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Thread: Pheramone dog collars

  1. #1

    Pheramone dog collars

    I raise rough collies. One of them has a tenseness- very sensitive. I think the Lyme vaccination did this- or the tick disease she has had. In any case I have been told that the DAP collars can help. Any advice?We have 4 collies. She is the only one that has developed this, but the other 2 adults never got the vaccination. She is very sweet and loved being a mother. They live in the house with us and have a very good life. I feed them "Taste Of The Wild, Bison" dog food. Thanks,Linda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Did she get Lyme disease before she got the vaccination? A little confused about the sequence of events here! What do you mean she is "nervous" or "sensitive"? Sensitive to what? Nervous in what circumstances? Sorry, don;t mean to ask so many questions, but I don't understand the situation enough to answer yet!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3

    dog nervous

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Did she get Lyme disease before she got the vaccination? A little confused about the sequence of events here! What do you mean she is "nervous" or "sensitive"? Sensitive to what? Nervous in what circumstances? Sorry, don;t mean to ask so many questions, but I don't understand the situation enough to answer yet!
    Hi, sorry - to be clearer She had the lyme vacc as a puppy. She got (not Lyme) another tick disease at a also she is different from the other dogs, nervous- sensitive to what is going on. I guess over sensitive would describe it more. She startles people.. Now I have been reading everything I can about this. Lyme vaccs (which she got again at 1 plus yrs. old) can cause nervous system problems- just as the tick diseases can! Anyway whatever caused it she seems to really develop it worse as an adult. I would say around the time she got the tick disease...before that just a bit over sensitive. She had a litter of beautiful puppies and was a great mom. All the pups were fine and don't have a problem- very stable. But am thinking that with hormones etc..reproduction may not be the best for her. She was a very calm mother and seemed much better. After the litter she had another Lyme vacc(1,1/2yrs. or so) she is over sensitive again. She has never been hit or abused verbally. Very sad. So was thinking of the pheramone collars.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Have you tried extra training with her, some one-on-one time and confidence-building things? What "job" does she do, if any around the house? Giving her things to do may help bring her out of herself and make her more sure of her place in the world again ...
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Have you tried extra training with her, some one-on-one time and confidence-building things? What "job" does she do, if any around the house? Giving her things to do may help bring her out of herself and make her more sure of her place in the world again ...
    Yes, we have worked with her. The most confident was when she had the puppies. We are very close, and she would ask me for help if she needed to. She had 10(!) and it was her first litter too. She was so gentle with them. We take them on long romps in the woods,and they can run free. She is always trying to be the "good" girl. Mostly we tried giving her More individual attention. Worked on commands etc... but she has had a hard time phsyically this last year. Bouts of being retreated for tick disease. We give her massages- that helps with the pain and stiffness. Sometimes she is fine and then symptoms back. We have spent SO much $$$ trying to help her. She came from a Tennessee breeder with a good rep. and he is a vet too. Her parents have good pedigrees. Saw another vet yesterday. He said that we could try xraying to make sure there are no problems that have developed- hip wise. Said that some things show up in adulthood ...What would you have her job be? Thank you by the way. Do you work in the animal field? Linda

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Woodnymph View Post
    Yes, we have worked with her. The most confident was when she had the puppies. We are very close, and she would ask me for help if she needed to. She had 10(!) and it was her first litter too. She was so gentle with them. We take them on long romps in the woods,and they can run free. She is always trying to be the "good" girl. Mostly we tried giving her More individual attention. Worked on commands etc... but she has had a hard time phsyically this last year. Bouts of being retreated for tick disease. We give her massages- that helps with the pain and stiffness. Sometimes she is fine and then symptoms back. We have spent SO much $$$ trying to help her. She came from a Tennessee breeder with a good rep. and he is a vet too. Her parents have good pedigrees. Saw another vet yesterday. He said that we could try xraying to make sure there are no problems that have developed- hip wise. Said that some things show up in adulthood ...What would you have her job be? Thank you by the way. Do you work in the animal field? Linda
    I am glad the vet will checking things out just in case. After all, hone we are in pain, we humans tend to be extra sensitive and short-tempered as well.

    I was just thinking any task you could give her - like fetching the paper, bringing you her toys, she is a collie, after all, and without something to herd, gotta keep those minds busy! Patrolling the boundaries in search for critters - anything you can think of to give her more deliberate "purpose" might help her focus outside herself. Once the vet checks her out, maybe you could work on scent-training or becoming a therapy dog ... or even a reading assistance dog, she might enjoy that, and interaction with children ...

    I and my husband run this site, and I am a designer by training, radio show presence and now host, book reviewer, and life-long animal lover. My husband grew up with collies (likely mixes, not purebreds) and was confused the first time he visited my parents' house, and Gracie the Great Dane leaned on him - his collies never ever did that!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #7


    She has really never relaxed around new people, and children. Funny she has had the same experiences as the others and went places,etc. She is quiet and a lady. If she is playing with (I have 3 other collies)them and running around she does forget to be cautious. She is never cross with us.Hopefully we'll get a handle on her problem. All 10 of her puppies had a quiet sweetness... My other females were much high energy! Linda

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Northern cyberspace
    Very hard to understand why you keep giving her the vac for Lyme. This would be my no.1 suspicion. I have seen many dogs react to different vacs exactly the way you describe. The rabies vac gave one of my dogs a severe case of the jitters, plus she had the weirdest bout of what we called pseudo rabies. The day after getting the shot she started being afraid of lights, shadows and her water...she would try drinking but would jump away the minute she touched the water so she was going without. Many more smaller problems and this lasted for over two weeks. Needless to say I get the puppy shots and none of my dogs get another shot for life. And none have gotten ill or contracted any communicable disease.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  9. #9

    collie,and why I gave the Lyme Vacc.

    Hi...Yeah, wish I had known that..I didn't get them for my first 2 collies. It coincided with them having the WORST case of Lyme and another tick disease. Basically they "scared" me into it, if you understand. Plus said they use a "safe" vaccine-not that I had heard anything negative. So my #3 and 4 collies both had the vaccine. I learned to use a computer late in life but now check things like this. You can imagine what I read about this. She had the (2nd) vaccine last fall. Sometimes -like this a.m.- she is mentally normal, but other times makes me think of Henny Penny "The sky is falling"...I wish I could go back and do it over! We live in the woods surrounded by old deer trails- hubby has had it 4 times in the last 10 years. I had a dog when I moved here. He got Lyme- it went to his nervous system- they thought he had a brain tumor. Now I treat the yard and surrounding areas, but you can only do so much. Linda

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