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Thread: Help with Terrier (Cross Patterdale/Lakeland)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Scotland, UK

    Red face Help with Terrier (Cross Patterdale/Lakeland)

    We have had Skye for a just over a year, since she was eight weeks old. She is a brilliant, intelligent dog, but we are still have problems with her 'escaping' if anyone leaves the outside door open on leaving or entering the house, and she turns this into a game when we try to get her back. There are so many dogs in the area she loves to go and visit. The neighbours so far have been really understanding, but for how long! When we take her for a walk we can let her off the lead and she comes back on recall. The problem only arises at home. Also due to my parents having been ill and unable to look after her during the day when we are at work, we have built a run and kennel in the garden at the back for her during the day. She has only been in the kennel for two days. The first day was a nightmare for the neighbours with her whining and barking, however we have great neighbours, who are also doggy people and they said she was much better today. Will this just take time for her to adjust? Would appreciate any tips or advice. We love her to bits, and she is such a great character.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austria, Europe

    Leaving the house

    Hi, i think it could get dangerous some day, so i would try to make her understand that she must not go out alone. I would go out and take her back in, without a word, ignore her playing or jumping, just take her back into the house. Go out with her and play with her but never when she walked out alone. Just ignore her happy behaviour when she left the house alone. Play only with her when you decided to go out. After some time she should see that it is only fun for her to go out when you allow it.
    I hope it works!
    All the best
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    Make sure she has lots of things to occupy her when she is in the kennel.

    Have you thought of putting a dog gate just inside the front door so if it is left open she still can't get out. I used to do that with my Patterdale (aren't they great dogs ). There was enough space to open the door but Tobey had to stay behind his gate to watch what was going on - now he just responds to the word "stay" but we are still vigilant about the door being opened
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