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Thread: The Cruise Of The Good Ship "Feline Princess"

  1. #301
    Join Date
    May 2002
    When are the cats from Kentucky due home? Just curious lol, I'm getting lonely!!

    My Kitties Are Love!

    Find out what it means to me!

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    I agree cutie_chica, I want to know when the Tennesse cats are coming home, I am getting lonely myself! I miss being used as a scratching post! My knees are starting to get well!

    Haven't heard a thing from Grover, just seen the pic of her climbing the flag pole. She is just not that interested in jewlery, or fine clothes..She don't even seem to be that interested in boys yet, too busy being a tomboy!!


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I got another email from Peanut. Seems she's been quite busy with the camera (much to shy Livvy's chagrin). The first pic she sent were some of the boys out sailing. They rented one-cat sailboats and were having a blast. As you can see by the waves, it was quite windy so they had a good day. Looks like Eddie's having a little rough time of it though. I wish the pic was bigger but Peanut said their support boat didn't want to get too close to the boys in case one lost control and rammed the boat! Oh, she also said that Pouncer really, really, really wanted to join them, but Lily wasn't too happy about it, and Edwina (who has been watching over Lily) put her foot down and told him NO, he's too young and he is NOT going so he can fall overboard, drown and break poor Lily's heart! The final convincing influence though was the look for Daisy (or is it Samantha that has the look that is not to be denied?) After that look, Pouncer meekly went back to Lily and pouted for the rest of the day. Oh, and Tray, Grover wanted to go too, but the look from Daisy (or Samantha) made her re-think also.

    So here are some of the more adventurous boys, from left to right, Eddie (hang on!), Andy (he blends in with the white sail so well you can't hardly see him, and who knew he was going to come out of his shell like this!), Fister (who is kinda scared so he closed his eyes), Tubby and Tigris.

    Peanut wrote that they all had a blast, and towards the end they really got the hang of controlling those sails. The biggest motivator being that they all hated it when they tipped over and ended up wet!
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  4. #304
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I particularly like the next pic she sent. It's a view of the pool from above. Lots of kitties were just hanging out and enjoying the relaxing atmospheres, and it appears the bunnies were enjoying themselves too! She said the doggies were on the other side of the ship taking turns chasing a stick that had been thown overboard. Seems they were all so impressed with Smokemutt that they wanted to be ready in case another rescue was necessary. And with Miley & Filou walking the rails, the likelyhood of another resuce being necessary is quite high!

    So I'll show the pic first and then fill you in on a few of the things that Peanut said were going on.

    Ok, first of all (again from the top left so I can keep it straight), Jupiter & Filou were having a little discussion - probably about girls. Then we've got Chuckie, Mini(?) and Freckles going down the water slide with Livvy (see her hat?) and Zam looking on. Zam was trying to get up her nerve to do it too. Then there's Eddie on the lounge chair talking to Maggie (is Eddie maybe ready for a girlfriend?). And then, we've got Leroy and Andy seranading Edwina with Juni Rose looking on. We've also got Logan and Ripley checking out the waterslide. Ripley says well....maybe. Logan says NO WAY! On the lounge chairs we've got Butter & Pichu in front with the girls, Tinky, Mimi, Nellie & Miley in the back. And of course, Winter, Miss Hoppy & Sisi the bunsters watching it all from a safe vantage point. I think I got everybody there.....

    Peanut has also asked if Livvy could visit since they have become such close friends, and of course! We'd love to have the lovely Olivia as a guest - anytime! However, I do not like Cassy's idea of trading for Tubby. I rather like my Tubby boy and I would miss him terribly. But he can visit anytime Cassy.

    As for the cruise ending, well, Peanut said that Tubby was watching the weather channel and saw how cold and snowy it was in Chicago and he said he didn't care if he ever went home if those were the conditions! (sounds a lot like his daddy ) However, I did want to remind everyone that there is a helicopter available for any kitties that are homesick and want to leave. There is no extra cost for this since the ship knows that a homesick kitty is nothing to mess with.

    Peanut said they were heading to an island, so I can't wait to hear about all the kitty exploits there!

    (Note from Peanut's meowmy. Some of you really have to post more pics of your kitties! I wanted to include so many more on the pool pic, but searching for kitty pics takes up a lot of time....and I really need to get some work work done, not to mention school work! Not complaining mind you, just pointing out that we need more kitty pics to work with! If your kitty hasn't been featured lately I'm really sorry but it's because I can't easily find pics of it on PT. I wanted to feature everyone......)
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  5. #305
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    catnapper, it's so sweet to read what Pouncer has said about Lily! It's it wonderful that our kitties are having such a great time?

    Oh, she also said that Pouncer really, really, really wanted to join them, but Lily wasn't too happy about it, and Edwina (who has been watching over Lily) put her foot down and told him NO, he's too young and he is NOT going so he can fall overboard, drown and break poor Lily's heart! The final convincing influence though was the look for Daisy (or is it Samantha that has the look that is not to be denied?) After that look, Pouncer meekly went back to Lily and pouted for the rest of the day. Oh, and Tray, Grover wanted to go too, but the look from Daisy (or Samantha) made her re-think also.
    I'm really glad that Edwina said "no" to Pouncer's plan! I know that Lily loves adventures, but I'm sure she would have been worried!

