The other day I gave Milo a bath. He usually takes a shower with me () and sits on my shoulder with the water running down his back. So he's a pretty clean cat. After I gave him a bath with shampoo though his fur has been kind of oily. Does anyone have a certain shampoo they can recommend that is good for cats and won't leave his coat oily?

I took a few photos of him after his bath, and yesterday I took some photos of Ewok outside. My batteries were dying so they came out a little blurry, but his coat looked really nice that day and people in the past have asked to see a "full body shot" of him. Well I'll stop babbling now. Enjoy the photos.

I'll post the bath pictures first...

"Momma, what did you do to me?"

"But I smell like roses!"

"My feeble attempts to smell normal again aren't working."

"Smelling like human is way better than smelling like roses. I'm a guy for crying out loud!"

"Ahh, who cares. I love you mom!"