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Thread: Weirdest thing your dog does?

  1. #1

    Weirdest thing your dog does?

    Yay, more posts by me. Whats the weirdest thing your dog does?
    Josie does sort of a 'break' dance thingie..its so cute lol! she rolls on her back, stops for a minute, looks at me, snots, then rolls again. Its not that weird, but its cute as heck!

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Cody, my family dog, has a strange trick. Like all our dogs, he is taught to get in between me and an "attacker". This is not a violent thing, he just sort of gets in the way of someone hitting me.

    Anyway . . . If I put a pillow on my head and hit at it and cry, Cody will come running and pull the pillow off my head. After that, of course, he wants to eat the pillow, but we won't let him. I'm not sure how I figured out this "trick". I must have been a really bored kid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pennsylvania, USA
    Dusty is a tail chaser! He will chase his tail around and around until he gets soooo dizzy that he falls over!

    When Dixie gets wet she will roll in the grass. That in its self is not that weird but it goes on and on. She starts on one side of the yard and ends up in the neighbors yard sometimes. I have to keep an eye on her so she doesn't wiggle somewhere it would hurt! We call her Wiggle Butt very affectionately!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Simba is just weird period.... I think the weirdest thing is how he acts like a human. Like the other night, we were all sitting out on the porch... Simba came out and instead of laying on the floor he jumped up in one of our chairs!

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Jake, my golden, loves water so much, he will get in the empty bathtub! Sometimes, I just find him standing in there in the dark, looking so happy. I think he's trying to tell me something (I'm ready to go swimming, or I'm thirsty, perhaps).

    He will also climb in the shower with you, unannounced, and try to swim in an inch or two of tub water.

    Addie, my lab-mix, loves to play with grapes. She will toss around the same grape until her brother, Jake, comes in. In his presence, she knows to eat it or she'll lose it to him.

    Addie likes to sleep under the bed. This isn't all that strange, but she is a lab-pit mix and 60 lbs, so it's quite a squeeze.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Hmm lets see...they do many weird things but I can't think of much at the moment...

    Reggie will jump on basically anything I tell him to when I say "hup." He likes to jump on the toilet while I get ready in the mornings or whatever. He'll just sit there all day until I leave. We used to have an old picnic table on our deck. Reggie would go out there and sit on it all day long. Like he was the king of the valley or something.

    He will howl when he's happy, or howl on command...I guess it's not really all that weird but it's cute. He has a high pitched puppy type howl, and sometimes he'll do it in little howls all together and it sounds like he's singing. He also growls at everything...when he's happy also. Hrm, especially when he's attacking "The Mouse." lol Also snorts/snores. Oh, and he has a foot obsession. I don't get it, but he just *loves* to sit on peoples feet. I guess it comes in handy in the winter lol.

    Whenever we go fishing, Smokey likes to fish also. We'll put the fish in the water on the stringer, and Smokey will go in after them and bring them to shore. Reggie does this too, but not as much as Smokey. Sometimes the dogs will find a root or something sticking up in the water and thick its an ordinary stick. We have videos of Smokey tugging as hard as he can to drag a root from a lake lol.

    Oh here's a strange thing. My dogs go nuts when people are digging. Like when we were digging out a place to put a shed at our mountain property. While shoveling, Reggie will dig the shovel and bite it, and dig all the dirt off the shovel. He just barks his head off, and digs all over. I don't quite get it. He also decided that this one particular area of dirt belonged to him. He would growl and bark at Smokey if he tried to walk in

    Smokey *loves* to unwrap presents. We always find one or two presents unwrapped a few times before christmas...he sneaks under the tree to get them.

