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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #106
    Dad's the caboose on our train, *Star*, an' we got two engines pullin. Crack-the whip works great when we can zip him 'round a tree. Or get him goin' downhill when he leans too far for'ed and has ta make his feets go reel fast ta keep standin' up - alla time hollerin' for us ta "whoa up". Whadda Hoot! Nother neat one is when we circle the wagons round his legbones while we're each goin in differnt directions. He most alluz hasta do a sit down ta unsnarl that mess! He gets *cranky* when he sits inna wet spot . So far we never made him *bOINk* onna tree. Smoke's the one who keeps gettin his bell rung onna trees .

    Dad's reel proud of his Y-thingy even though we look kinda like a cirkus act with everbody doin' cirkuls in differnt directions and hoppin up an down jumpin over the moving ropes. Seems to give alotta pleasure to the folks we perform in fronta. Dad's often wearing his red colored face an doin sum huffin and puffin, but I think it keeps the hole fambly in good shape. He usally behaves purdy well when we get home after a session inna park; kinda kurls up inna kliner chair nest and duzent bother us FurKids for a while.

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Cinder and Smokey Kid, Star and Cody here. Phew!! Afer all dat circlin and snarlin your dad sure duz deee-serve a snoooze in da recliner! Hope you kids are behavin and bein good kids like me! We're gettin ready to watch da doggie show and root, root root for da labbies! Yeah! What Cody??? Sheps? Husky? HAH! Can't hold a tail to my kind! Big hugs to all my pals out there! P.S. Mom's reeeeeely stressin since we bin widout da talkin machine plugged ina wall ALL day and the man wit da tool belt JUST finished fixin it! Mom's looks again! Oh well, what's new! Sleep good yuz two, Phred too! Bye!! Love Star and Codster

  3. #108
    Cinders here ~ wiff a NawteeDawgs Tail that even I don't believe...

    Had a good day Saturday; went ta the Shop and Dad fixed a couple *bugs* onna puter, Smokey the Kid did good on praktissen his skool lessins, watched sum TV, and we both came right back from our nite outies wiffout gettin losted. Got our nite snaks and then Smoke an me jump onta the bigbed. Things slid downhill from there .

    Dad's trottin inta the bunkroom when he spots *The Wet Spot* onna carpet. Long story short: the Kat gets 'cused of makin the spot and sent to the baffroom before Dad figgures out there's WAY TOO Much pee for it ta be from the Kat's tank; plus the dribble mark onna wall is to far up ta be from Kat's squirtgun . Dad starts hollerin atta Smoke to come over an diskuss the problem. Well, the Kid's inna living room by this time, shakin the kliner chair so hard it looks like it's a vibrator model. Dad's hollerin and blottin the puddles while Smoke's shakin the kliner and I'm hiding unner the bed thinkin the world's about to end. Dad hooks up the leash to the Kid an hauls him down inna basement and ties him to the timeout wall. The Kid musta figgured it was time to be quiet when the door got slammed so hard the whole house shook ! Never heard a peep outa him the whole nite. Dad rounded up poor Boots Kat, who was in his Kat house in the shower/tub, and tried to make up to him . I thanked the dog angels that it wasn't me for a change.

    Dad went to the fire station for a drill this mornin, so's we FurKids hadda stay home. Smoke got a quick outie on his leash and then got confined to the timeout wall; I got the run of the house and managed to behave myself. We all watched the 500 Race this afternoon, but the Kid was tied to the chair wiff his leash. Not really sure where the Kid will be sleepin tonight... I gotta hunch it will take a day or two for this one to blow over. Dad's been purdy good 'bout not holdin a *grudge* when we skrew up, thanks to him readin these PetTalk Boards; but he reely *hates* steppin on soggy karpet!

    I been wunderin how the Kid could go so long between outies... Guess he couldn't go as long as some of us thought . Does anybody know if they make doggie diapers?

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    It's me, Hannah. The dreaded *wet spot* shows up way off in Ohio. Well Mom can't blame ME for THAT one! Geez, Cinder, your dear old Dad sounds lot like my Mom when she goes into Crazy Lady mode, 'cept we don't have no time-out wall. Mom usta throw me in the cage and lock the door "for my own protection" before she EXPLODED. She's calmed down a lot now, mostly because the dreaded *wet spot* only shows up about once every six months now, instead of one every couple days like when I was younger but "old enough to know better". And now she doesn't want to charge the wrong defendant either. You see Tucker has the same potty stance as I do, so it's tough to tell who done what. Now in the poopy department the woman is a marvel. She can spot whose poopy belongs to whom from 10 feetaway. Everyone here is feeling real sorry for Smokey. We all took a vote and feel that one night off of the big bed is punishment enough for the little guy. He seems like he's a wanten to please, not just hard headed like I was. (Mom made me say that last part.)

