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Thread: OK so we're going out of town for 6 days....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juneau, Alaska

    OK so we're going out of town for 6 days....

    and someone will be checking on the babies at least once a day.... make sure they are fed and watered and clean litter box and lovings.....

    What can I do to make it less traumatizing....?? Any ideas?

    We leave Wednesday and will be back late Monday night....

    ~~~Rachel in Alaska
    Mom to "Max, Milo and Pepper Ann" 11.5 month old Teenagers
    updated 10/30/02

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Oh, I hope you have a good time wherever you are going!

    Since your babies will be at home in their environment, they'll probably be just fine. Especially if you have someone coming everyday!
    I'm sure the 'cat-sitter' will be adored if she or he lavishes treats for the kitties and plays with them. That should keep them active and happy. Is this their first time 'home-alone'??!!

    Have a good trip!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juneau, Alaska
    Yup they've never been home alone before. I need to make a list of their quirks... like if you can't find Max, look under my bed... if you give them treats Milo likes to be hand fed her treat....

    Im debating on keeping the shades open or closed... I kinda want them left opened at least part way for my plants... we leave the bottom pulled up like a foot cause all 3 love to sit and watch the kids and baseball games...

    My BIL lives next door so Im not worried about being robbed....

    We're going up to Skagway (Alaska) for a school trip and then going up to Whitehorse (Canada) for a family trip for the weekend....

    ~~~Rachel in Alaska
    Mom to "Max, Milo and Pepper Ann" 11.5 month old Teenagers
    updated 10/30/02

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    That sounds like a lot of fun!! Hope you have a wonderful time! Any chance you'll be dropping down into northern California from Alaska??!! LOL LOL Just kidding...

    Leaving a list of their quirks and how much food to feed daily is a good idea, and any emergency numbers to post on the refrigerator.
    We usually close most of our doors, so the kitties don't accidentally get locked in a room, or have access to rooms with lots of stuff to chew on (like the computer room!).
    For the windows, when we leave, we usually have the blinds pulled up enough for the kitties to look out the window. Because, if we leave them all the way down, Marius has this tendency to climb inbetween and through the blinds, which really bends them out of shape! So, having them open partway is a good idea
    I also usually put out extra water bowls.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juneau, Alaska
    Good idea!! I will be sure to put more food out and def more water dishes... right now they have 2 One HUGE one and one smaller one (from when they were little babies)

    I will some how prop open my bedroom and their bedroom... if dh finishes cleaning our room (I have plastic bags with clothes they love to play on and I think it's too dangerous w/o someone there all the time). I will make sure the bathroom doors and garage doors oh and Joey's room is closed....

    They dont have a chewing problem but Im going to round up all 30 of their mice (some how they get strewn all over the place, you'd be amazed at where I find them) and other toys

    ~~~Rachel in Alaska
    Mom to "Max, Milo and Pepper Ann" 11.5 month old Teenagers
    updated 10/30/02

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Do you have an article of clothing you wear around the house that you wouldn't mind getting covered with cat hair? (I know, tall order!) Maybe if you left something that carries your scent next to where your kitties sleep you could trick them into thinking you're still around the house...I've heard it sometimes works with babies; heck, what's the harm in trying?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden
    Hope you have a fun time on your trip

    I don't really have any advice for you, just be sure you tell them that you will be back soon and tell them when and all (you'd be surprised of how much they understand).

    Please sign my guestbook if you have the time

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juneau, Alaska
    Im leaving our bedroom door open and their bedroom door open as they like to sleep in both rooms LOL I was gonna wash the bedding, now Im not so sure it's a good idea.... :/

    ~~~Rachel in Alaska
    Mom to "Max, Milo and Pepper Ann" 11.5 month old Teenagers
    updated 10/30/02

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Originally posted by Lachesis
    ...Im going to round up all 30 of their mice ...
    30!!! LOL LOL
    Spoiled little kids...!!!
    But of course they're spoiled! How could anyone resist those adorable faces!! Give them more mooshie head squishes and big slurpy kisses for me!

    Yes, it's probably a good idea to wait to wash the bedding until you get back from the trip. That way your babies will have familiar comforting smells

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockport. England
    Rachel - don't wash the bedding!! That will be such a comfort for the furbabies.
    Have a wonderful holiday - really enjoy yourself and come back refreshed. We'll all be waiting for you.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I'm thinking that they will be just fine!! It is you that I'm worried about!! LOL!!! I'm the same way, myself, but much more comfortable leaving the cats than I am the dogs. The cats sleep, eat and hunt.....and they come in and out like clockwork. My petsitter comes twice a day, but only because of the dogs and now the birds.

    Have a great trip and imagine the joy you will have walking back in the door!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Istanbul, Turkey
    I think they are going to be fine. Once we left Karamel for 4-5 days. He was about 4 months old then. My parents were checking up on him and playing with him. They said he was quite fine. Since its their home they will be quite comfy. Also the vet tols us you can live your cats completely alone for 2 days if you live enough food and water. And if they are 2 or more cats together they will keep each other company too. Don't worry.

    Maybe it's silly but we had left a hall light on for him (It maybe needles because cats can see in the dark, can't they?)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Israeli living in Lisle ,IL
    we will be leaving our babies in a week time for 25 days! I'm sure I'll go crazy missing them, but I know I'm leaving them under good care (a girl I met through an Israeli cat forum will take care of them) ... I'll leave them an extra litter box, lots of toys, extra water bowl and I'll leave a radio on so it won't be too quiet here.

    I'm writting a letter to the sitter with all places they like to hide, and phone numbers of anywhere I can be reached, My parents, my vet... and I have my cat cam so Ican maybe see them as well!!!

    I'm sure they will be fine, but I'm still worried they will hate me when I come back...

  14. #14
    We were gone for about 4 days on vacation and we left the kitties by theirselves without anyone checking on them. They had plenty of water and food...but when we got home they were mad at us. A few things on the floor that weren't suppose to be...that kind of thing. Needless to say they wanted outside!
    Have fun on your vacation and goodluck!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juneau, Alaska

    Good news! Update on leaving....

    My friend Debbie and her son Chris are coming over daily to play with the kitties and really spend time with them. They both love the kittens and are the type of ppl who never go home but this is a good thing this time!!

    I feel so much better!!

    ~~~Rachel in Alaska
    Mom to "Max, Milo and Pepper Ann" 11.5 month old Teenagers
    updated 10/30/02

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