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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hey, Cinder and Smokey - I'm sooo proud you were therapy dogs, even if just for one day! Just think how many people you made happy that don't get to skritch any doggy ears, or pat fuzzy headbones or anything! I once took a friend's dog with me to see an elderly relative when she was in the nursing home, and it was pretty disastrous! He was scared of everybody, wouldn't let anybody pat him, or even get near him! People were soooo disappointed - but not Aunt Bertha! As soon as we got to her wheelchair thingy, he went right up to her, and even did "sit" and "stay" for her! I think he knew that she had been slipping extra treats to big and little dogs for 90 years or so, and he even gave her a couple kisses. But as soon as we left her, he couldn't wait to get out, and everyone who loved doggies was sad that he wouldn't say hi! So you two were extra, extra good, and I think that makes up for some of those nawtee dog episodes in the past! Good job! (Tell Dad I said give you an extra biscuit apiece in memory of Aunt Bertha!)

  2. #227
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    YIPPEE! WOW! HIGH 5 PAWS! Good goin Cinder-girl and Smoke-man!! I'm so proud of you! I'm gonna read your tail to Cody so he can see that meetin stranger ain't so bad! I know Dad was struttin his stuff cause his kids were so good! Big kisses and hugs to you!

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Cinder and Smoke, pups extraordinaire!!!! Mother of Star, Cody, etc. etc. here! WOW! You guys are just AWESOME! What a picture I get of you two crazy kids all spiffed up and dressed up, making the long trip for your big day! And you sure did make us all soooooooo proud! I sure am sorry your gramma is not feeling well. But I'll bet you did her a world of good, spreading your love and licks all around! Oh, those happy faces! And you made so many of the other folks so happy too! I do hope you get to go back and repeat your amazing performance. (Without having to sleep in the trakter!) If it's possible, I love you guys even more than ever! And your dad is some special guy too! Well, I've gotta go read this to the Star BuRSt and Cody girl. They are going to be so thrilled, and will write you soon, I'm sure. Congratulations precious, precious Cinder and Smoke. What terrific NOT so nawteedawgs you are! Love, Sandra

  4. #229
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Hey, Cinders and Smokey, did ya see our mug shots on New pictures in General? And did ya see my Mom's first GSD in Gone but never forgotten? Ya know, we all could be brothers and sisters!! Keep up the NawteeDog antics!
    Kill & Shi

  5. #230
    Hey Killian & Shiloh ~ Cinders here ~

    Yeah, I wus just on that page sayin how good you guys looked ! Jest hadda stick our fuzzy pix on, too. We gotta get a diggy kamera so Dad can take better snaps of us. Ur Mom takes good pix!

    Now, gotta tell bout the last Sunday adventure at GranMoms's place. SmokeMutt and I went back for anudder round of Therapy Dawg work atta Health Center...

    I'm tellin this storie, cus I wuz good an you were a NawTeeDawg fer all yer barkin. Smokey here, gang.

    Course I hadda have a baff Saterday nite cuz I gots a liddel *stinkie* on Wensday nite when we all went uppa street to help Unka Pat hang an air conditioner. I ran next door an rolled round inna pile of reelee *fresh* horse poopie I found. Gotta hose baff, broke loose an went rite back an rolled around summore. Dad wuz a liddel more upset durrin the sekund hose baff! Friday nite Pat's pup Cali came ta spend the nite wiff us an stayed till Saterday nite while her Hoomins took a trip. Dad hadda *brush & comb partie* for all three of us - that's when he noticed I still had a certain *horsey* stink about me. Nutz! I wuz the only wun that hadda take a baff. Everbuddy got their nails chopped off, too (even Cali).

    Sunday we load up an we're off to Picksberg. Dad parks the kar unner sum trees for shade, fixes a wadder bowl beside the kar, and guess who gets tied up onna leash an left? Yep, me.

    I only yelped wunce when Cinders an Dad walked away; jest kurled up onn back seat an hung my headbone out the open door an listened to the burds. Booring!