    Things here are going okay. I had to go to see Dr. B. at the Animal House last Monday. I had this lumpy thing on my back that Mom discovered one day when giving me my massage. She freaked out thinking it was the big C, so the very next day I gets wisked off to Dr. B. He told her what it was a sebaceous cyst and I have to take some pills twice a day and she has to wash it off with running water. I've been taking my pills like a little trooper 'cause she's been giving them to me with a Snausage. We do have a little problem because we've discovered that I gained 3 lbs. since last time I was at Dr. B's and she's had to lift my blubber butt into the tub to do the running water deally. Anyways my cyst is gone but krunchies seem a little sparse at meal time.

    Here's hoping you all can think of somethen to get Smokey Links back on Dad's good side.

    Your friend, Hannah

  5. #110

    >> Dale Earnhardt, famous NASCAR Driver, died after being involved in a violent crash on the last lap of the Daytona 500 Race today.<<

    We wuz watchin' when it happened and Dad said it wuz bad when Dale dint climb out by himself. Dad was always sorta happy when "Ole' Dale" wud beat out the young pups inna race! Dad's kinda shook up an sez it's time to go home, rite now!

    I'd be nice if everbody at PetTalk would say a prayer for Dale and his Family and Friends. We're all gonna cross our paws at Phred's Ranch tonight...

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Cinder, Smoke and Kat - you be really nice to Dad, okay? Dale Earnhardt was a real hero to lots of folks, and I know a lot of people are gonna be real sad.

    And remember, it's safer to go real fast on 4 doggie feet than on 4 rubber tires any day. You snuggle Dad close, and make him feel better, okay?

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Hannah, Smokey and Cinder! Star and Cody here! Wow, lotsa catchin up ta do! Man, I'm with Hannah and the gang. We're thinkin one nite off da big bed's enuf a time out...pleeeze, dad, oh pleeeez!! But be rememberin, Cind and Smokey, dad's feelin a little in the dumpster cuz the nice man in the car went to heaven and it makes us all sad to know his family won't be wit him no more. How's skool doin Kid? Are you mindin yer p's and q's?? No slippin up now. Yer already in the "dog house!!" And Hannah, I'm so sorry to hear bout yer lumpy bump. Pheeeeew. That's one thing that always scares the begeeeeezus outta mom, finding those lumpy things. Me and the Codster are so glad yer ok, though sorry ta hear about the cut back on the snausages! Yum, Yum!! I feel your pain!! Well gotta go. Nice talkin to yuz guys. Be good now Smokey! That wall's gettin way too much of a workout! Love, Star and Cody
    P.S. Cinder, Smokey, ever hear dad mention anything bout~~~~ "Frito Feet"~~~~~when yer lying next ta him???

  8. #113
    Cinder borrows the NASA line ~ "PetTalk, We've got a problem here..."

    Dear liddel brudder Smokey is beginning to try Daddy-O's good nature and benevolent mood with his poddy problems. After Saturday's discovery of the *Wet Spots*, the Kid has been on a short leash inna house and Shop; but there were no problems till we got home Sunday nite. Dad starts cookin dinner for all of us and is watchin the Tube. Smoke's tied to the coffee table by Dad's feets when he gets up and strolls over to the straight chair in fronna the winno and starts sniffin. Next thing Dad hollers *NO* and starts reelin in the Smoke wiffa leash, while Smoke's busy squattin' and hosin' down the rug unner the chair . Dunno if Smoke run outta ammo or got skared and shut the hose off; but Dad cuts him loose an the Kid runs inna kitchen. Dad opens the basement door an the Kid (smart pup that he sometimes is) sprints down the steps, with me close behind. Dad mops up the *Wet Spot* and comes down ta diskuss things wiff us inna basement. We're both onna lay down pad bangin' our tailbones for all they're worth. Dad tells me ta *scram* upstairs and then gave the *Evil Finger Wag* ta Smoke and tied him to the TimeOut Wall.

    The Kid wound up eating his dinner onna front porch so he'd have a place to finish dumpin his tank if he had any left. Course he got all tangled around the bushes an started wailin, so's Dad rescued him an wisked him back inna basement for another nite in jail.

    Whatter we gonna do wiff him? He just hates to go pee or poddy when Dad's watchin. This morning we sat inna car while he was tied inna driveway - took him 10 minits till he did a pee. Then Dad jumped out an *good boyed* him like he'd wun the lottery. Wouldn't do a poddy at the Shop if Dad was wiff him. Leave him outside for 20 minits and he finally poopied beside the Shop. Only place he seems ta mess up is inna house and onna carpet (never inna basement). Dad's askin for ideas; any suggestions?

    We found one idea - make the Dummie wear a diaper from these people: I think I'd rather die!

    And Dad would like ideas on how ta clean up the *Wet Spots*. This is what he's found so far:
    Carpet folks:
    and: All sound like good plans; anybody have any real-pee experience?

