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Thread: RIP Kirby 3/3/14

  1. RIP Kirby 3/3/14

    Hey all,, those you familiar with Kirby are all prolly wondering why i havent posted any pictures or anything anywhere on PetTalk about him. its cuz Kirby went blind an while being blind didnt effect him in the least,, he was still running around an playing like normal but it made for getting pictures of him a challenge. then after a year or so his hearing went out on him as well an as you can imagine,, made for getting pictures almost impossible. all that aside i didnt care that i wasnt able to get good pictures of him anymore. i was happy that he was happy. we found new ways of playing together. id stomp the floor with my foot an hed come over to the spot where i was standing. id move an do it again off a few feet a ways an hed come over to me again. id also pick him by pulling on his whiskers or ears an hed try an catch my hand. ive always done that with him though. he was well used to my antics LOL

    but after a year of being both deaf an blind he seemed to go downhill rapidly both in health an in spirit an i decided it was time to say goodbye to him. it was so very hard to do an i didnt want to post about it cuz... well i guess it made it official that he was gone =/

    found him the classified adds 5/21/2001when he was might as well say 3years old at the time.

    first picture i ever took him with my digital camera.
    life sure has been strange an empty without him.
    R.I.P Kirby 9/24/99 - 3/3/14

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Aww, rest in peace, cutie pie, sight and hearing restored up at the Rainbow Bridge!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    So sorry for your loss. Hard to have words because I am feeling intense pain as you are. I know how incredibly gutting it is. Many hugs for you.
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge


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