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Thread: Agility Pics....(29)

  1. #1

    Agility Pics....(29)

    This weekend I competed in my first CKC agility trial with Clipse. There were 8 trials in total, 4 on Sunday (2 JWW and 2 Standard) and 4 on Monday (again 2 JWW and 2 Standard).

    Sunday Clipse Q'd in both JWW rounds and his first Standard round. On the second round we had an incident with the a-frame. The contact equipment was very slippery for some reason and all the dogs were having troubles with it. It seemed to get worse as the day went on. I knew this and tried to give Clipse a good approach with plenty of speed but it wasn't enough. He got almost to the top and then his legs just went out from under him and he slid all the way back down to the bottom pretty much on his belly. He was so scared. He wanted nothing to do with the other contact equipment after that (teeter and dogwalk).

    Monday morning came and the club that was hosting the trial informed us that they had changed the equipment. They very generously allowed the competitors to take their dogs over the equipment once to give the dogs a chance to know that it wasn't the same slippery equipment. Clipse did everything fine.

    The trials started and JWW was first. We qualified in that and got a 1st place in our class. The standard run was next. Clipse was doing well, but he was a little iffy about the dogwalk and almost ran by it... at the last minute he jumped on it from the side, but he missed his contact. The second standard run was after lunch... and by then he decided he wanted nothing to do with the contact equipment again. It took 3 tries to get him to go up the frame. We ended with the last JWW. He knocked the bar of the very first jump otherwise we would have had a really good run. Oh well we didn't need that one anyways as we had already Q'd in the other 3 and so can move on up to intermediate in our next trial.

    Anyways enough rambling on.... here are some pics from the weekend.

    Sending Clipse over a jump...

    ...and on to the next one...

    Running up the slippery equipment...

    And sliding down...

    Landing a jump and turning towards the next one.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  2. #2
    Our first standard run on Monday.... he did the frame and got his contact...

    Over one jump...and sending him out to the next one...

    Clipse finally going over the frame on our third attempt during the 2nd Standard run on Monday.

    Making sure he gets his contact on the teeter.

    The last jumps of the course...

    *Thanks Ashley*

  3. #3
    Next up is Petal.... she belongs to a friend and ex co-worker. The Q'd in all 4 rounds on Sunday and in one JWW run and 1 Standard run on Monday. So they too get to move up to intermediate in JWW.

    Zooming out of the tunnel.

    Petal is so little she can get almost to the top of the teeter before it starts to tip...

    Heading to her next jump after exiting the chute.

    And now some other friends of ours... the golden is Cedar... and the sheltie is Tanner.... Cedar competes at the excellent level.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  4. #4

    That's all, hope you enjoyed!

    *Thanks Ashley*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Mesa, AZ

    great pictures

    wow... what a cutie!
    very great pictures congrats!
    looks so gorgeous the weather as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    Beautiful pictures!! Who took these?! And I'm so sorry to hear about the defective equipment =( Ivy has fallen off the dogwalk before, and it really did scar her. It looks like Clipse bounded right back, though! Congrats!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA


    Wow how awesome! Clipse really looks to be having a great time!

    I have to say this is my favorite picture...

    He looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world

    Thanks for sharing!

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    All the pictures are goergous! All the dogs are adorable, but I have to say Petal has a cute face!

    Thanks for sharing! They are wonderful.
    Thank you so much for my siggy, kittycats_delight!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Beautiful pictures. I am sorry to hear the equipment was faulty. I have no doubt that our gorgeous Clipse will be just as successful at agility as he is in making me swoon whenever I see pictures of him.

    And when I scrolled down to Petal I couldn't stop myself from making this "eeeeee" sound. She is just so cute. You go, Petal! You are more than just an adorable little girl to be petted and cuddled, aren't you.

    And I have to agree with Anna, I love that picture of Cheddar. He looks like a real champ. He is just smiling and enjoying his way through the entire run.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Giselle
    Beautiful pictures!! Who took these?! And I'm so sorry to hear about the defective equipment =( Ivy has fallen off the dogwalk before, and it really did scar her. It looks like Clipse bounded right back, though! Congrats!
    Thanks! I took all of the pics.... except for the ones of Clipse of course.... Petal's mom took those.

    Clipse didn't really bounce back... he had refusals on all of his contact equipment after that. It took three tries to get him to go on the a-frame which used to be his favorite piece of contact equipment. He will be okay though as I was able to get him to go on the equipment after each refusal. Looks like we will have to head on up to the practice area with some tasty treats for awhile.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just HOW DO YOU solve a problem like Maria?
    Okay I have to say I'm an idiot. I was one of the gate stewards on Monday and I totally didn't realize it was you and Clipse. A couple of times when I was calling for him I kept thinking "oh I know a dog named that" but I totally didn't put two and two together. Anyway good job, from what I saw of your runs (couldn't really watch a lot was to busy looking for the dogs) you and Clipse were doing pretty good. Are you going to try some of the AAC trials or just stick to CKC?
    Goonies never say die!

    Thanks Amy for the great sig!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Crikit
    Okay I have to say I'm an idiot. I was one of the gate stewards on Monday and I totally didn't realize it was you and Clipse. A couple of times when I was calling for him I kept thinking "oh I know a dog named that" but I totally didn't put two and two together. Anyway good job, from what I saw of your runs (couldn't really watch a lot was to busy looking for the dogs) you and Clipse were doing pretty good. Are you going to try some of the AAC trials or just stick to CKC?

    That's okay... I was pretty sure that was you and I didn't say anything... I even told Petal's mom I think that's a person from my dogboards... lol I totally blanked on your name though... I suppose I could have called you Crikit.... lol

    I have already done a few AAC trials.... We've only got a Q in team so far though... I am competing tomorrow out at Wet Creek Stables in Balzac. Theres a jumpers course and a steeplechase course. I have high hopes for the jumpers course, although I expect it to be tricky as Lori is the judge. (She's our instructor at Paw-Z-Tracks).

    We are also entered in the trial at Kestrel Farms at the beginning of Sept... can't wait for that one.
    Last edited by Shelteez2; 08-08-2007 at 09:37 PM.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario
    Shelties, All the dogs are adorable. The picture of Petal waiting for the thing to fall down was so cute. I was just like "awwwww." I, especially, like the ones of Clipse. It looked like they were all having fun.

  14. #14
    Oh these pictures are fantastic. We began training in agility about 6 months ago and Cochise has caught on very quickly (nowi f I could only say the same for my handling skills) I love going to local events and watching, as does he.

    Thank you so much Kay for this great Sig!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Fantastic photos! Loved seeing the dogs in action and having the explanation to go along with it! Thanks.

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