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Thread: Please visit this thread. I am confused.

  1. #1

    Please visit this thread. I am confused.

    Tanner threw up this morning. He jumped of the bed, shaking and cried. Then he started making this WHOFFEE, WHOFFEE noise, and then he threw up. He thinks I'm mad at him, although I have him in my lap and I'm cooing at him now. I don't know if he's sick, or just had a tummy ache. We did buy a new pack of Dog food recently, but it was the same we always got, just it was bigger. You know, not a puppy mix. He has not been eating any grass recently. Poor guy, he's shaking and whining. If anyone thinks they know why he threw up, please tell me!

  2. #2
    Hey guys,
    He did it again. poor guy. My dad's up now so I told him about it and he exclaimed that he ate a bunch of syrup last night. My sister made pancakes and the homemade syrup spilled. syrup is made form sugar, water, and maple flavoring. Is maple bad for dogs? There he goes again, I'd better get him of the carpet. Sigh.Has anyone visited this thread yet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Just watch him for the day. Don't give him anything to eat right now, to allow his little tummy to calm down (water is alright though). Offer him either a small amount of his normal food, or some chicken and rice for dinner. How old is he? You just changed him from puppy to adult food? I have a friend who switched her dog from puppy to adult (same brand) and he also got sick. He is also a small dog and his digestive tract wasn't ready for the abrupt change. You may try a slow change, mixing 1/4 adult and 3/4 puppy, then slowly increasing the amount of adult food and decreasing the amount of puppy food.

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