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Thread: Telling your pets when you'll return...

  1. #1

    Telling your pets when you'll return...

    This poll cracked me up! I always say bye-bye to my dogs and kiss their little faces and say "mommy will be back soon!" or "mommy will only be gone for a few minutes!" I'm insane I know. No matter how long I'm gone they greet me like I haven't seen them in days! It seems like if I'm only gone a few hours they are even more excited than they are if I'm gone a few days. I can't leave the house without kissing them and telling them I'll be back. They are way too cute to leave behind but I don't always have a choice. It breaks my heart.....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Yes, this Pet Poll question is so funny! I am the same as you, doggiemom! I also think I'm insane to do it (well, people that don't have pets would think so), but I can't help saying goodbye to my cat whenever I leave my apartment--and I DO tell her when I'll be back! Even if it's just for a short while. It's funny, because I talk to her as if I'm trying to reassure her so she won't be anxious or afraid that I won't come back! I always pet her and give her kisses and say, "I'll see you later tonight, okay?" or "I'll be right back, Saima, I promise." It is hard to leave her! I have to laugh at myself because I know that my cat doesn't understand what I'm saying. I guess I just hope that when I pet her and kiss her before I go that it IS reassuring to her and that she won't be lonely while I'm gone. Sometimes I get this sad image in my mind of Saima waiting by the door for me all day, with a pitiful look on her face! Of course, she probably just goes right to sleep once I leave for the day! But I'm seriously debating whether or not to get another cat so that she'll have company while I'm gone, maybe just so I'LL feel better! Silly!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Don't worry folks. I'm another dingbat that always tells my cats when I'll be back. I sometimes joke with them and say "guard the house while I'm gone!" (The thought of that makes me laugh since they most likely go into one of their deep sleeps when I am gone and would never hear even the noisiest burglar!)

    Margaret I think it would be nice if you got Saima a cat buddy. I was a one cat person for three years and then added a second kitty. They get along real well and even groom each other and sleep together in a little "cat pile." It is something to think about, but I think Saima may enjoy a pal and you wouldn't have your guilt about leaving her all alone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    You all think you are dingbats........well, have you ever called and left them a message on your answering machine when you realized you were going to be gone longer than you originally thought? I have always laughed at myself for doing that - but it sure was fun!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    No Gini I have never done that, but I think it was a sweet thing to do!!! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall and seen their expressions when they heard your voice coming out of the answering machine!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    My brother has one very shy cat whom I have never met in person, (I've seen her in the windowsill) but Trillian loves to listen to the answering machine, and will even hit the button to listen if no one's around! They have caught her cocking her head to the side, and looking very curious - "I hear Mommy, but how'd she fit in there!"

  7. #7
    Don't feel bad I've called home to talk to my cats over the answering machine when I leave them for a longer time than usual.
    I think if they hear my voice it will make them feel better. ....I'm pathetic!!!!

    Originally posted by gini:
    You all think you are dingbats........well, have you ever called and left them a message on your answering machine when you realized you were going to be gone longer than you originally thought? I have always laughed at myself for doing that - but it sure was fun!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    O.K., the truth. I don't think any of us are really dingbats. I do think that we are people who love our animals probably more than most people. We receive unconditional love from our animals and we can give it back with no strings attached. I bet you all will agree that it is such a pure love it sometimes makes you cry. If you read each pet-of-the-day the love in each story is so special. Isn't it great we can all share this with each other?

  9. #9
    Okay, I'm still laughing and don't feel half as silly as I used to. Funny thing you mention the answering machine deal. My husband and I will always call just to say hi to them on the machine. I would love to put a camera in the house to see their faces. They probably don't even care but we love calling them to let them know we miss them.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I have a question for you. You were talking about how you had a one cat did you introduce a new cat when the other one was 3 years old? When I got my second cat, she was already 2 years I didn't really worry about them...they could take up for theirselves. They hated each other for about a month and now they play all of the time. But, I just got a new kitten and I have not introduced them yet. I keep the kitten in a room now by herself and just let them smell each other under the door. I think the older cats are more afraid of her than she is of them. She is very little weighing just under a pound and was born september 9th. So, how do you think i should introduce them?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Columbus, Ohio, U.S.
    I akways tell my animals where I am going and it always breaks my heart to see them sitting there in the windows and looking at me and whining. If you have a new cat, it is always best to let them get introduced under the door when you are gone. That way they have time to get to know each other while you are gone. When you get home. open the door and let them play with each other while you watch. That.s how I did it and it worked well!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    HowieDawn.....Bobby did what I did pretty much. I let them smell each other under the door and only let them be together with extreme supervision in the beginning. I also sort of had my new kitty quarantined because the vet said until he was tested for feline leukemia I should not mix them. By the time he was tested a couple of weeks had gone by, and by then my older cat knew he was "around" even though not within reach. Their first meeting was scary. My older one hissed (I had never heard him hiss before!!) The kitten ran under the nearest piece of furniture. Gradually he got brave. It was me who was the wimp!! My heart was in my mouth!! They are great together now. It seems that cat #1 is the boss though. I don't mean he is bossy to my other kitty, but I find that the second cat follows him around and will lay down next to him for a nap more than the other way around. Good luck with your new addition. With kitties it's hard to know when to stop adopting!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Thank you

    "Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    You cat people are pretty cool.

    When we leave the house, not only do we tell our dogs how long we will be gone, we put one or the other of them "in charge". It used to be the older, smarter and better behaved one that was put in charge, but with the two we have now, we just alternate.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Spring, TX USA
    I never leave the house without telling the kids "You be good doggies for Mommy while I'm at work. I'll see you tonight. Mommy loves her babies" I always give them a good bye kiss and and treat before I go.

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