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Thread: Sleep on bed?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Some dogs like to, some dogs don't - I don't know if it's anything they can be trained to do! But hey, you know she loves you anyway, right?
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Helen is the "queen" when it comes to animals sleeping with her. Honey always sleeps with Helen, and one or the other of the cats is in there too, but rarely both of them. Lilly sleeps on a quilt on the floor at the foot of Helen's bed. I DARE anyone to try and get to my little girl, when all of her guardian angels are in the room with her! And whatever leftover cat, usually Butter, ends up in the bed with me. If they are happy, I am happy!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Netherlands (where I'm from) & Germany (where I live)
    Cookie is NOT allowed on the bed, but does she care? Noop, not at all. She waits in her basket next to daddy until we're blissfully dreaming, and I wake up with Cookie laying on her back, head on the pillow, all 4 up in the air on my side of the bed! And poor me is somewhere in the middle where the 2 mattress are placed next to each other. To make it more comlete I also have 2 cats on my tummy, the dog snores with her mouth open and doesn't brush her teeth.

    (I'm a bit embarrassed to say it though, but I don't like waking up without them on the bed ...)

    [ January 02, 2002: Message edited by: C.C.'s Mom ]

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Of course both of them sleep on the bed! Kobie gets first dibbs on the spot between our feet, so that leaves Eli with the area between our heads....and he usually curls himself around a pillow and rests his head on it! It's like wearing a warm, breathing, 55-pound hat all night!

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA
    Yes, I love it when Elvis and Danny sleep with me. Elvis is usually on top of the comforter, cuddled by my feet or at my side, and Danny likes the top of the bed, near my face, but not cuddled against me.
    Lately, they have been impossible, though, running around and making a lot of noise, so I have been kicking them out of the room so that I can get some sleep. I hate doing that, but sometimes they leave me no choice.

    Many thanks to Kay for the fabulous sig!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pam..when you kissed Bella's little feet instead of her swwet little head, did they smell like Fritos (in the middle of the night?)
    Last time big galoot Cody tried to sleep with me I almost suffocated! He made the covers so tight next to me I couldn't budge!! A frantic, stern "Get off me!!!" plus the heat made him jump off and take his usual position, next to the bed or anywhere his little big heart desires, as long as I'm closeby I love reaching down and resting my hand on him. He usual sighs, so must like it too!!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oldsmar, FL.
    Roxie Jazz sleeps with us EVERY night, and we wouldn't have it any other way. The first night we brought her home, we tried leaving her in the crate but she cried and my husband asked me if we could put her in the bed with us. I didn't want to start this "bad" habit, but I must confess I wouldn't have it any other way either. I often wake my husband up in the middle of the night so he can look at Roxie sleeping. When she first goes in the bed, she'll go under the covers and sleep between my legs, but by the middle of the night she has her body covered and her head on my pillow. It is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. A chihuahua sleeping so peacefully with her head on the pillow not to mention sleeping in a California king size bed! My sister and I both say when we die, we're coming back as our pets!!

  8. #23
    Well, as odd as this might sound, I sleep with my hedgehog. My current dog has never, ever been allowed on the furniture (he sheds too much. -.-, but when he was younger, I used to let him) But my hedgie is toilet trained, and sleeps on the pillow next to my face. My big little macaw sleeps with me on the weekends too, wearing her diaper.

    A bird is worth a thousand words.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    HA! No Karen, Bella's feet usually smell like dirt! She is my digger gal!

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Montpelier, Ohio
    Misty sleeps at the foot of the bed usually. Once in awhile on my husbands pillow. He shares with her.
    Misty's Mom

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    It's become a ritual at my house. Stump never misses bedtime. For the past several months, he's been parking himself, all 12.5 pounds of him, on my chest while I try to read before going to sleep. He gets kinda indignant when I move him, but usually sleeps the rest of the night at my side. He doesn't do covers, unlike Emmett, my other cat, who loves to get under all the covers and burrow into my side. Like Thelmalu's kitties, they are now on some weird cat clock, because they've been having these middle-of-the-night wrestling matches for the past few weeks!
    Cindy (aka Manxcat)
    household staff of Stump and Emmett

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    No electric blanket needed on my bed. I'm surrounded by fur (4 cats) and I love it!!! Soon there will be a 5th sleeper (Tess) my Chihuahua - she's too young now, I don't think she could hold it all night yet and I'm not too fond of wetness in the bed

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    canada ontario
    MY cat angel sleeps on the bed with me and i love it she is a big orange tabby and some time,s she sleep,s on her thermal cat cushion it,s be the bed.
    Hi all cat lovers have a nice day. chack out my meassge Board at

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    middleburg, florida
    my bird, angel usually sleeps either on my head, or beside my neck. if she is being bad (like never) I let her sleep in her cagen (that hasnt happened YET and she's 6 years old!)
    I love birds, they love me, thats the way it'll always be.

  15. #30
    Birdywoman, what kind of bird to you have???

    My dog always sleeps up in my bed, or should i say "her bed". You'd think like, oh 1 isn't all that much..haha..well, she takes up the room like 2-3 dogs would..she sprawls out, and i;m against the wall, and her. But shes all warm and cuddely which makes it all better :] LOL

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

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