    Cinders did her good gurl thing inna Health Center - lay onna bench outside on the patio an let GranMom *skritch* her all over. Then Dad took her on rounds an they visited a lot of our new granmoms and granpaws inna rooms and hallways. After what seemed like forever, Dad came out to swap dawgs.

    Dad an I started to walk over to where Dad's Sister had walked wiff GranMom - to the new Zeebo roof thingy inna trees. Soon as we got outa site the rukus started. Wailin, howlin, yelpin and barkin like I nebber hearded before! I dint think wun liddel Shepherd Dawg could make such noizes! Cinders finally shut up cuz nunbudy wuz payin any attention to her, but Dad had his toofs ground down to powder by then. He kept mumblin that she'd had her last trip to Picksberg till he found a no-bark ZAP! collar for her .

    Well, we all trotted back inside an I got to do rounds wiff Dad while GranMom went inna dining room for sum grub. I got to see a buncha the grannys an gramps that I saw last week - an a lotta them membered me! Then the Hoomins all went to Vesper Service, so I hadda go back to the kar wiff *moufy dawg*; but we wuz quiet while we were at the kar together.

    After church, the plan wuz for Cinder an me to go back in together to say g'nite to all the old folks. We pranced in all nice as could be, but the crankie sekuritee guy met us an said we'd been there too long an to get out! Dad wuz *boilin mad*, but we said a quick g'bye to GranMom and left for home.

    Now, anybody had any good luck wiff wunna those Zapper Collars whut gives ya a Zap! iffin youse barks like Cinder wuz doin? Dad wuz purty cranked off wiff her barkin, and I think he meant it when he said she couldn't go again and carry on like she did. We gotta do sumpin purdy quick-like. Lemmie know if you know of a good wun that stops the barkin but duznt hurt too bad.

    Keep yer Tails Waggin! We'll Woof again, soon!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  6. #231
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Smokey-boy and yodelin' Cinders,

    Tell your Daddy-dearest that Shepherds DO that. Iffin their hoomin is off wanderin' somewheres, them there Sheps are gonna wwwwwhineeeeee and sometimes, howwwl! I know, 'cause I do it. I did it at o-bedience classes and at Petsmart (when Mom left me with my hoomin' sis)! I put up a big stink (err-I mean, Mom knew I was upset). The 'bedience lady told Mom that "Shepherds do that". So, I guess it's just not me and the Cinder. Don't know nothin' 'bout those electrocution necklaces, but I know I wouldn't want one!
    Good luck, youse guys

    Killian (howlin' dog)

  7. #232
    Halp! You guys won't beliebe whut Dad dun .

    Cinders is in a terrible *snit*, pouting unner the puter desk, so it's me, SmokeMutt, whut has to do the talkin ~

    We wuz all happie and cited cuz Dad took'd us to the PetsMart store this snaftersnoon. Hitched us up wiff our short y-thingy and let us look all around the joint. We wuz eben good an dind stael nuffin offa the lower treat racks. Then he started talkin to a guy and they played wiffa funnie lookin collar thingy. Purty soon Dad's skribblin onna check an we get back inna kar an come back ta the Shop. Dad plops down an starts readin a buncha liddel books from inna box and then starts playin wiffa collar thing. Next thing he's puttin this collar on Cinders an she's whimperin it's kinda *snug* onna barken box... He sez he kan pun his finnerbone under it so's it's OkDoKee.

    Next thing I knows I'm tied ta the table an Cinders is onna rope out front anna door's closed. Then Dad starts walkin away inna parkin lot. Now he jest knowz that Cinners is gonna *Bark* when he wanders away like that. Sure as heck, he gets ta the sidewalk an she starts *yappin* ! Phunnie thing is she only yapped twicet, then sorta whimpered and kinda jumped up an started lookin all round... Next, the folks next door come home (allus good for a few yaps) but she only yaps twicet and stops an starts a liddel dance routine. Then a kar pulls inna lot to pick the folks up fer dinner an Agin Cinners only barks coupla times an stops reel quick-like. Not at ALL normal fer the Mouffy One! Then Dad keeps playin hide-n-seek next door an over atta Tree Store onna other sidda the Shop. Now she's down ta wun liddel *yap* an shuts up???

