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Thread: Impetigo =(

  1. #1

    Impetigo =(

    Been told yesterday I have impetigo. Ive had a very sore rash for the last 2 weeks and finally went to the doctors and hes given me antibiotics and cream.

    my mum is blaming my new pet rat for it, She wants me to get rid of him but I dont think thats going to happen anytime soon!

    Has anyone had this? I know the routine of having you own towels, etc but I've been told its so easy to spread. I wont post photos because I find it very gross to be honest.

    My doctor didnt say if I should stay at home or go to work and today I've been told by the NHS direct that they dont have guidelines for adults because its normally children who get it. Ive been told by my collegues parents that I should stay at home because its very catching. Will it be even with antibiotics?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope it heals fast.

    I'd never heard of it before so I googled it, I understand why you find it gross...sorry

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I had it when I was about 10 or 11. Dr didn't know how it happened to me, only my best friend at school had it at the same time. We were both told we definately could not go to school while the sores (boils? whatever) were apparent. We didn't feel poorly and were aloud to play together so it wasn't really so dreadful in my case. Good luck. There was no mention of any pet being responsible and I had plenty at the time.
    ~ at least I'm not...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Mexico
    I also had to goggle it...... sorry you have it...... hope it clears soon

    this i found on the matter

    another one

    and whatever you do DON´T SCRATCH!!!.......EVER!!!......
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin. It can be very contagious. The sores are similar to chickenpox - initially weepy and then crust over, and extremely itchy. My mom has a friend who got it during cancer treatment because her immune response was down.
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  6. #6

    Sources of impetigo info

    I lived on a farm and impetigo came in with a batch of new chicks we had ordered (or so it seemed). Several handlers, including me, got it. We treated the sores with ammoniated mercury 5% and they healed fairly quickly.

    We were told that it is commonly in the environment and most exposures do not result in skin rashes unless there is a scratch or open sore or wound somewhere. So, it may or may not be from a specific animal. Nonetheless, I'd isolate the suspected animal for a couple of weeks and see if any lesions or hair loss (what it often does to animals who get it as the first symptom) occurs so you can avoid spreading it if the animal is the source.

    We were told not to cover or bandage the sores as the air helps it dry and heal and definitely do not scratch as it will start new sores and spread it. Wash hands and scrub under nails after applying ointment with good hot soapy water and dry thoroughly to decrease problems.

    Hope this helps.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Do you wash your hands after playing with your new pet rat? I have
    never had it but I remember my mom talking about how contagious the
    disease is.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  8. #8
    Thanks everyone.

    Ive isolated him because hes picking on my older rat and is due to be castrated so I will get the vet to answer about if it was him or not.

    I do wash my hands after I touch him too, Im trying to avoid touching them too much atm anyway, I free range them so they can explore on their own.

    It is soo itchy. I've noticed that its gone down slightly from yesterday. Sadly I've been taking photos to see if it does go down.

    just read the leaflet inside the ointment box and it says I can apply the cream 4 times and on the box it says 3. I think I will apply 4 tonight I feel like my skin in bubbling from underneath

    Sorry to moan on, I cant talk to many other people without being told I'm diseased.. Mature friends!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    If the cream was a prescription you should only use it the number of times your doc tells you to. They take things like your body size and the severity of the lesions into account when they decide how much to prescribe I hope that it gets better soon!
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  10. #10
    If the itching is driving you crazy in between applications of medicine, you can get 91% isopropyl alcohol (it's right next to the 75% in the drugstore) and soak a gauze pad with it, then put it on the lesion for 3 minutes. It gets the nerve endings "drunk" and knocks out the itch. Works for mosquito bites too!

    Love, Columbine

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    columbine is right about the alcohol...also try a paste of baking soda and water on the sore, and let it dry. That really helps itches too.

    Baking soda in bath water may help too.

    HUGS - I hope you are better soon!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  12. #12
    Thanks. I will definatly try the baking soda, Ive just come home from work and I know I have some of that here somewhere.

    Im scared to put alcohol on it, sounds painful!

    Its going down quite a bit so hopefully it will be gone soon, its not as itchy as yesterday but my work clothes have been rubbing so its more sore than itchy.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Clare, MI
    The alchol isn't so bad. I had it back in March and was advised not to go to work because it can be contagious. I used alchol and it did sting, but it also help with some of the swelling.

    A positive attitude may not solve allyour problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.-Herm Albright

  14. #14
    I had that when I was a baby. My parents brought me to the kiddy pool in the park. Well little did my folks know, but the water was pumped in from the canal where all the boats dock... I got it on my butt. I wasn't allowed to wear a diaper. Of course my folks had to take nudes of me lol Mom is laying in the grass & I'm in one of those round tobogins incase I pottied.. it was easier to clean up in that hehe

    My dad still reminds me about it... I remember when you had to be a naked baby cause you got that nasty butt rash Dads

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Oh Holly, sorry to hear about this. I didn't know what it was, either. Glad to hear it is healing for you!


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