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Thread: Bullmastiff????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)


    Can anyone give me info of Bullmastiff? How well to they get along with other dogs, cats etc. Temperament? Etc.

    I don't know yet if we are getting one, but my husband came home yesterday and he knows this man that has a pup. The man is going into the hospital for awhile and wants us to care for his puppy. Thats not a problem, we can do that. My fear, as bad as it sounds, is that this man might not being coming back for the puppy. I pray that this man comes out of his sugery fine and can come home to his baby, but they say that the chances are not good for him. If that happens I would like to know a little more about the breed besides what I get on line. Online info is great but there is nothing better then hearing from other that have owned one.

    I know it sounds bad that I'm planing for the worse with this man, that is not at all what I want to happen. But I do need to think long term if the worse does happen and we end up adding to the zoo crew.

    BTW: it's a female, if that makes a difference on teperamentor anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I really hate to generalize characteristics by breed since it depends on the individual dog's personality, genetics, and most importantly, socialization. You're in luck since she is a young puppy. If you socialize her to your crew while she is young, there will be less chance of problems. There will always be a chance that she will grow up and want to become alpha, but chances are it will go smoothly.

    I can say that I love mastiffs and think they are a wonderful breed
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  3. #3
    what about a bullmastiff specific messageboard or group?

    just a thought.

    "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
    -Margaret Mead

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Batavia, IL
    here is some info and a video on the breed from the AKC
    Kari (me), Kiera (B&T Coonhound), Jesse (cocker), Jada (Ball Python), Derek (Betta)

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Thanks for the info and links, I'll check them out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Batavia, IL
    no problem, here to help
    Kari (me), Kiera (B&T Coonhound), Jesse (cocker), Jada (Ball Python), Derek (Betta)

    Add Glitter to your Photos


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Expect to deal with drool. Be firm with rules and training while she's young, and you'll have the sweetest oversize lapdog you never wanted!

    Yes, things vary from dog to dog, but in general, they are big, sweet, drooly goofballs. Not the rocket-scientist of the dog world, but good dogs nonetheless.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Originally posted by Karen
    Expect to deal with drool. Be firm with rules and training while she's young, and you'll have the sweetest oversize lapdog you never wanted!

    Yes, things vary from dog to dog, but in general, they are big, sweet, drooly goofballs. Not the rocket-scientist of the dog world, but good dogs nonetheless.
    Drool.......I have Boxers what one more drooling dog. lol
    Oversized lap dog, great, where will my cats fit?

    Honsetly thanks Karen, these are the things you dont find in a lot of web sites. They just tell you give you the high lites, size, coat, training, loving, etc etc. Not that you will have a oversized, drooling lap dog that will never be a rocket-scientist.

    Those are the things I like to know, are they diggers, fence climbers etc. Am I going to get up one day and find a tunnel system in my front yard, as I did with a Begal I had years ago. Or will I have a new form of trim on my house, teeth marked, as my Dane does.


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