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Thread: she chews like crazy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mesa, Arizona

    she chews like crazy

    About a month ago i got a dog, i named her Oreo. i wasnt quite sure what breed she was but when i took her to get her vaccinations they told me she looked like a pointer mix.
    Well she likes to chew on things, ive read that it may be because of boredom or cause she's alone (i go to school so i only have a couple hours a day to spend with her). My parents want to get rid of her "because shes so distructive" they say. but I want to find a solution. Could someone help me, whats the best thing to do?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Buffalo, NY
    How old is she? If she is around 6-9 months, she could be teething. If she is older, you are probably correct in assuming she is bored.

    Here is how I would (and did) combat the chewing issue in my house.

    Step 1 - Dog proof the house - put things that they like to chew away - shoes in the closet, covered trash cans, taller laundry bins, etc.

    Step 2 - Go out and buy appropriate chew items. Kongs( which can be stuffed, or even stuffed and frozen), sterilized bones (which can be stuffed), all natural rawhide (supervised only), etc.

    Step 3 - Buy some bitter apple spray and spray in on areas that you cannot pick up (i.e. the furniture).

    Step 4 - Train them to "leave it". If the dog gets something in his mouth you do not want - tell him "leave it" and when he gives the item up, praise and treat (you might have to tempt him with a treat to get him to "leave it") then give him an appropriate chew toy and praise him for chewing the correct thing.

    Step 5 - Confine him in a safe area when you are not able to supervise him - a crate or a baby gated area. If he is not crate trained, you are going to have to introduce it slowly.

    Step 6 - Exercise - Exercise - Exercise. Go for long walks, play fetch in the yard, take him to a doggie park. A tired dog is a well behaved dog.

    Here are a couple of articles that should be helpful:

    Article on destructive chewing

    Article on Crate Training

    Just like you have to teach kids appropriate behavior, you have to teach your dogs appropriate behavior. The good news is that it is an extremely fixable problem.

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mesa, Arizona
    thanks for all the advice I'll try it.., she's 7 months old.
    Again thanks SO much!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    UK, Cornwall
    When my dog was teething we got an old towel, put it under a running tap so it was soaking et and put it in the freezer. when it was frozen gave it to him to chew in and this stop him chewing anything else. keep doing this until you puppy stops chewing.

  5. #5
    That sounds just like what happened when I got Daphne! She was 6 months old, and would chew everything! We though she was just teething, but it lasted for months! We tried to confine her to the kitchen, but she'd scratch up the doors, so then we put chairs in front of the doors, and she chewed them up! She also chewed on everything she could find in the kitchen - including the phone cord! My mom said that we had to get rid of her - so I took charge.

    First we brought her to the vet, and she said that Daphne had seperation anxiety (she got stressed out when we left her alone). So we got her a crate to keep her in when we were gone. That REALLY helped - I strongly suggest you get a crate. Also, you have to desensitize her when you leave, so it isn't a big deal. Like, don't say goodbye and pet her and baby talk to her. Just put her in the crate, give her a chew toy, and leave. Don't talk to her or anything. Then when you come home the same thing. Don't let her out right away when you come home, or pay much attention to her. When you do let her out, then don't act over excited.

    Also, you have to give her lots of exercise. If possiable, walk her before you leave for school, and again in the afternoon. And play games with her. And if possiable, take her to obedience class. It really is worth it - you learn so much about bonding with your dog and getting her to listen to you in obedience school.

    Good luck with your girl! I hope it works out!

    1 girl, 1 pup, 2 guinea piggies, 1 bunny & 1 turtle!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Buy alot of chew toys. She is probably teething. Or/and she probably gets bored when your at school. We kept Sally in a kennel when we leave and just put toys in there for her to chew on!
    [size=1]Rachel & Sally

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mesa, Arizona
    Thanks for replying everyone. unfortunatelly i didnt get a chance to try any of it out. Dont hate me for this. my parents got rid of her. i feel so awful. but hopefullly she has a new home now.
    i dont think i will ever get a new pet, until i move out and have my own place.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Very sad to hear, but we know it was your parents' decision, not yours. Bravo to you for deciding to wait until it's under your own control until you get a new pet. Just tuck away all the stuff you learned here for next time, even if it's years away. Thank you, too, for telling us, so we wouldn't worry and wonder.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    You have received great advice, however I would like to correct one thing that was mentioned, it is reccomended NOT to give rawhides UNTIL they learn what they can & can not chew on. A rawhide teaches a dog to chew, they have to chew, chew, chew a rawhide to make it tasty so they think if they chew. chew, chew something else it will eventually become tasty.

    Good luck
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mesa, Arizona
    Thanks, what you said makes me feel better. Hey! maybe i'll let you know when i get a new pet once I'm on my own!
    p.s: I like having to take care of things, I'm thinking of getting a plant...


  11. #11
    you need to tke disipin action.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Originally posted by clara4457
    How old is she? If she is around 6-9 months, she could be teething. If she is older, you are probably correct in assuming she is bored.

    Here is how I would (and did) combat the chewing issue in my house.

    Step 1 - Dog proof the house - put things that they like to chew away - shoes in the closet, covered trash cans, taller laundry bins, etc.

    Step 2 - Go out and buy appropriate chew items. Kongs( which can be stuffed, or even stuffed and frozen), sterilized bones (which can be stuffed), all natural rawhide (supervised only), etc.

    Step 3 - Buy some bitter apple spray and spray in on areas that you cannot pick up (i.e. the furniture).

    Step 4 - Train them to "leave it". If the dog gets something in his mouth you do not want - tell him "leave it" and when he gives the item up, praise and treat (you might have to tempt him with a treat to get him to "leave it") then give him an appropriate chew toy and praise him for chewing the correct thing.

    Step 5 - Confine him in a safe area when you are not able to supervise him - a crate or a baby gated area. If he is not crate trained, you are going to have to introduce it slowly.

    Step 6 - Exercise - Exercise - Exercise. Go for long walks, play fetch in the yard, take him to a doggie park. A tired dog is a well behaved dog.

    Here are a couple of articles that should be helpful:

    Article on destructive chewing

    Article on Crate Training

    Just like you have to teach kids appropriate behavior, you have to teach your dogs appropriate behavior. The good news is that it is an extremely fixable problem.

    Good Luck

    I DEFINATELY support everything you just said! I have a one year old beagle who LOVES to chew EVERYTHING! We got some of that bitter spray and put it on our furniture- that finally got her to stop that- and we now take her on AT LEAST one walk a day. By the time we get home, she's so tired, she just goes to sleep!

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