    Dad comes back wiffa big *grinn* onna facebones an hasta call Cinners cuz she's hidin inna tall grass hind the Shop. I asked her wassup wiffa *quiet mode* anna short barks? She sez ebber time she either Grrrs or Yaps the new collar gives her a *buzz* onna first Grrrr an then a *Zap!* iffin she bark speaks! Holly Rip ! An iffen she barks mor'en wunst, the *Zaps* get more owchee-er an she hasta stop cuz it startz ta *hurt*! She's purdy sure the Zaps! are commin outta the liddel boxy thing onna new collar.

    We askt Dad how long she's gotta wear this new gizmo an he sez till after we get dun visitin GranMom on Mum's Day. Sure seemz like it's gonna be *quiet* round here. Dad sez it better be quiet in Picksberg, too!

    We jest had a nudder test. The folks next door came back and Dad had Hans come over whilst Dad was outta site. One Grrrr anna *yip*, then quiet tail waggin . It's almost like a differnt Dawg.

    I looked atta box. It's a "Petsafe" Deluxe *Bark Control* model PDBC-300, by Radio Systems Corp; Knoxville, TN (1-800-732-2677) wiffa web link:
    Got "18 Lebels of Correction". I peeked atta collar thingy an it's ownlee set atta lowest lebel - hate ta see whut she'd do iffen it got cranked up ta the Big Zap! lebel .
    Dad sez it costed $90 plus tackz.

    Cinders sez ta say *Hi* to ebberbuddy, but she don't feel like talkin jest now. Still in *snit mode*, I guess. Think I'll go lay low fer a while - gotta member not ta pick up her barkin habbit!

    Keep tryin to wagg em (hope there's no Zapper fer Tails)... /s/ the SmokeMan

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Poor Cinder, some gals are jest naturally chatty, and this is gonna be a hard learning experience for her. Maybe, jest maybe, she'll figger out that she does REALLY need to bark at every opportunity. Maybe. You can help, Smokey, by just hanging with her and letting her know you like her even when she doesn't bark!

    I wonder if they make those collars for politicians?

  9. #234
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hi everybody, it's me, Hannah. Been reading about my girlfriend, Cin, and I just have something to add to this conversation. It ain't Cinners fault because she was talkin and Dad wasn't listening, so she had to repeat herself. I just don't get it! When a girl gives instructions, she wants some action. Now Cin, what you gots to do is get really depressed and unhappy like I did when mom had them put in that lectric fence thingy and made me wear the collar from HELL. I just did a major SULK, and in two days, the collar from HELL was outta here. Remember you got to keep your head down all the time and the tail plastered between your legs and just refuse to go anywhere and with your head hanging low as it will go, lift the eyes up and shoot him a glance that says "How could you do this to me?" Now don't be acting happy or glad to see him or nothing, no time, or you will blow it. Gosh, I wish I could be there to show you. We'd have that collar all packed up and Dad scurrying around trying to find the receipt.

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Oh Cinder, you poor sweety. I think you should take Hannah's advise and make Dad feel really bad.
    This should call for a major Treat reward

  11. #236
    Hi, ebberbuddy! It's Smokey agin ~

    Cinder's still a liddel too 'barrused ta talk jest yet, but is taking this Zapper do-thingy a lot better'n we all thought she wud. Dad dint make her sleep wiffa Zapper on, but we she waked up an started barkin at Skruffy Dog when he ran thru our yard to go up an feed the horseys this morning - she only barked hello a kupla times an then quit. Usually she runs back an 4th frumma bunkroom to the bay winnows lotsa times shout barkin all the way. Dad eben woked up an gave her a *good gurl* fer bein almost quiet.

