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Thread: I exist! It's been a loong time...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    I exist! It's been a loong time...

    Wow, I have not been on here in forever! Being an adult is much harder than I had anticipated at the start.

    I'm halfway through college now and have two majors AND a specialization - it's slowly turning into a race to see if I can actually graduate in 4 years. Hopefully, I'll be coming to Europe summer 2015 for a month-long study abroad (ayyy London and Edinburgh), which is super exciting! I pretty much live up at school year round now, and one of my housemates is getting a dog in the coming months so by extension I'm getting a dog fairly soon (not sure what breed, depends on what breeds are at shelters but she's leaning towards an Italian Greyhound). I'm involved in a ton of volunteer work on top of my 2 jobs and have ended up doing more in the field of graphic design than I ever imagined (esp since I'm not studying/pursuing it).

    I'm now riding dressage when I have time, and have been leasing an incredible gelding named Zeb since August. He's seriously the coolest horse I've ever worked with, and I love dressage! Hoping to enter some rated shows with him this summer - he's trained through 2nd level but I'm not so we'd be showing lower for sure.
    The pets at home are all well - Babs is now 3 years old and finally learning some manners. Sadie and the 3 cats are doing well, a few minor health scares and one torn ACL but they're all senior citizens now so it's kind of to be expected.

    So anyway. This is my life right now. I got to witness the 5th (and 6th) snowday in the 150+ yr history of my university, have spent far too much time trying to keep my car from getting stuck in snow banks, and frequently fall on ice walking to and from class. I also live 2 blocks from where someone was shot and killed a few weeks ago, and failed an exam so badly last week that I could do nothing but laugh and drown my sorrows in the entire first season of Downton Abbey. Long time no talk. How are y'all?
    in on the joke and i cant stop laughing

  2. #2
    Hi Melanie! Good to hear from you! It sounds like you have a lot going on! If you get the time I'd love to see pics of Sadie and Babs!

    Keep up the good work at school!
    Forever in my heart...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Of course! Here are the girlies this past summer

    in on the joke and i cant stop laughing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Great to hear from you, and glad things are going so very well! And hey - if you do end up getting to go to London and Edinburg, you and Miss Z should maybe try to meet up! Wouldn't that be fun!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Sadie and Babs are looking good! Thanks for posting their pics!
    Forever in my heart...


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