Just wondered if anyone has a way to break up a dog fight quickly. Have an 8 year old lab/australian cattle dog (Petey) and a 2 year old shepherd/newf(Smokey). The fights have been far and few between for awhile, but just had another yesterday. Petey(lab/aus) starts it and for no reason we can fathom. Smokey(shep/newf) only defends himself and doesn't want to fight. I know about the alpha/beta dog stuff and have had dogs for over 30 years but this clash is one I've not been able to solve. Petey latches onto the face and ears and has to be pried off. I wonder if pit is in his pedigree.
Broke up the one yesterday by getting a dining room chair between them. It's so upsetting. Smokey got a wound under the eye that will be fine. Petey is a tank and uninjured.
Thanks so much.
Kittenwhiskerz in California