog, spend time with it, take responsibility DON'T get a dog!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Keeping the dogs in and the kids inside?......Now there's a thought!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    AB, Canada
    My parents' neighbors have 2 Border Collie crosses that are outside all the time, never get walked, so are in the back yard day and night. The bark almost constantly. My parents have to tell them to be quiet. When the owners are home they give these dogs no attention at all. I feel so sorry for these poor puppers. We always joke (seriously) that they're telling our dogs they want to live on our side of the fence. They would have a much better life.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Carrie caught me again! When I wrote the last post I was thinking that some people would love to put their kids out for the day, and I did live next to people that did that..except..THEN they got a dog to keep the kids company outside!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Well it seems unanimous. Dogs are family members and should not have to spend their time outside alone and in all kinds of weather. I liked the statement about "keeping Grandma out on the porch?" That sort of says it all!! If people don't want the hair, etc. then they should probably re-think dog ownership. I guess it's sort of like people that have barn cats. Having two precious kitties of my own, I could never imagine the life of a barn cat. My guys are so spoiled and I think they know it but they give so much love in return. How can a pet and their owner having a loving relationship if they never interact! Thanks for all of the viewpoints!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Jerome,ID USA
    I have 3 dogs, 2 boxers and a shepherd/husky X. When the weather is nice, summer & early fall esp., all of them prefer to be outside. When they're in the house I don't move far from the door: However when it is cold or rainy the boxers come in the house most of the time. During the day they still want to be out. Even during the cold of winter the shepherd likes to be outside. She comes in to visit but gets overheated very fast. They all bark alot but then I live in the midst of farm/dairy country so there is so much to talk about. They aren't ignored and are very much a part of the family.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Samualjcat I am not really talking about dogs like yours. Your dogs love the outside (as all dogs do) but there is a time to bring them inside which you do. I am thinking of the poor dogs who live their whole lives outside and only come in when it's absolutely frigid outside. Some owners think a dog house is a suitable place for a dog to live and a sufficient fortress against the cold. Fortunately I haven't seen much of that lately but I can remember as a child seeing dogs chained in yards by their dog houses and out in all kinds of weather. I don't really see those dogs as getting to play much of a part in the lives of their "people" and I think that's sad. (and cruel!)

    [This message has been edited by Pam (edited November 16, 2000).]

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