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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Wow I'm glad you doggies are safe! Yah Star's right, don't go too far in this storm. 'Specially if you're short 'cause you might smother. I gotta jump just to breathe! But don't run away any more, and 'specially without the right collar stuff. One time I wandered but I had my collar that says "Daisy" and our phone number, plus lots of jinglin' things. Anyway I wandered 'cause I was feelin' rebellyus. So I wandered down the street a lil' and then this old guy saw me and lured me in his house with good food. He was gonna keep me if I didn't have a home! He just couldn't resist a gorgeous girl like me. But he called the number on my collar and was kinda sad that Mommy owns me. Good thing I had my collar on! You better wear yours, and Smokey better too. Well I gotta go, I'll seeya later. Behave yerselves, at least 'till Dad calms down

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    It's me, Hannah!

    Geez, you two had an exciting day. Your Dad's heart must have been going thumpity thump, thinking that he losted the both of you. All he'd of have left would have been that darn Kat.

    Now I like a wild day in the neighborhood better than anybody, but the most fun is if Mom and Dad are chasing me through the neighbors backyards yelling "Come, Hannah, come", especially if it is early in the morning. Last time Tucker had a chance to go with me and (can you believe it) the wus went right back to Mom the first time she called. That time she wouldn't even chase me. She just sat on the front stoop with a cookie in her hand. I wanted to go blocks and blocks like I had done before, but it didn't seem to be any fun without her huffing and puffing right along behind me. I kept circling back to see if she was coming, and nope, she was right there on the stoop, so I just came and got that cookie. She sure knows how to spoil the fun.

    Anyway, Cinder, I am glad that you are okay, and that your Dad isn't too ticked off at you and Smoken....

  3. #93
    Shhh... We're on low profile till the great edventure blows over .

    Yesterday was a high security day with outies done on an as needed, one at a time, basis. I thought for a while we'd be paw-printed upon return, but Dad allowed visual rekonition.

    We're getting prepped for Smokey the Kid's big first day at skool. He's been sent out to unload brunch so many times he's starting to loose his enthusiasm to go. And our water bowl got dumped out at 5pm to prevent a pee problem. Dad would probably die if the Kid hiked a leg during class . I think his uniform will be his ratty red bandanna, a hand-me-down from me. I guess I stay here in the Shop 'caus it's kinda cold outside and Dad doesn't wanna get labeled as a "bad parent" by some stuffed shirt who might spot me curled up in the driver seat in the car. Speakin' of cold, the Kid's hammering on the door to say he's either emptied or freezing; at any rate he sounds like he wants in!

    Now Dad's gonna march him around the shop a while to take the edge off and mellow him down so he acts right in skool, thinks Dad. I did that routine every night 'fore class - dint faze me a bit! I could act like a space cadet with the best of 'em! Hope SmokeMutt carries on the fambly traditions at the ol' alma mater ! Stay tuned for the full story after I interview the "student".

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh Smokey!!! Star and Cody here. Don't be fraid! Just know yer gonna do yer dad and Cinder proud! Now, don't do like me, (oh, this is Star) and half way thru the first class do the ole "I'm goin in the corner to take a load of my mind" and embarass yer dad! Sounds like he planned ahead for that though! Just take it slow and know all us alumni of 1st grade are with ya. After all, wearin Cinder's ole bandana's gotta give ya good luck! Let us know how ya did, Kid!! Sittin on my paws till we hear from ya! Cinder, make sure ya give the Kid a high five when he gets home. Is he gettin any mattress time yet? We're with ya Kid! Love Star and Cody

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hi all, it's me Hannah! Space cadet...I've heard that reference myself.

    Cin, you and Smoken's little day trip had some repercussions in this house. Mom says I gots to get chipped. I don't know exactly what that means but we got to go the The Animal House where my Vets are to get it done. She says Tucker's already got his chip from when he was at the shelter. This better not hurt Cin, or I'll be after YOUR tail!

    Cin, I'm glad you haven't given up the puter to *Puff*. It was nice of you to teach him how to write his thank yous and all but you gots to hang on what is yours otherwise the Wisenheimers start to take over. Well, maybe your brudder isn't like mine, but don't you count on it. Them boys start out real easy but next thing you know they are not only up on the big bed but under the covers. And this school business. Hope the little bugger doesn't show you up by being all cooperative...ack...ack...ack...I can't even SAY that word.

