This is only 1 of my Bettas, of the 3. So, these are poor quality, but it is of his tank and him. You can't tell his clours but they are red, purple & blue. He is a veil-tail betta. I like how his tank is set up, and I can't wait til my new one comes. I have several tanks, don't worry!

They aren't the best like I said before so bear with me!

This is Rebel, my very first Betta. He has done his fair share in his life so far. I am very proud of him, the others are always difficult to catch and change. Rebel isn't!

This is his bad picture, so its going first!

The light is on in the tank, so you'll get a light reflection!


And I really like this pic, don't know why though!

Hope you liked the bad pics!