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Thread: Psychic Dogs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA

    Psychic Dogs?

    Do you think that dogs are psychic or can read our minds? Has you dog ever shown any psychic tendences? I'm interested about what you think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Interesting.. the latest issue of Dog Fancy
    (Bearded Collie on cover) has an article on that! So many different opinions! I say yes, but I also think it's a sensory thing, that they smell or hear things that clue them in. I personally swear Cody knows when I'm coming home altho I'm nowhere in sight-car motor sound? Sometimes I get annoyed at all these behavorists who analyse things so deeply when all I want to do is enjoy and believe what makes me feel amazed!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    There have been many studies on this subject. One interesting one showed that dogs were able to tell when their owner was thinking of going for a walk even when the owner was in a different room. It has also been shown that some dogs know when their owners are nearing home even when the time of day is different to the normal time for them to be expected. There is a sense that dogs have and we don't, although some people have a degree of it too!
    Dogs are also constantly aware of things that are too subtle for us to notice, sweat production, heart rate and breathing rate for instance, that help them assess the emotional state of their owners.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    On the knowing that the owner is near thing, is it amazing or is their hearing just that sensitive? My two know quite a while ahead of time that one of us is almost home even at different times of the day! How do they do that? It appears to be uncanny or is it just accute senses? On the other hand, when they are in a deep sleep, you can step on them and they don't even know it.

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Concerning dogs' hearing:

    Our Yorkie Sugar will sometimes sleep in my Dad's desk chair when he's working at his desk. She'll often startle him by waking up barking (sometimes knocking her head on the underside of the desk, but she doesn't seem to even notice!) and demanding to be put outside. She'll run straight to a tree in the backyard and begin barking at a squirrel in the branches. How the heck did she know a squirrel was in the tree, especially if she was asleep? Did she actually hear the thing run up the trunk? Strange...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Has anyone seen the show Miracle Pets??? They have some of the most amazing stories about animals who act in some "miraculous" manner, often forseeing disaster, detecting the onset of an epileptic seizure, saving their peoples' lives, etc. It was on last night and it was a killer!! Remember when we all talked about how human tragedy made us sad, certainly, but stories about animals and their plights could send us sobbing??? One of the stories last night was about 2 inseparable "street dogs," Arthur and Annie, a GSD and a Yellow Lab. Inseparable were they, even after a kind family temporarily took them in. He just wouldn't let her out of his sight, ever!! She was struck by a car outside their home, and Arthur dragged her by her collar out of the road. Turned out she was "with puppies." All survived and it had a happy ending. Tried to adopt them out separately, but Arthur would just "dig out" and find Annie. Finally they found a forever home together. But their devotion to each other sent me sobbing into the kitchen! It was just too much!!! Another great story was about a kitty who belonged to two older people who were recovering from surgery, and were relatively immobile. More than expected after surgery, they were soooo tired and slept most of the day, every day. The Dr. said it was just post-op exhaustion. Well, the kitty tried like crazy to get them out of bed every day. The woman finally got up and opened the door for her, but kitty wouldn't go out. Kitty kept this up till the woman finally followed her outside. The cat ran to a spot in the driveway and started digging like crazy and hitting the woman on the leg. Finally, the woman smelled gas. Turns out there was a major gas leak in the house that the slightest spark could have ignited into a major explosion throughout the neighborhood. She was awarded the ASPCA award for pet bravery for 1997. Anyway, lots of neat stories like that if anyone gets the PAX channel. I think many animals are undoubtedly angels sent to watch over us. At least, they are incredible creatures who function on a plane unknown and mysterious to us. To me, its what makes them so special and a daily treasure to ponder!