    Bark at you later...

  6. #96
    Skool Report; Smokey's First Nite ~

    Cinners here ~ Kinda tweaked...
    Had a long report all pounded out an ready to go - then I klicked onna "clear fields" stead of the "submit" clikker box. I wuz howlin' so bad that Dad thunk I 'lectrocuted myself.

    Since it's so nice an warm outside, Dad said we could go to the park at the lake for a walk an skool drill, so I don't have time to put the whole story back together.

    The short version: SmokeMutt did good an said he had a great time. All the other first graders are pretty friendly towards him and Dad was reel happy how he paid attention (most of the time). Dad was a little unhappy that I told the Kid how to walk backards so's he can keep an eye on the guy behind... Smoke has to turn his head still, but he said he was reely tryin' to get the backards walk down pat.

    Everbody was all smiley when they came back to pick me up and go home; till we had a little misunderstanding about gettin' inna car. I had to go next door to see if the twin dogglets were out (they weren't, but I pee'd in their yard to say Hi!). The Smoke followed me ('cause Dad was letting the Kid drag his leash) but he dint come back when Dad bellered for us to *come!*. He went north through 5 yards till he met up with the not so nice Shepherd that lives up there . We picked him up on his way back south .

    Star & Cody- You bet the Kid has mattress time; he's been onna BigBed since Friday.

    Hannah- sorry 'bout you getting a chip shot, 'cause I don't think that's done on the golf course. Dad's thunk about that for me, and now I suppose the Kid could use one too, since he *come*s worser than me; but there aren't many places around here that have the readers. And there is more than two types, and one reader won't read all of 'em. Ask yer Mom if she knows alot about those chips and if she does maybe you guys could start a topic about 'em.

    Dad sez to watch what I'm klicken on this time, but to hurry up if I'm goin' to the lake with him and the Smoke. Keep yer Tails a-waggin!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Smoke, Star here. Hey, I knew ya could do it!! GeeZ! Walkin backwards. Think I checked out for that class!! So proud a ya!! Cody and me give ya 2 paws up. Did ya get a gold star, or cookie or sumthin for doin so good?? (2 points deducted for fleeing the seen after class) My mom says she'd give ya a big hug and kiss (yuk, she's always layin the wet ones on us!) if she could. Now, no wanderin. Remember....COME!!" "COME!!" Hoomins love when you do this one. Sure to pleeze!! Reeeel important. Not all pups are as amikable as us guys and dad only wants ta keep you safe. Know ya hadda blow "smoke" to get to the lake, and had ta cut your 'puter time, but let us in on all the details when ya getta chance. (Don't ya hate it when you lose yer 'puter page!!?? That really stinks.) Boy, goin to the lake to play with dad and Cind sure beats jailtime. You've really come a long way in a short time, there Smokey!! Hope you and Cinder had lots a fun! Did ya take a dip or what?? I live to swim!! Well, time to grab some couch time and check in on animal planet. Tell Cinder we say hi! Love ya Smoke and Cinder! Star and the Codster

  8. #98
    HiYa Star, Hannah, an all the other NawteeDawgs ~

    Cinder here, without any neet ParkTails ~ we got rained out! Got almost there when the Man upstairs started up the rain machine and bagan dumpin' reely big buckets of water. Sounded like somebody banging onna car wiffa club. Dad said it was rainin' Kats an Dawgs, but I dint see any - just a lotta water. We sat at the park gate for a while waiting for it to stop, but the Smoke was gettin' purty nerbus with all the rain noises so Dad said we otta go home. Dad asked the Kid if he wanted to out to pee and opened the door, but Smoke put on all four of his liddel brakes an said he wasn't the least bit innerested in goin' anywheres.

    We all had dinner and then Dad hitched us up and we both praktised skool drills all around the house. Smokey does purty well with the heelin' till it comes time to stop an sit; he likes to sit out front so's he can keep an eyeball on the Dad. Dad hates to have to correct him 'cause he sits down purty quick whenever Dad says *sit*, but he keeps parkin' his liddel wagon inna wrong spot! Dad just bends over and *skrunches* the Kid's butt around till he's sittin next to Dad's leg facin' forward an then he gets a "good sit". I'm a little worried how long the fur onna Kid's butt is gonna hold up to the repeated *skrunches*. It's gotta really hurt when they do it onna rubber mats at skool .

