before I strangle somebody!!!!

OMG... I don't think I've ever been this angry! Last week I vented about my "boss" who is using and abusing me. She is absolutely clueless about running a business, and its becoming increasingly obvious that she SHOULD NOT be running a business!

A little background first: I've been speaking to the installer who also works for my boss and he said she has not paid him for a big project yet, despite the fact its been installed for 30 days already, so there's no reason to not pay him. She (the boss lady from he**) REFUSES to pay him because SHE has not been paid by the client yet. I spoke to her today and said that its not the installer's fault that she hasn't been paid... and she reluctantly agreed.

The salesperson on the project just called me. The boss lady from He** told him that because HE was going to share HIS profits on that project with ME, SHE was going to take out a loan to pay the installer, and use MY money to pay the interest!

What profit money, and why am I so mad???? A few months ago when I started working on this project the salesperson said that when the job was over he'd like to split the profit from the design fee he charged the client. It ended up totaling nearly $2,000 clear profit in the project..... and I'd get HALF of it. OMG OMG OMG... and now she wants to take it ALL to pay a LOAN that SHE needs to obtain because SHE does not have the cash flow?

OMG --- if she even tries to talk to me right now, I won't even be able to pretend to be civil. So somebody, PLEASE help me calm down and formulate a plan to rid myself of her for good and build my business in another direction. This woman is poison and its getting worse. She sucks up my energy, my time, my talent.

God, I feel so trapped. She is my PRIMARY client right now. All other clients only amount to MAYBE $200 a month. I can't live on that. I wish I could so I could tell her to leave me out of her little drama.