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Thread: Is this a flea?! *update: still itchy*

  1. #1

    Is this a flea?! *update: still itchy*

    So Clover is still really itchy. She is always biting at the side of her belly by the top of her leg or scratching. She seems very uncomfortable. I've been checking for flea's, haven't seen any since she was treated. I feel by now the bites should be going away. I don't feel Zeke is near as itchy. I've been giving them both allergy meds for about 3-4 days now. I hate seeing her uncomfortable. Could it be something else? Should I do something else? I don't want to give her a bath since she was treated with Advantage recently. Is it normal to still be sooo itchy? She was never itchy like this before I found the flea.
    */end update*

    So the dogs have been pretty itchy lately. Zeke is always itchy. He has a skin thing. So I didn't think much of it. But Clover has also been itchy the last few days. I didn't think much of it. I thought maybe dry skin or something. Her leg would go crazy whenever I scratched her so I thought maybe I'll look for fleas or bites.

    I found this crawling on her!

    Pleassse tell me this isn't a flea D: I've never had fleas on my dogs before so this is pretty gross!

    Urg. So what do I do to get rid of them? How do they get them in winter? Wouldn't being outside be too cold? Will they live in my sheets? Clover's been sleeping on my bed...I'm thinking of them crawling on my when I sleep. Will just a plain wash get rid of them? (they don't live on ppl do they?)

    How long will it take for them to die? I found some Advantage in my cupboard. I have no idea how old it is. It doesn't seem to have an expiration date. Could be a year old? Could be more or less? Can I still use it? I'll get more stuff tomorrow. Should I bath/flea collar them or will the advantage be enough?

    Sorry for the all the questions. I feel so bad for the dogs not looking into this sooner! They have never been a problem. Can they jump from person to person? My nieces cats apparently have them pretty bad. I never saw her or the cat recently but I did see my sister over the holidays (who had been to see the cats)

    I feel bugs crawling all over me now!
    Last edited by Sowa; 01-09-2013 at 07:13 PM.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  2. #2
    So I just read advantage doesn't expire if it's in the tube, with the seal unbroken. It's still in the originally packaging in the box so I'm going to go put it on all of them right now. Lucky I have just the right amount. 2 large ones and a small one for the cat

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yup, looks like a flea ... I would definitely wash blankets and sheets, and anywhere she has been lying ... and sprinkle any carpets with flea powder and vacuum ... they can get in the carpets and it becomes a nightmare! And yes, they will bite people - my sister once had a house that had fleas in the carpet when she moved in, and as she is allergic to flea bites, before they realized it, her skin looked like someone attacked her with a big pink marker making polka dots!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    THAT IS A FLEA, FOR SURE!!! I am just getting rid of a flea infestation. Three months of fighting them! I hadn't seen a flea in nearly 20 years and BAM, fleas! I am told the same by many, hadn't had fleas in years and now they have them. We had no winter last year, that's why I suppose they were so bad this year. My dogs were on Frontline for the summer but I have never used flea meds on my cats because they don't go outside. It always worked, until now.
    Treat the dogs and cat and wash all their bedding, vacuum frequently and throw out the bag. Good luck.
    Forever in my heart...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    All the pets, all year long

    I usually buy the largest size Frontline Plus and give it out according to size of animal. I buy it on Ebay and it is much cheaper. They give you a siringe with a plunger, a little bottle and the encased Frontline Plus as you would buy at the store. I empty the encased stuff, one by one, as needed, into the little bottle. I keep it all in the fridge. Works for me. BUT I do it all year long! No breaks. NO FLEAS either.

    P.S. I do the same for the cats, with cat worthy Frontline Plus.
    Last edited by sasvermont; 01-05-2013 at 08:31 AM.

  6. #6
    She was on the couch for a few minutes the other day. How would I clean that? Just vacuum? What about my truck? I guess it's too cold for them to live out there anyway.

    How long will it take them to die after I've put the treatment on them?

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Yep that be a flea. Ugh.

    You asked how long it will take. That depends on what you used. Here, refer to this chart:

    As you will see, some products kill adult fleas, some also kill the larvae. Some stop reproduction others do not.

    BTW, keep an eye out for a few hours in case any of the pets has a reaction to the product. Oh, and be sure what you apply on a cat is FOR a cat; many of the dog formulas are toxic to cats, and vice versa.