    Taday atta Shop she only fergotted wunst an barked 3 or 4 times atta next door guy, but I think the Zapper got goin an she purdy quick membered ta stop wiffa shoutin. Dad walked cross street to the Post Office - not eben a whimper outta ole Cinders. Normally she'd be in constant bark mode till he started walkin back towards us. Now instead of gettin the *evil finger wag* she's gettin a lotta *good gurls* an then we both get biskits!

    I dunno, Hannah, them extra biskits taste purdy fine. And I don't think the Dad is gonna give in on this wun; Pout, Sulk, or throw a Tantrum neber seems ta work reel well on him. An he's a lot happier passin out biskits than he is when he hasta keep gettin up frum wurk and hellerin *QUIET* atta BarkMutt. Plus he won't hafta wag the *Eevil Finger* around so much.

    Hey Miz Karen ~ Dad liked yer "jest natchurrly chatty" komment! He sez you could be a polletichun; whateber that means?

    We gotsta go pack for the Picksberg trip. Gotta warsh our bamdannaz, chop toenails and probably get brushed, too. Sure hope we skip the durn baff; but I don't think we gotten too *soiled* or *stinkee* this week so mebbe we kan jest watch Dad play in the Kat's fallin wadder kloset and call it a nite.

    Hey FurKidz ~ member it's Mom's Day Eve - no erlee risin tomorrow! And be sure ta give out LOTZ a *Schlurrps & Huggies* to yer Momz. And don't ignore the Dadz - the're purdy speschul too!

    >> Happie Mom's Day to All You Momz!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Cind, what are the hyoomins doin' to ya? Ya can't shush a dog's barker. We don't ever tell them to be quiet and they yak all the time! Poor pup. Yeah I agree with Hannah, go Drama Queen. Works every time. I came on here all ready to share my bad day but your buzzer seems to make my story kinda little. I had to have a bath AND get my nails clipped all in the same day! Plus it's rainin'. And Mom keeps saying, "This is for the best, Daisy! You NEED a bath. It's GOOD to have your nails clipped." Well I don't beleive her. I am VERY mad and keep giving her 'The Look.' I don't even think she feels bad. Well she will when I make her sleep all by herself tonight! I do got some good news though... the weather is finally turnin' nice. There's no snow left! Yay! And it has been really nice ('cept for this week, it's been inna 50s and 60s, which means cold!) so I've been ezzercizing lots. Mom says she hopes I lose some of my blubber. 'Scuse me Mom, you aren't s'posed to talk 'bout a lady's weight! Jeesh! Oh, I've been gettin' inna lot of trouble lately... I keep goin' and helpin' meself to treats. I've eaten 2 whole boxes now. Mom keeps puttin' 'em up high but I still get the box. She's totally confuzzled. How do I do it? Hehe, it's a secret! Well I gotta go, dinner time! Cinder Girl, good luck with that buzzer. 'member, drama queens always win.


  13. #238
    Hi, ebberbuddie ~ It's me, Cinder, the now *quiet one* wiff more tails ~

    We been Reel Busy this month wiff our weekend trips to see GranMom in Picksberg every Sundee! Got this Therapy Dawg thing down almost pat now . Dad warshes his outside skins an our bamdannaz Saturdee nite and we go sleepy purdy urlee. Inna mornin we get brushed, nails chopped off (wish Dad would stop wiffa *choppin* ~ they're gettin awful *short*), jump inna traktor kar an motor over to GranMom's Village. Bein the Senior Mutt, I get ta go in furst, leavin the SmokeMan ta guard the kar unner sum trees inna staff parkin lot. After I do rounds inna Health Center, Dad duz the switch an takes SmokeMutt in for his turn. Mum's Day wuz a liddel ruff on me kuz I furgotted I had that durn Zapper! Collar on and started shout*barkin when Dad walked inna the Village wiffa Smoke ~ I started shoutin an ignored the Zaps! Well Dad stomped back an made a *justment* onna collar an then trotted off agin. I started rite up wiffa shoutin ~ got in six or mebbee ten good *yaps* fore it REELEE started ta *hurt* onna bark box. Smoke told me later that Dad had cranked the collar upta 2 outa 3 onna Zap! dial. Since then I been in *quiet mode* wiffa collar on!