    Hannah ~ Sure glad you cyst thingie wuzent a reely bad problem; but the Krunchies reduction seems to be a common problem . Ever since SmokeMutt showed up - all skinny as a rail - Dad keeps lookin at Me sayin I'm *fat* . Fat compared to WHAT? I'm a inch taller an 4 inches longer, got 3 times more fuzz, an bigger ears than him... Course I otta weigh more! And that's NOT fat - I just got more looser skin than him! Sheese, Dad!

    Hi, Star*Burst an Cody ~ He'd be doin better wiff his lessins iffin he spent less time on timeouts an more time praktissen! Oh, yeah; Dad sez I got *damp* FritoFeed and he keeps furgettin to sniff the Smoke's pads.

    Wag yer Tails and give us sum good ideas for fixin' Smokey.

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hey dad, Star*burst* here! Sent ya an email, hope ya get it. If ya don't, my mom told me to tell ya, DON'T GIVE UP!! Know yer smokin over the Smokester's peein and poopin problems, but help is on the way! This site, the Dog Training Library has lotsa good ideas from lotsa reeel smart people. Go to the 3rd main topic, "Specific Training Issues," then subheading # 1. "Housetraining" You'll be readin for hours. But lots a reeeel good info. on all kindsa causes a da problem. Maybe itsa fear thing, markin thing of sumthin. But we'll fix it! We all love the Kid and wanna help to get yuz back on trak! Tell me what ya think. Me and mom's gonna do a lota readin and see what we come up wif. I'll write ya later. You too, okay? Give my pals a hug. We all love um lots, and wanna keep this family together and HAPPY!
    Love Star & Co.


    P.S.!! Already been readin sum a da artikles. The 14th one, "Sit Happens" highlighted topic "Housetrainig" seems to hit all yer problems right on. Ya gotta use the stuff like Natures' Miracles enzyme cleaner to get ridda da smell from where da Smokey's peein 1st and never punish for peein lessin ya see him doin it. Then it's more a korrection, goin outside immediately, and such. If ya punish him, like tyin him to da time out wall, he's gonna be fearful a goin in front a ya, just like ya described. Anywho, give it a look and let us know what ya think!

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited February 20, 2001).]

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Merlin here: Cinder has dad checked into a possible infectin on the kid. had one as a pup mom sure felt bad when she found out but some NASTY meds and never a wet spot since. I like my crate but not as aplace to take a time out!!!

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Tell yer dad that my mom swears by "Oxy Clean".

  12. #117
    ** E-mail Suggestions **

    Cinders, here; wiffa message from *Dad* ~

    With so much smut and virus infection being spread by E-mails, Dad insists that nobody open an E-mail if we don't know both the sender's ID and the subject or title. Since Dad dint know *Star*Ship's e-mail name, their mail got tossed without beig read this morning . We already sent an oops, sorry, message to Star, but we'd like ta suggest a possible "fix" that everbody could use. RacheJ did it with a mail she sent us: ** Put PetTalk or one of the Pet's names as the first or second word inna subject so it shows up on even compressed E-mail summary displays. Or make the subject read the Hoomin's name like Xyzzq from PetTalk...**

    Maybe some of you aren't worried, but you attitude might change if you ever open a virus like we did a couple years ago.

    Back to the SmokeStack problem

    First to *Star* & Co: Your Univ of Wisconsin Dr P's site is a real 5 *Star* Wow! of a site. Dad sez there's nuff stuff on there to make reading it a full time job. We're starting to read in the section you suggested.

    Merlin's idea of a fection or sickie inna Kid is maybe possible, but we don't *think so* cause he ackts purdy normal all the time, neber whines much, and can pee or poddy when he *wants to*.

    We were all ready to un-stink the rugs last nite, but Dad furgot the Vinegar stuff got used for sumpin. We're gonna go set summore this afternoon - maybe we'll go to Wally'sWorld and look for the enzime and Oxee stuff, too.

    Thankx, everbody, for helpin the SmokeMutt!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Tell yer dad if he gets the Oxy Clean stuff to use 1 scoop full and really hot water in a spray bottle. Spray in on the oops and let it sit for a minute or two, then blot with a dry towel. Mom sez it works so good, it makes her want to do the whole carpet. PS, she also uses it in the big steamcleaner thingie when we come in the house with muddy paws. Take er easy. Max the wonder dog.

  14. #119
    Max ~
    You dunno Our Dad - there's not much fear that the hole rug will get the Oxee squirt - it's a big event when he drags out the Rug Sukker and moves the dust around.

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Just a quick note to see how things are going at your house. Is the kid still having trouble with his tank? Did dad break down and get out the rug sucker? As you may have noticed Cinder, we all love to hear about your adventures - it just makes my day.

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