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Thread: Lefty is HOWLING

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA

    Lefty is HOWLING

    Well, this breaks my heart--

    Last week, after I'd said goodbye to Lefty for the day, I was talking to a neighbor when I thought I heard howling coming from the house. I heard it again the other day, but when I moved closer to the house it stopped. Today I confirmed that it is indeed Lefty.

    He shows no signs of unhappiness when I leave. I give him a rawhide and he trots around with that while I gather my things. When I say goodbye to him he seems fine.

    I've thought more about getting another dog to keep him company, but I've decided it would probably hurt him more than help him. He seems frightened of most dogs, and is so needy that I think he would hate having any competition for our attention. The trainer brought up dog Prozac or similar drugs, and I'm beginning to wonder if that's not something I should look into. Any of you have any experience with this stuff? I'm not sure what else I can do. He just doesn't seem happy, and I feel bad for him.
    SMB ^ï^
    Bats--you need them more than you know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    I have never used drugs to help a dog with what sounds like separation anxiety but I think I would think more about getting him a companion. It could bring him out of his shell - it has done wonders for Oreo our "only" dog of 11 years - now having siblings for the last 3. You would obviously have to be careful as to who you pick to be that companion but there are so many older but wonderful dogs in shelters and even a puppy if you really wanted to go through that training thing again might help.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Thanks for the post. Before anyone else responds, I did want to explain that I wasn't considering drugs for JUST this issue. I've talked about Lefty in other posts and incorrectly assumed that the folks that already knew about his issues would be the only ones reading this post! He is generally anxious and needy, not just when I leave him at home.
    SMB ^ï^
    Bats--you need them more than you know!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    I am sorry that you thought that I was referring to using drugs as a bad thing - I have had all kinds of dogs and know how they all have different needs and personalities. Only you know your dog and what you feel is best for you and him. If you feel that medication is the best answer then go for it. I do believe that medication can make a difference in your dog's ability to cope. I was not trying to offend you in anyway.

    I did think that this was a forum for everyone. I may not read every post but I have been a part of Pet Talk for a long time. And I have had a lot of experience with dogs. I was just saying that having a companion can also help a dog's personality. It can build his confidence.

    I will remember not to read any of your posts from now on. Obviously you feel only some are good enough to respond.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Um, you read something in my last post that was not there at all. To begin with, I thanked you for responding. I was just explaining further that Lefty has other issues. And I was being *apologetic* for assuming that everyone knew all there was to know about Lefty. And I never thought that you were saying drugs were a bad thing.

    Even though I realize it's hard to "read" other people via email or online bulletin boards, I can't imagine how my last post could have seemed insulting.
    SMB ^ï^
    Bats--you need them more than you know!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I don't think that behavior is unusual...our dog Rocky does it too. When Jeff leaves for work in the morning sometimes (not all the time) Rocky will howl for a minute or two...and I'm still here! I am usually sleeping, but that wakes me up. He probably doesn't realize that I'm still at home. He has also done it when we leave to go someplace together. A few times we had gotten into the car but had forgotten something in the house, and when we go back in to get it, Rocky has been howling.

    Rocky has a companion (another dog and three cats), so lonliness shouldn't be an issue. Sometimes I think it is just his way of saying goodbye.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    You are right and I am sorry. I did read your response wrong - must be feeling insecure or something this morning. Sorry.

    I will only say that what I thought I was reading was that I should not respond to threads when I have not paid attention to past threads about your dog. And that had I read those past posts I would know that Lefty had other issues and you would not just drug your dog for separation anxiety.

    Lesson learned, read slowly, read at least twice, don't read into things written.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Not a problem! It happens, and I see your point of view now, too! I just thought that some folks might only read posts about dogs they "know" from following other posts about them (or maybe it's just me, because I don't always have time to follow ALL the Dog posts.)

    I appreciate *all* fresh perspectives on Lefty, though!
    SMB ^ï^
    Bats--you need them more than you know!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    I agree that another dog probably wouldn't help with his howling and separation anxiety. I think it would be better to sort out his issues before even considering another dog.

    What our trainer told us to do with Millie when she behaved this way was to ignore her before we left the house, we don't say goodbye, no attention before we leave at all. We also dropped treats around us as we were getting ready to leave, without obviously letting her see us drop them. That way, leaving became a good thing, but since she didn’t see us actually drop them she didn’t associate the treats with us leaving and then them ending. Make sense? It actually worked really well, and fairly fast. Now they both ignore us when we leave and usually sleep through our departure.

    I think that Prozac may be a good stepping stone with Lefty to get him to a point where he’s more open to your training.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Well I can tell you that our Huney has a little seperation anxiety but it's not half as bad as it used to be. I tried to ignore her but she just would cry more, but she would only do it when we were home and she was inside and we were out or visa versa. So now we just take her with us wether we're in the back yard or in the house.
    Ok, so I know this didn't help at all, just wanted you to know I understand where you are coming from. I just think all dogs respond differently to different things so you just have to find out what's best for Lefty.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Hey, sympathy is good too.

    I did speak to the behaviorist a little while ago. He said Lefty is howling because he misses *me*, not because he wants just any company at all (I'd brought up getting another dog). He suggested I start leaving Lefty with a couple of stuffed Kongs instead of giving him his breakfast in his dish, not to make a fuss coming or leaving, and to get the booklet "I'll Be Home Soon" by Patricia B. McConnell.

    Maybe howling isn't the big deal I was making it out to be. I'd just never heard him do it before and he sounds so pitiful and forlorn!

    Micki76, I really like that treat-dropping trick. I'm going to have to try it, though I'll have to be sneaky, because Lefty is a bit of a shadow dog!
    SMB ^ï^
    Bats--you need them more than you know!

  12. #12

    Re: Lefty is HOWLING

    Originally posted by Smilla

    ... after I'd said goodbye to Lefty for the day,
    ... I thought I heard howling coming from the house.
    I heard it again the other day,
    but when I moved closer to the house it stopped.
    Today I confirmed that it is indeed Lefty.

    He shows no signs of unhappiness when I leave.
    Reminds me of Cinder when she was first adopted at 6 months of age!

    But she got "unhappy" and *BARKED* the instant she knew she
    she wasn't going along with me.
    We tried the G-Bye Treats - she wouldn't eat them!

    What you should do is try to determine just How Long Lefty actually
    *Howls* after you leave...
    Leave but just drive around the block, park, and *sneak up* to the
    house -so that he doesn't know you're "back".
    Then *listen* to see if he eventually calms down.

    In Cinder's case - she only *fussed* till I drove out of sight!
    If Lefty "gives up" after a few minutes of *fussing* -
    you might not need to worry!

    Lots of folks leave the TV or radio on - and say that helps.
    I tried "hiding treats"... till I forgot something once and came back
    about 5 minutes after I'd left...
    A DOZEN carefully hidden MilkBones were ALL gone!

    I've decided that Cinder's *bark & fusss* when I have to leave is
    just her way of *asking* ~ "DAD! Can't I please come along!?"

    "Company" for Lefty?? How bout a KAT??

    /s/ Phred
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    I think Phred's suggestion is a good one, seeing if you can find out how long he howls or fusses after you leave. If it's only a few minutes then it probably isn't too serious except that I know it must break your heart, even if he only does it for a few minutes. I know you have other issues with him and have talked to a trainer so if you feel looking into a medication would be something that might be good for him then I'm sure your vet would let you know the options and possible side effects, etc.

    Good luck, I know you love Lefty with all your heart and obviously vice versa!
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

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