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Thread: Tails From Texas

  1. #1

    Tails From Texas

    Thursday April 11th. my husband and I arrived in Dallas ( IT IS BIG). We got settled in the hotel room/suite - a very nice one that lbaker suggested. It had a kitchen even with real dishes, a couch chair & tables and more chairs. Oh it also had a queen size bed.

    Aly was already in town and left me a message she was trying to work around the hotel video cameras to get both Reece & Lolly in the hotel without being seen! She was a pro by the time we left thats for sure. Also Aly had many, many suitcases for her babies to haul in. We left the pups with my husband and went to pick up burgers & fries at the burger joint. On the way back we could see the hotel but we were on the wrong side SOOO Aly made some fancy turns around about 10 lanes of traffic and we got back to the hotel. I was only a bit afraid.............LOL

    Before I leave off for the next person to write I want to say that I have never seen two dogs more in love with their mama than Reece ( < I wish you could see the grin this dog wears) & Lolly and they are both very nice.
    to be cont. will also post some pics when I figure it out. sammi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa

    Hi ! I was hopeing for something like this, a real lowdown
    on the goings on at the Pet Talk meeting.
    I'm sorry that I was not able to attend, but hope to live
    the experience vicariously thru your posts. Bet you guys
    had a ball !!! As for Aly & the suitcases, can't say I'm too
    suprised. Will look forward to more posts & pics
    when you get the time. Thanks Sammi. Liz & Buddy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    We, in turn, arrived mid-day on Friday. It was startling how warm it was, as it had been cold enough for us to have to scrape frost off our car windows before heading to the airport that morning. We got to the hotel, and eventually met up with Aly and Laurie in Sammi (Molly)'s hotel room. We also at that point met the wiggly and instantly friendly Reese, and the shy-at-first Lolly.

    I say shy-at-first, because she came out of her shell more and more as the weekend progressed, to the extent that I actually saw the snarling, growly "real" Lolly playing on Sunday! Reese, however, is a "leaner" and though they are Momma's doggies, he'd share his affection with anyone, even Chuck who is a "cat person!"

    We all quickly introduced ourselves, and were pretty quickly on an old-friends-catching-up basis, instead of a strangers who have just met basis, which was nice! Later that day Chuck arrived, with Spencer and Miss Vicky. Some tense moments resulted (Lolly: "But I just wanna PLAY with that kitty Momma! Why can't I, huh?" Miss Vicky: "I don't know you, I don't like you, and if you sniff much closer, that nosy nose's gonna be hurtin' ...") But with much careful supervision - we humans DID outnumber the furry ones - bloodshed was avoided!

    Okay, somebody add on from here ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    Early morning walkies with Aly, Reese and Lolly started the days off beautifully The picnic on Friday evening was hysterical.... with flying cole slaw and feeling like we all had known each other forever. On Saturday a few of us visited the little town of Grapevine and it is charming and Chuck/Spencer, Karen, Paul & I could have spent hours there poking through the little shops and exploring but rains were coming and we needed to get back to the group to plan our dinner for later. More later about the "food fight" Aly and I got into at the TrailDust Sitting around Sammi/Molly and Mike's room with the pups, the cats, the people......... and a good time was had by all (except maybe Spencer who spent most of the time studying the underside of the bed ) That's Spencer the cat sillies Laurie
    Last edited by lbaker; 05-07-2002 at 08:40 AM.

  5. #5
    backtracken to Friday - On Friday morning/noon the rest of the gang started showing up at the hotel. As Karen stated we all got introduced and started gabbing. A picnic was decided for the afternoon so Karen and I sent our husbands off with a strange woman (and that would be Laurie B) to the grocery store (us pet lovers are a trusting bunch)! LOL
    Well they returned with tons of food and all the paper plates etc. you would need for a outside picnic. (In fact Spencer should have some of those plastic go cups left for the next get together maybe even some cookies??? compliments of Paul). Spencer showed up with a plate (very large plate I might add) of those chicken something and they were good. Deli cold cuts and salads and chips were served at poolside outdoors. It was nice out with a brisk breeze and that caused some trouble with a couple of the coldslaw eaters (I think they can explain that better).

    The evening was spent visiting. OK YOU GUYS ADD SOMEMORE!!!!!!!! we will get to Sat. night and the good part about those who lost their ties (ohhhhhhh they were ugly)LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I can't say anything about the tie cutting ceremony because I missed it all while I was trying to figure out Chuck's camera DOH!!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

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