we have a new bengal kitten, he is 13 weeks old ,and has been with us for two weeks, I can not get him litter trained, he loves to poop in the corners, and he has used my bed as a litter box twice, I send everything out to be cleaned ,so I am sure there is no smell left. just this morning I found pee in the mitten box , he does use the litter box occasionaly, and I praise him, I keep it as clean as possible scooping after each time it is used .When I see him pooping in the corner I let him finish ,than scoop him up and take him down stairs to his box . My husband wants me to give him a scut in the behind???????? I really don't want to . any ideas ??? I thought he was getting better , (haven't found any messes in two days). This morning I have found a new spot he is using, I cleaned it with windex with amonia in it, as it is a hardwood floor .I have never had this problem with a kitten before other than the litter box problems ,he is a spectacular new addition to my home and we love him dearly but I can't have my home smell like a litter box

At my wits end in New Brunswick