    I did A-OK with all my drills, as usual when nobody's around to watch! Dad can't figure out why I only pull when we're out in publik onna walk. I think it should be obvious that when we're out onna walk there's places to go an I wanna get there quick - that's why I pull and tug onna leash!

    Well it's another super warm day, but Dad checked the forecast and the rains are probably gonna get here 'fore it's time to leave. And it's gonna be cold all weekend. Nutz!

    No *StarBurst*, we weren't gonna take a dip at the lake - cause the lake is covered with krunchie water! I like ta swim too, but Dad would have ta chop a hole 'fore we could go in! I'll sign off for now, xoxo!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Cinder and Smoke's! Star *Burst* here. Feelin a bit under da weather. Me and Codster got in a sumthin and we been a pukin and poopin big time since EARLY this mornin. Poor mom's says her legs are like bisghetti cause she ain't had no snooze time. Her face kinda looks like this She's cookin us rice and boiled bird for dinner like doc paul said. Can't believe how much she LOVES talkin to that guy. Can't understand why??? But, I'm still managin a little play time tween batroom breaks though. We're tryin to keep "it" all outside if ya get my wiffffs. We wern't so lucky last nite. Mom couln't open da door fast enough and ooooops!! I think she said she hadda use 2 rolls a the paper stuff just to begin the decontamination process. I think it was that "velvet" bone she got us the other day. We sucked them baby's down fast and think it flipped our innerds kinda outerd! Cody's even poopin pink. (Her bone was red! ) Anywho, so sad you kids didn't get any play time at the lake. But spring's a comin! Yipppeeee! Can't wait for the summer games to begin. Sounds like yer both doin swell with your skoolin. Cind, you're like me. Always gotta keep one eye on the hoomin at ALL TIMES! They can be pretty tricky! Mom's skrunched my butt round so much I gotta bald spot! And Smokey, I think you're one special pooch. Not many hoomins could do such a good job like you, what wit all the ajustin, brain manipulation and physikal torture you been through in these couple a weeks. Sure yer dad's reeeeel proud! Well, hope yer maybe in for some playtime at the lake this weekend. And don't forget to stick close to dad!! Give me a buzz when ya getta chance. Love, Star and Cody

  10. #100
    Oh *GOSH* Star & Cody, Smoke an' Me are reel sorry ta hear that youse guys are feelin' poorly and got the runs outa BOTH ends. That's awful ! Dad knows just how your Mom feels, too. She don't know 'zaktly what the problem is and is probly wunderin' if your White Coat is just guessin' or has a good idea of what might be wrong. Dad allways gets a case of the frantiks when one of us takes a spell of the yuckies and he winds up feelin' just terrible 'cause he can't fix it right away. Nice to know the Hoomins realy care about us, though.

    Last time I had a case of the out the front end *yurks* Doktor Mike said to give me sum Pepto-sumthin' an cook me a fancy dinner of very well cooked ground cow an' rice. Now that was sum reely good eatin! I had to work purty hard to act sick for a couple days in order to keep getting the special grub. If ya can act reel sluggish and kinda dopey for a while the good stuff will keep on bein' served.

    Dummy the Kid *yurked* twice last weekend - inna car, no less - but he was stoopid and dint act sick, so's he just got put on short rations with no treats and had to be hungree for a couple of meals. I tried to tell him that he wasn't playin' his cards rite, but he kept worryin' that Dad was gonna throw him away for messin' inna car. I said he'd be OK 'cause he dint *hurl* onta Dad's firefighter suit which rides in front of our seat inna car. Just ask me - it's *bad news* when ya mess on the fire stuff! Spechalee if summa it goes inta the boots! I gotta butt-smack when that happened .

