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Thread: Little Help Please...

  1. #1

    Little Help Please...

    Hi all, hope you can help me. I adopted a Beagle/Pitbull mix from the local shelter, he's still sort of a puppy, 7 mos old. That's why I'd like help, I can still train him the right way. Here are my problems:
    1) If I leave the apartment and don't put him in the bathroom, he'll look for whatever he can find to chew on. But only if I leave him alone. He already has a few toys, but he'll still try to find something expensive to chew on. Is there anything I can do about that? Will I ever be able to leave him alone, without putting him in the bathroom?
    2) I have an SUV. He usually sits on the backseat with his head out the window to catch the breeze. Today he whimpered when we drove by a park, and squeezed his way out of my car window while the car was moving!? Now, I walk him quite a bit, so I know it's not me neglecting to walk him. Should I just move him to the far back of the SUV with no windows and not let him get on the back seat?
    3) How do I get him to stop jumping on my bed?

    I know these are all really silly questions...but that's why I'm here. Hope you can help. Thanks in advance....
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ontario Canada
    I'm new here and I understand where you are coming from... You may have to crate your dog while you go out so he understands you are the boss and not him...
    I have a 2 month old puppy who loves to nip.. he's very intelligent though... I hated like heck to have to get him a crate but finally gave in... Now if he nips he goes to his crate.. I close the door but I don't shut it tight.. He understands that if he bites he goes in there.. I don't have him sleep in there though as he sleeps beside my bed on the floor with his big furry blanket.. he doesn't move from there.. He's a very bright puppy.
    As for the truck?? maybe resort to putting him in the very back and get the dog barriers to put back there.. Better to have a safe dog than an injured one..
    You'll have to work very hard on showing your dog who is boss as pit bulls have a mind of their own..
    Good luck on your endeavours..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    I would recommend you crate train him.A crate can be his own place.something like THIS.
    As for the SUV,you can put a crate in the back or get a barrier so he cant get into the backseat,or just keep the windows closed.
    I'm sure someone can give you better advice. Cute pup btw!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ontario Canada
    I would advise that if you do decide to crate train him to make sure you do it while you are there with him for the day..Then gradually get him used to you being away for about 5 or 10 minutes and make the times longer each day so it doesn't stress him out.. If he becomes stressed it may undo his housebreaking duties...

  5. #5
    Thanks guys. I'm definitely going to start putting him in the back of the truck. I'll look for a way of keeping him back there.
    As far as the crate goes. I would use a crate to teach him where to go when I'm gone, right? After a while, after he learns, I could even take the crate away, right?
    I also have another question. Everytime I'm walking Lou around the neighborhood and he sees another dog, he starts whimpering really loud and crying. I think he really wants to play, but should I let him? So far I haven't let him have contact with any other dogs, but that's more out of respect for the other person. I don't know how many people are comfortable with me allowing my dog to get close to theirs, you know?
    So what do you recommend? Right now I just tell him to sit down and stay put, while holding his collar (he's also leashed to my wrist). Should I let him go play, or could he be crying because he's scared? (I don't think so because he gets really excited and wants to run at the other dog)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Definatley crate train him! He won't be able to chew anything and will be comfortable. You can come home worry free. About the SUV problem, don't open the window when he is in the car with you. Luckily this incedient wasn't fatal but it can be. Or get him a car harness or just put him in a crate in the back of the car. When he is in the SUV DON'T leave him unrestrianed. I don't really know about the bed thing sorry.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yes, if you crate-train him, eventually you can get rid of the crate - but he'll probably still reagrd that spot, if it's somewhat protected, as his safe spot anyway, crate or no crate.

    He's still a puppy, so he will chew, so crate with plenty of toys should safeguard your budget!

    I would ask the other dog owner if it is okay for the two dogs to meet, and if so, let them, this way he will be socialized with other dogs, which is something you definitely want. For now, just keep him on the leash, so you can easily control him, just as you don't know yet how he'll react.

    Hope this helps!

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Lou Dog

    I would first time out if the other dog has had all it's shots.. Just to be on the safe side.... If they haven't I don't allow my pup near them.. I know mine hasn't which is is the reason I don't... Or if I see their dog pulling to come see mine I just walk the other way.. Sorry I'm very protective of my baby here..

  10. #10
    yes, but isn't it important to socialize my dog with other dogs?
    i don't think i can keep him away from other dogs for much longer, he's really going crazy to go play. he cries SO loud when other dogs are around him...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    its very important for him to socialize.If he isnt socialized,he could become dog aggressive.( which is what happened with my dalmatian...).Let him play and socialize with other dogs.Like Karen said,make sure its alright with the owner. Good luck!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have had good luck with a wire type barrier for keeping my dogs in the back of the SUV. With that, I can still open the windows so that they can get the fresh air and not have to worry about them escaping. The only problem I have had with it is to make sure I have a good hold on them as soon as I open the tailgate so that they don't jump down and run off. It's also much safer than the back seat...just think about what would happen if you had an accident while the pup's head was out the window...ouch; or even flying forward to or through the windshield if he's being good and just sleeping on the backseat. It's the same reason you restrain yourself, isn't it?

    Maybe to socialize with other dogs, it would be better to go to a puppy obedience class or something, where all the other puppy/dog owners have the same goal as far as socialization. Neighborhood dogs may be expected to guard their people or territories and you would ruin their training by socializing with the puppy.

    As far as keeping him off the bed, he just needs to learn that he has his own place, which can be the crate as others have recommended, but it can be any place you decide it is. Just make sure he knows 'no' or 'off' so that you can correct him when he tries to get up and just put him in the right place and praise him for staying there when he is good. Do not give him any kind of attention when he's on the bed. Just move him from that spot and set him down without rewarding or fussing and reward when he goes to his bed.

    My Maggie tries to sneak on the bed all the time, but whenever I catch her there and tell her 'off the bed' she knows that she has to get off and find somewhere else to nap (her favorite pasttime).

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ontario Canada
    Don't get me wrong.. I do socialize him.. BUT only if I know the person and I know the persons dog has had it's shots.. The avoidance was on the advice of the vet. There are 5 dogs in my family and he does socialize with them.. But only because I know they've been vaccined..


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