I know there aren't many of you that can relate to this specifically, given the equipment used for this game, but it should give you a chuckle, anyway!

We have in our house a "stair chair"-my husband's Mom lived with us the last year of her life, and we needed it to transport her on the steps. We didn't remove it; I use it for laundry! The track runs the length of the steps and the transport chair sits at one end or the other until needed. Now, on to the game...

Pinot has a catnip 'mousie' that's her constant companion. Many nights, usually 3 or 4 in the morning, we'd wake to hear Pinot's noise she makes when she carries mousie up or down steps-it's kind of a "meeowwllll" type noise that bounces with each step. We'd hear her come up, then run down quickly, and repeat several times. We found out why. Pinot runs up with mousie in her mouth, making the noise, then puts mousie at the top of the stair chair track and runs down while mousie slides down. Pinot then picks mousie up and does it again several times. It's hysterical. We have an amusement park for a mousie on the steps!!