    Here is another chart:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Fleas are terrible and a constant battle in Florida. I have tried many topical products but none of them have worked. I have been trying a combination of things. My current ammo is bathing the dogs weekly, Comfortis, and spraying the yard/house with Ortho home defense. So far I have been winning.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  9. #9
    The vet told me to continue treating with advantage for 3 months and that should solve the problem. I'm going to wash everything and vacuum. Is there anyway to tell if the tube is for cats or dogs? I just bought some specific cat stuff and put on him. But I have another small bottle that wasn't in a box so I'm not sure if it's cat or dog. The tube looks similar to the one I just bought. Maybe has a different color but they both say Advantage 18. Neither of them say it's for cats. Just the box it comes in.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Never used that brand; is there a toll free phone to call and ask? Maybe on the box of the other tube, or online? Or maybe your vet office staff will know?

  11. #11
    Also do I NEED to use a powder on my carpets to kill the fleas? I live in a pretty big house, with a lot of carpet. The vacuuming alone takes a while. Also I don;t have flea powder, and my vet didn't recommend anything to me.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  12. #12
    Wow I am so mad at my sister and niece. My nieces cats have had fleas for months now. She doesn't care. She told me my dogs couldn't have gotten fleas from her cats because cat fleas and dog fleas aren't the same and they won't travel between the 2 Anyway, I told my sister to treat her cats to be safe. She basically said she didn't care and what's the big deal about fleas? I feel so bad for my nieces cats. Can you imagine being itchy ALL the time? Zeke has been rubbing himself against the trees to relieve himself and Clover's paw goes crazy when I scratch her. Obviously they're very uncomfortable. I can't imagine owning a pet, loving it. And then not caring when it's sick or uncomfortable. They said it's too expensive to treat so they're just not going to. they feed it crappy food and won't neuter them or take it to the vet. WHY do people like this feel the need to own an animal?!

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    It can take a few months to fully "de-flea" the home. Reason being is there are a couple different life-stages that fleas go through, the most annoying and resistant is the pupae stage. They can live in this stage for MONTHS in your home in the furniture, carpet, etc, and will hatch when conditions are right. I strongly recommend leaving your pets on a flea preventative for at LEAST three months straight as well as vigorous vacuuming and washing of everything that can be washed. Daily vacuuming is key with emptying the waste into a dumpster OUTSIDE of the house.

    At my clinic we have been seeing a TON of pets who have been on Frontline religiously come in infested with fleas. I see you're using Advantage so that, to my knowledge, is still working fine.

    Good luck!

    Also, there is no difference between cat and dog fleas. Ctenocephalides felis is the scientific name for the common flea, but just because it's falled "felis" does NOT mean they are exclusive to felines. They affect both cats AND dogs.

    Another edit to add... DO NOT USE PRODUCT FOR DOGS ON YOUR CATS unless it is specifically marked to do so. If you're unsure if its marketed for cats or dogs, DO NOT USE IT. Some products have feline and canine specific lines and if you use the wrong product on the wrong pet, you can have serious side effects or even death. Your best bet is to purchase new product that you know which species it is for!!!!


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Sowa View Post
    Is there anyway to tell if the tube is for cats or dogs? I just bought some specific cat stuff and put on him. But I have another small bottle that wasn't in a box so I'm not sure if it's cat or dog. The tube looks similar to the one I just bought. Maybe has a different color but they both say Advantage 18. Neither of them say it's for cats. Just the box it comes in.
    I have a few tubes of Advantage for cats that someone gave me. It's for small cats and I can only use it on Tessa. It says Advantage small cat on the tube and on the foil on back it says [For Use ONLY on Cats weighing 5 to 9 lbs.]

    This flea infestation has set me back well into the hundreds of dollars! I thought it was great when I didn't have to pay a natural gas bill this past summer due to the mild winter last year. The money I'm now spending on Frontline and a lot of washing and vacuum bags far exceeds what I saved on my gas bill! Thank goodness we have cold and snow now!
    Forever in my heart...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm sorry to hear that this has happened. All of my cats are indoor only so I used to think that I wouldn't ever need to use flea treatments on them. Well I was very wrong. California has very mild winters so fleas can live all year long. I also live in a condo complex so if my neighbors pet has fleas, then they can just jump onto the hallway carpet and get into my condo. I now use advantage year round on all of my cats. I've been buying the largest dog size and then I measure it out according to how much my cats weigh. One of my former vets recommended this to me to help save me money. I buy it online from They have many sales on it throughout the year. Ever since I've been using it, I've never had any more fleas. I hope that you'll be able to get rid of them quickly. Good luck.

    I also wanted to mention to you that many fleas carry tapeworm so you also need to be on the lookout for this. If you ever see something on your pet or in their bedding that looks like rice, then it's probably tapeworm. Your pet would then need be treated for it. My cat Sky got them before I adopted him because he had been treated for fleas but not tapeworm. I later had to treat him with drontal pills and then retreat him a few weeks later. Hopefully the fleas you have don't carry tapeworm.


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