  7. #7
    I think that dogs can read our minds, yes. When I lost my brother recently, everytime I was ready to cry, she was right there to comfort me. I think that they just sense it faster than humans, or something like that. What month is that Dog Fancy issue for? I would like to read it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I love that show Miracal Pets

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    I am not shure what I was watching, but
    I also was watching a show that showed a dog that could sence it's masters epiletpic seizures 15 minutes before it occured. Because of this Trained Therapy dog the young girl could live a normal life such as swimming etc.
    It also showed the one where the cat saved it's owners life but detecting the gas leak outside.
    I know when I cry my dogs come up to my face and try to give me plenty of kisses.
    Aren't animals just truely amazing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Have you guys heard about the guy that had a heart attack while out hunting? One of his dogs wouldn't leave his side and actually dragged him over 2 miles up and down hills to their home? Amazing!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Was that one about a Fireman who owned
    It sounds familiar.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Yes dogs can read minds. My dog, Graham, and I are very connected, and have been since the day I adopted him.

    I remember when my lab was alive, I took both the lab (Beener) and Graham for a jog late one night. It was very dark out, and the streets were unusually quiet...I senced something was not right...all of a sudden I felt a little nervous. I did have 2 dogs, one very large (Beener) and one 50 pound dog so I should have felt safe but my dogs were both so friendly with everyone, I honestly did not feel that they would protect me if need be...

    I thought wrong! I just remember running in the road, pitch black outside, it was cloudy and so there was very little moonlight. I remember seeing a group of people ahead of me, I imediately felt vunurable (sp?) and I felt afraid. I could not see faces, they were too far away but I could see shadows of 5 people, they looked to be around High School age but again I could not tell for sure.

    As soon as I saw the figues of guys and felt a bit scared, my beautiful guardian angel Graham felt my suspecion and began to growl. He was growling at those men. He has never shown ANY form of agression in the whole time I have had him, and I always jogged with the dogs off lead because I did not like to hold leashes while jogging so there was no way Graham could have sensed tension physically. The closer I got to them the more viciously he growled. It was the first time I have ever praised, or even considered praising a dog for acts of agression. Graham has not done anything like that since, but I have not been in a similar situation since that night. I know now that, even tho Graham is adoring, gentle, submissive and kind towards everyone he meets, he will defend me to the end. I love him SOOOO much! He is my best friend!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    KYS and Teena. I saw both those shows! Still can't phathom how that dog pulled that man hunting! He collapsed in the field, was unconcious, having suffered a heart attack, and the dog pulled him almost 2 miles to an inhabited area where help was available. What incredible strength; emotional and physical!! Sort of like the mother who lifts up the car front to free her child. Amazing what miracles are born of love. And the fireman story! That was a great one too. The dog (Rottie) sensed, while jogging with his human, that the fireman was about to become seriously ill, and refused to run anymore, lying instead on the ground, feigning illness, until he agreed to return home. All the while the human thinking it was the dog that was sick!! Within minutes of returning home, the fireman had chest pains and a heart attack!! I think your dogs were true heroes too, Adoremydogs! They wern't acting aggressively; they were protecting their human!! Every day I hear something else, another story, that reaffirms my devotion to my dogs. Some think my love for them is just too much. I know better!! Just incredible animals!

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited November 29, 2000).]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Yeah! Tats! I saw that! The Rottie was a gift from thankful home owners and he named her Cinder!!!!! And when he fell to the ground, Cinder grabbed the phone from the table and dropped it on him so he could call 911 before passing out! Wasn't that EXCELLENT!!!???? My mom says everyday at 5p Cody lays by the front door. When he's on the porch in the summer, she says he'll suddenly stand up, wag his tail, ears alert but she doesn't see me. Mom says 10 minutes later I pull up! God! I love it!!!!! He knows and watches every move my handicapped father makes. He rearely goes to the basement, but one day he went down, startled my mother (he let out a soft bark) headed to the steps, looked back at her, she followed (something made her do it) and my father had a slight fall, which she didn't hear! Sigh! My hero!!! My sweet boy! We all are so lucky!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Yes, yes, yesssss!!!! Love you Cody and Star! And everyone else's kids too! Yeah for us!

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