My 3-year old labrador, Leo, has been throwing up and dry heaving for the last 12 hours. We took him to the doggie emergency room last night due in part that the the day before last I had seen him licking the parking lot and thought "antifreeze". They assumed the very fact that he was walking on his own power that he was not "antifrozen". It was also way too late to the blood test for it. I am 100% sure that he has not been poisoned with anitfreeze, but w knows what else he could have picked up

They did X-rays and did not find any obstructions. They did not seem to think he was suffering from bloat or torsion. I am usually not concerned when he throws up but he is doing it fairly frequently. They IV hydrateded him and gave him anti-nausea medication, but he still dry heaved after taking it and he looks like he does not feel good.

He is fasting now. No food or water until this afternoon, but I do not think he is going to be able to hold it down. Any advice or experience with this? Thanks