    Any of you guys that's gotta share the Den wiffa Kat might wanna have 'em read what our Kat sent in to the Kat Tails side of the Board. Can't believe I typed it up for Boots, but Dad said I hadda 'cause Kat can't come to the Shop where the 'puter is. Here's a link to the Boots post:

    Here's wishin' you a speedy get well, Cody and Star!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke:

    Dummy the Kid *yurked* twice last weekend - inna car, no less
    Hey, Cinder Girl, it's me, Hannah! Mom said to tell you about how I used to hurl every time I rode in the car. It started when I was a puppy and Mom thought I'd get over it after a little bit, but I didn't. They were real careful not to feed me for hours before we went someplace, but that didn't help I would find something to upchuck anyways. Sometimes they'd almost make it home and I hadn't gurked yet and they thought they would be home free and then I'd let it rip right as we drove in the driveway. Some doggies just get nauseated while riding in the car. But the good news is that one day I just stopped doing it. I can't remember how old I was, maybe two. Now I'm okay in the car, but we still don't eat before we ride anyplace, just a good idea, Mom says. So better watch the Smokey kid when he rides and keep them towels in the car. Mom used to carry a big bottle of water too for emergency clean-ups. Some peoples say a dog should be in a crate in the car so they can't see out the window which is what makes them motion sick, but I say they are just trying to take the joy out of a dog's life. If Smokes takes enough rides, he'll eventually get used to it like I did.

  12. #102
    Hey youse guys, wait a minnit here... It's me, Smokey the Kid !

    I don't get kar-sick - I luv kar riden as long as Dad don't drive Dorkey. The dum kar wus rinnin' ruff and he was stompin' on both the go peddel and whoa peddel at the same time; made my liddle headbone bob up-n-down like a yo-yo! An' I wus lookin' out the back winnow when it happened. Oh, yeah; an' I'd been a NawteeDawg both nites before and went up to the horsey farm hind our place and scarfed down sum tossed out cow gristle I found. The hole sitchee-ashun made for a tender tummie. Wuzent all my fault.

    So quit pikin on me, pleeze? Purdy Pleeze! I kant 'ford ta have Dad think I'm a really NawteeDawg else he might throw me away ! An' quit that laffin, Cinners - you wuz turnin' all green jest like i wuz!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hey, there, Smokey, don't feel bad - when I was a kid, I got carsick all the time - and bumpy rides were the worst. I got seasick, too - whenever we went on a boat they gave me Dramamine, which sometimes helped, and somtimes just made me sleepy AND sick! The good thing is, I don't get that sick anymore, but that's a whole nother story. I'm really writing to say maybe you should lay off of the extra cow gristle, or other stuff that's laying aroung outdoors. Remember, you've got a Dad now who WILL feed you, so you don't HAVE to scarf down whatever you find that looks remotely edible! And don't let Cinder pick on you too much - tell her next time, maybe you'll throw up on her! (My siblings sure hated that!)

  14. #104
    Karen ~ Kant *gurk & yurk* onna Cinders - she *LIKEs* me an I wunna keep it that way!! Long as Daddy quits his *Dorkey Drivin* I wont have ta wurrie.

    We wents ta the big park taday an dragged Dad round on his leashy rope. He made a Y-clipper thingy so's Cinners and Me can pull together an' Dad only has one leash thingy to hang onta. Works neato when we get organized an' tug atta same time - can reelee getta Daddy hummin' rite along, skippen over them stikz an rocks on the park trails ! Sorta *smartz* when the Cinders an Me go onna different side of the same tree - I seem ta spend alotta time kissin' the sidda trees an tryin' ta back up . Be nice if wunna us could holler *gee* or *haw* 'for the liddel guy (thats ME) gets *smacked* inna sidda head by them fast movin' trees! Cinners alluz acts like she knows where weez goin' but she nebber tells me so's I'm alla time stumblin an trippin over stuff or the durn rope. Its tuff when your the liddel guy!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hee-hee!! Oh Cinder, Star here. My mom did that ONCE!! Had us both on a y-thingy ropey leash. We scoped a tree rat and beat paws. Unfortunately for mom, we both decided to take a different "left, no right" route, wif a tree in the middle. Mom took the central road and ***bOINk***she hit hard and finally let go! Duh!! Don't think she had much choice cuz she was pretty out cold! Oh, mom, you're so silly!! Aren't we guys so amuzin?? Mom says there's a lead doggie and then there's the caboose! No way I'm takin a back seat!! Since yer just learnin the "ropes" Smokey, let Cinder take the lead to avoid any furder akkidents!!!

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