    Ok I could probably think of many more things that they do that are much stranger then this but...I'm tired, heh. Rachel (countrywolf) can you think of other things I've told you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Hmmm...the weirdest thing Anna has done.. I think.... is.. her sneezing fit! She would sneeze 10 times in a row.. or even more.. it's amusing to watch her twitching her nose and eye everytime she sneezes, it's cute and funny. Let's see.. the weirdest thing Rosie has done.. I think.. how she'll go after grass.. if I have a piece of grass, she'll go nuts, trying to eat it right out of my hand...
    Hey Amy.. You forgot how Reggie likes to watch himself on the video or look at pictures of himself on the computer... and Smokey being a escape artist at the age of 16.. usually dogs around that age don't run away that often, lol.. - Rachel
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Originally posted by CountryWolf07
    Hmmm...the weirdest thing Anna has done.. I think.... is.. her sneezing fit! She would sneeze 10 times in a row.. or even more.. it's amusing to watch her twitching her nose and eye everytime she sneezes, it's cute and funny. Let's see.. the weirdest thing Rosie has done.. I think.. how she'll go after grass.. if I have a piece of grass, she'll go nuts, trying to eat it right out of my hand...
    Hey Amy.. You forgot how Reggie likes to watch himself on the video or look at pictures of himself on the computer... and Smokey being a escape artist at the age of 16.. usually dogs around that age don't run away that often, lol.. - Rachel
    Smokey sneezes a lot too. He sneezes when he is happy. It's quite odd....I guess it's an excitement sneeze.

    Yeah Reggie does like to look at himself on screens....hey did you like that video of him going nuts watching himself attack the mouse on the tv? lol.

    Oh here's the weird thing....Reggie playing tag. There's a sharpei/lab mix that lives behind us. They sniff eachother though the fence and run back and forth as fast as they can. I don't get it, but they sure think it's fun!

  9. #9
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    Off to the races....
    Cincy is just a nut, and we never quite know what she will do. One day, she ran barking at the window, and jumped onto the sill and was standing against the window...then she fell over backward!

    Sadie will lay down in the swimming pool and actually put her entire head under the water! She also lets me carry her around like a 65 lb baby, sleeps under the covers and sleeps sitting up inthe car doing "the head bob"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Wimberley, Texas
    The weird thing about Checotah is that she has one blue eye and one brown. This in itself isn't that strange, but sometimes at night when she's not coming back from her potty run as soon as I'd like, I will shine a flashlight around the yard to find her. When the light catches her eyes, the blue one glows red and the brown one glows green! Spooky!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by sisterdog
    The weird thing about Checotah is that she has one blue eye and one brown. This in itself isn't that strange, but sometimes at night when she's not coming back from her potty run as soon as I'd like, I will shine a flashlight around the yard to find her. When the light catches her eyes, the blue one glows red and the brown one glows green! Spooky!
    I always found that intreuging. Human eyes get that 'red eye' with camera flashes no matter what the color eye.

    But animals with light colored eyes glow red, but dark colors will glow green or blue.

    I wonder why that is... Anyone know?

    Kia's eyes will glow red even in low light if she's excited. It tends to scare people that don't know her.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just HOW DO YOU solve a problem like Maria?
    Well let's see the weirdest thing that Smudge does would have to be the running around in circles thing trying to dry himself off whenever he gets is he going to be funny this weekend then, other then that it's his prancing run that he does when he gets really excited and his lame attempt at howling

    Winter well Winter's a border collie so she's a freak to begin with, but she likes to guard the bathroom door and heard the ants in the front's weird

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    Hey Amy - Yeah.. I loved the video.. lol Hilarious! I know, I know, I know! I need to send out that tape.. gotta talk to dad about it in a bit! - Rach
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    Originally posted by ramanth

    I always found that intreuging. Human eyes get that 'red eye' with camera flashes no matter what the color eye.

    But animals with light colored eyes glow red, but dark colors will glow green or blue.

    I wonder why that is... Anyone know?

    I read about that somewhere and right now I can't remember where. I will have to think on it and see if I can find it again. Seems like it is something to do with the way the light is reflect...what color "cones" are dominate. And if I remember right it changes throught the development of the dog. Puppies are usually reflect blue, and as the dog gets older it turns more green? I will reall have to see if I can remember where I read about it to make sure my facts are right....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Altoona, Pennsylvania
    The wierdest thing Patience does is chew on bricks and rocks. Her teeth are so worn down. When I first got her a couple years ago, I noticed that four of her teeth weren't fully grown. At the time I wondered what happened. I just assumed that she didn't get proper nutrition when her teeth were growing. Now I know the real reason. She also hated my one dog and would occasionally rip into him. She gave him all she had but she was never able to break skin. All this chewing on bricks and such are only going to make her teeth worse. I keep telling her she's going to lose all her teeth doing this, but she doesn't listen.
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    "Anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been, nothing takes my breath away like my front porch looking in." - Lonestar

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