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Thread: A Poem...for all to read!!

  1. #1

    A Poem...for all to read!!

    Now this poem is about cats but it surely can mean the same for dogs too. Don't you think this poem is so TRUE !!!!

    Kitty Ditty by Tom Browe

    Once upon a time,
    far, far away,
    Lived a cat,
    Without a spay.

    Litter after litter,
    She did bear,
    Owner dumped each litter
    Just any old where.

    Soon the neighborhood,
    With kittens did abound,
    All the colors of the big
    Old tom seen around.

    One simple visit,
    To any local vet,
    Would save many
    Little lives I bet!

    Spay & neuter your pet!

    So what do you all think of that! Very true and I wish this poem could reach all the owners in this world that don't do as they should. I always liked how Bob Barker from the Price Is Right would say after every show to spay and neuter your pet. Do you guys all remember that or is the crowd here on the young side?? But anyways I thought this poem was great and I wanted to share it all with you.

    OK, I had remembered that I had saved this letter a long time ago ( we're talking 10 years ago) and I loved the letter so much that I made a copy of it and saved it. Here is the letter stated by a woman that I had worked with. I believe this letter was in the local newpaper too. Here it read....
    Bad For Animals
    "Why do people have animals that they don't want? What kind fo life does a dog have when he is tied to a doghouse all day? The dog can't tell you how cold and lonely he is. If he wraps his chain around trees and brush, he's stuck for the day, maybe all night because no one can take a minute to check on him. If he tips over his water dish, or if the water freezes, he goes without water all day. If the weather is frigid and his chain is caught around a tree, he spends the night with no shelter, shivering and cold.
    If he barks, he hears an angry voice saying, "Shut Up!" A human touch, a pat on the head is a rare treat, and yet he loves his keeper, unreservedly. How he would love some exercise to be able to run free from the rope or even to go for a walk on the leash but that will never happen. Every day is the same - those long hours of boredom and cold and thirst.
    Wake up pet owners. You have a responsibility to your pet. If you don't love your dog, can't or won't give it some attention, please give it to someone who will. Dog's have feelings, too. They need companionship, not to be left alone day and night.
    Would you want to be treated the way you treat your pet??"

    Now was that an excellent letter or what?? I have never forgotten about this letter and now after all these years I get to finally use it. Not for the use of the people who are members here but just for the fact of reading it and hoping that these bad dog owners will simply "get it". Do you all agree??

    [ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: purrfectpaws ]

    [ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: purrfectpaws ]
    Personalized Pet Mats by Carla

    Carla's Web Page

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    That is a very true poem...and you are right, it's the theory, not the type of animal that it is about. And as for that letter....VERY well written. That auther truly loves animals, it really shows. If that was published it may have made some people feel bad about their neglected pet, it may have even caused some owners to make the decision to take their pet to a shelter where it had a chance to be adopted into a home it deserves to have. Hopefully that letter touched at least one dog owner who did not love his/her dog and do something kind by taking it to a shelter.

    Thanks for posting this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Loved the poem.. and it is so very true.I live with 2 rescue kitties and 2 adopted stray ones.Ages range from 2 1/2yrs to 10 mos
    The 'Spay/Neuter' message is so important
    to spread around.

    P.S. I also liked the tag line of Bob Barker
    promoting this important message.Guess I'm
    getting older myself. Hee Hee.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    That poem is so sad. Sad but true. And you now what's weird... while reading that, I was thinking about saying, "That sounds like something Bob Barker would like." I love how he says that at the end of the show too!!!

  5. #5
    Thanks for sharing these Carla. They are wonderful! As soon as I get the other page started that I will be working on I want to include stuff like that. Thank you It is a great reminder for everyone... I just wish certain people would pay attention (meaning the ones that don't have a clue how to take care of animals.)


  6. #6
    Angel, that sounds great to start adding things like that. You really have your work cut out for you. I also mentioned having a page for babies and doggies. Like the Bassett and Baby "First Kiss". Cute huh??
    Glad you liked my pics of JoJo and LuLu , and yes you can see their cute little faces.
    Personalized Pet Mats by Carla

    Carla's Web Page

  7. #7
    I was hoping to get some more posts on this. I know, I know.... there is alot to read.
    Personalized Pet Mats by Carla

    Carla's Web Page

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    perfectpaws, that is a great poem, it's very sad but how true. Thank you for posting it for everybody to see.

  9. #9
    Thanks Jackie
    What does that mean in French??
    Personalized Pet Mats by Carla

    Carla's Web Page

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    It means " The more I see of man, the more I love my dog". I have to remind everybody that is a generalization, does not include my husband.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    here you go abc.....
    let me know what you thought of the letter??

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