Well im new to pettalk. My name is Kenny Knapp. My lil sister KayAnn told me to come here for your guys help. Im not sure what you can do but she says you all have always been there for her. It appears that orion had slipped off the top of the refridgerator while we were gone the other eveing. We took him to the Vet ER and found out he broke his leg. It cant be set back in place so the vet is going to have to perform surgery which is very costly. The ER room bill was already $250 and the surgery is estimated $600-700 for pins and wire. Orion is a very sweet lovable kitten and i would do anything to get him back to normal. If you guys could help that would be great. I feel bad asking for help but im only doing it becouse KayAnn said you guys are great here. I look forward to talking with all of you more often and i will keep you up to date on Orions health. Orion is Honeys playmate and Simbas adopted brother.

Kenny & Lauren
4540 Ontario Drive
New Pork Richey, FL 34652

Hope everyone has a great christmas and a happy newyear. :-)