    Glad that "Lady E" is taking care of Lily and Pouncer, but don't you think there's some "Edwinian influence" in Lily's style lately? Look here:

    Last edited by Kirsten; 02-11-2005 at 04:25 PM.

  6. Fashion Tip #3

    It is better to be overdressed than underdressed for the occasion!

    (Thanks to Lily for demonstrating this point so admirably!)

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Miss Hoppy is home now, despite the snow we have here. She had a nice time on the cruise, enjoyed the sunshine and warmth, and she and Winter and Sisi became bunny pals, in the quiet places where the kitties weren't looking. They did make that excursion on to deck (see above), and had a nice time, but they are cautious bunnies, after all. Miss Hoppy said the parsley on board was pretty good, but there is no place like home. and, of course, she'll need to be here while we're away!

    Lovely hats, girls, by the way!

  8. #308
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    OH my! It seems as if the fun never stops! I am so glad everyone is having so much fun!

    Pouncer wrote to me again:

    Dear moewmie,

    I am having the marvelous time! I did want to go out sailing with the guys, but one look into Lily's worried eyes convinced me to stay on the ship. We watched them sailing and having fun, but it was also nice up on deck - did you know they have this really cool water slide? Lily and I spent hours on it, then relaxed on deck and played cards - she beat me at Rummy three times! I'll need to have you teach me that when I get home... you only taught me solitaire. Well, gotta go. We have a bunch of stuff planned for tionight and I still need to wash up for dinner. Much love,

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    I do wish Edwina would try and get it through Grover's that she needs to start dressing more appropriately. Advise her that it is time to stop acting like a tomboy! Edwina dresses like a lady, and Grover needs to learn to be a lady!!

    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  10. #310
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Dear Debbie,

    Thank you for your kind invitation to Livvy, she was thrilled at the chance to continue her friendship with Peanut in Chicago. I told her about the snow -- still she has no concept what it's like. (You may find her welded to the top of your heater, but that might have been the case anyway. She resembles a furry heat-seeking missile sometimes...) I think the suggestion that Cass and Tubby exchange actually started from her; so glad that you are as unimpressed with the suggestion as I.

    I'm relieved to see that she is using her sun hat by the pool, I'd hate for her cute little nose to get sunburned in the Carribbean sun.

    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

    Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy

    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

    If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --

  11. #311
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Juni and Juni Rose had a girl's talk about fashion too. They agree that Lily and Lady Edwina look fabulous but they say a girl has to find her personal style. And the two Junis think that too many pearls and laces prevent a girl from walking on railings and jumping over tables. So they think Grover is purrfectly ok and their kind of girl

    Juni adds there are enough boys who don't want a doll -like her beau Filou and her brother Pichu who want to have fun with girls

    Tigris wrote telling how much fun he had sailing: "I never knew why dad and you said it's so much fun but now I know. And it's much easier to catch fish from a sailing boat!"

    His words.

    Filou enjoyed the pool a lot. He's a water loving kitty anyway.

    Filou where do you want to be for your birthday next week?

  12. #312
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Toledo, Ohio, USA
    Sadie is disappointed more stories haven't been told about what the doggies onthe cruise are up to. I apoligized to her becuase for whatever reason her mommie's PT account isn't working and her daddy's does, but vvveeerrrryyyyy slowly. So I haven't been able to share the pictures she has sent back. Hopefully I'll get some up soon!!!
    Sadie (Baby Girl)

    Cincy (Little Baby)

    Spot (Spotty Boy)

  13. #313
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Originally posted by catnapper
    OH my! It seems as if the fun never stops! I am so glad everyone is having so much fun!

    Pouncer wrote to me again:

    Dear moewmie,

    I am having the marvelous time! I did want to go out sailing with the guys, but one look into Lily's worried eyes convinced me to stay on the ship. We watched them sailing and having fun, but it was also nice up on deck - did you know they have this really cool water slide? Lily and I spent hours on it, then relaxed on deck and played cards - she beat me at Rummy three times! I'll need to have you teach me that when I get home... you only taught me solitaire. Well, gotta go. We have a bunch of stuff planned for tionight and I still need to wash up for dinner. Much love,
    I didn't know Lily can play rommé, meowmie only plays solitaire and mah jongg! Surprise, surprise! There's obviously a lot we don't know about our fur kids!


  14. #314
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Randi

    I know Gavin was dealing – and in style!

    When Samantha called me this morning she mentioned that she saw a lot of the dogs including Sadie hanging out in the Casino last night.
    While she and Tubby and most of the other cats were drawn to the Roulette wheel (something about watching that little ball rolling around seemed to get all the cats excited!)
    it seemed that Eddie was playing cards with the dogs at Gavin's table.
    Eddie really seemed intent on beating the house(Gavin) but it was Cinder and Smoke who kept coming up as winners!
    Samantha overheard Cinder saying something like "Everything I know about cards I learned from my dad."
    RIP sweet Samantha

    Milly & Izzy

  15. #315
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I have heard that they are trying to start some kitty competitions in order to get them away from the gambling and drinking at the catnip bar. I know there is a *high jumping event* scheduled to be held at some point today. Everyone sort of feels that Miley would be a shoo-in if she could be talked into participating. I am wondering if Sallyanne has heard from her lately. Hopefully my two will not enter as I would hate to see them being the first to have to visit the ship's doctor.

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