I got a call two nights ago from Mary, a woman I TNRd a colony of cats for last year, and removed and adopted out the kittens. Apparently the neighbors at the end of her street (a short dead end) had found a young kitten crying in the street, and thinking it was one from Mary's yard came to her with it. The finders decided to keep the kitten. Another call from Mary came in around noontime, and this time the Russian neighbors down from her had found a second kitten, and brought him to Mary. I took him in, and he's a sweetie. A man came out of his house last night when I was picking up the kitten at Mary's house, and told us he'd seen a Toyota Camry pull up to the end of the street (the night kitten#1 was found) open the door for a moment, then shut it and drove away! How cowardly, and stupid can the human race be to dump out two innocent babies like that? The neighborhood is watching to see if any more show up, or new adult cats....I'll worry about their mother too. The dead end street is flanked by three very busy streets, and if the babies had gone in that direction, that would have been it for them. Shelters would have been glad to take the kittens, but these jerks decided to take the easy route and 'get rid of them'!