It's been two years since I first brought Corkscrew into my home. He was adopted at PetSmart from a friends mom, but she decided she didn't want him so she gave him to my friend. Well, my friend was pretty much living with her boyfriend at the time so she would only stop in every few days to feed Corkscrew and clean the litter box, but she never really gave him attention. She finally decided to give him away, so she gave Corkscrew to a friend.. who quickly returned him. Then she gave Corkscrew to another friend, who also quickly returned him. By that point she was ready to take Corkscrew to the humaine socitey, but thankfully i decided to bring him home. He was crazy at first, I remember the first few nights I had him I had to lock him up in the bathroom because he kept attacking me in my sleep! But over time we both started to love each other and he calmed down a lot. Now he's my sweet little lover boy. I'm so happy that I decided to make him a part of my family.

He still attacks sometimes, but now it's only to play

Isn't he so cute

He can be a bit of a trouble maker sometimes, but I still love him