    After GranMom eats her dinner grub Dad takes her to the Vesper Service an we hang out inna kar. Then we get hitched up to the y-thingie an Both go back inside ta do our g'nite rounds to all the roomz. We alluz stay late enuff to run into the krankie sekuritee guyz while the're lockin up the outside dorz. Seems the HeadMan inna Health Center hearded bout the *hassel* they gave us a few visits ago an he passed the *wurd* that we were OK Kids and ta leave us alone. Dad jest *grinnz* when they give us durtee lookz .

    This last long weekent wuz purdy special, cuz we did an obernite in Picksberg! Dad found a liddel motel place that gave us a bunkroom to sleep in after Dad gave away a liddel munnie an showed the guy a letter fromma surance man that said our homeowner's policy wuld cover anything we busted or pee'd on . We got a reelee BIG bigbed to share and eberthing went OK till sumbudee inna next room got up an left at dark:thirty an *skairt* me. I woked up an started sum shout*barkin afore the Zapper! collar and Dad hollerin *QUIET* got me kalmed down. Dad made the owner guy spekt the room fore we left and he said we could cum back agin ennie time, so I think we'll do summore obernites.

    Mundee we hadda watch the burds an sqwurrels fer a while cuz Dad took GranMom upta her partment where us Dawgs aren't allowed to go. But after they got back to the Health Center Dad took us in for the hole day on our y-thingie. We did a lotta visits inside and took GranMom fer a long ride around the kampus inna bigwheel chair. Dad wuz gonna hook us up ta help pull the chair, but GranMon said she'd walk furst!

    We went shoppin for G-Mom while she got her dinner grub so Dad stopped fer a burger an fryz. Putted the bag rite onna seat. I neber had fryz afore, so's I leaned over the armrest an grabbed a BIG mouf full while he wuz parkin the kar. Had to share wiff SmokeMan cuz I had so many I couldn't chomp wiffout spillin sum onna back seat. Almost had em gone fore Dad pulled out the fryz pouch an saw it wuz haf emptee! Phunnie how he dint share mucha the burger wiff us?

    After dinner we did a lotta room visits wiff GranMom along to say *hi* to all our other GranMomz an GranPawz. All the WhitePant Gurlz know us by name and don't seem to mind our trottin all ober the joint. Most all of the Grannyz an Gramps know our names too. When we finally got reddie to leave and did our last rounds, ther wuz a hole buncha G-Momz sittin outside their roomz inna bigwheelz atta end of wun hall wavin an hollerin at us to cum back an say g'nite. Summa the WitePants were there too, cuz the Grannyez wunt go ta bed till we came back fer a last g-bye! Our GranMom wuz purdy well bushed out when we finally got her back to her own room.

    It wuz midnite fore we got back to the Home Ranch! Smokey wuz so tired he slept onna back seat the hole way home. I did my co-pilot thing an stood wiff my fronts onna arm rest an helped Dad drive most of the way ~ ownlee took a cupla short napz.

    Big sweat now is the Ranch grass ~ wiff alla rain an bein gone when the sunball wuz werkin, the grass is way past the tummie-tiklin stage! Dad sez the nayburz will think we took up farmin. I know that OddJob, the desill traktor that Dad drives all over the yard to eat the grass, will be barkin an blowin black smoke out his stack the hole way!

    Well thatz our Tail fer tanite. Been purdy quiet here on the page ~ letz hear from all our other FurBuddiez ~ tell yer Momz you need sum puter time to pass sum yarns!

    Wag em if ya got em; otherwize jest shake yer butts! Luve to All!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  14. #239
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Merlin here; so glad to hear from you kids, Mom and I were beginning to worry about you . Mom's been tired and cranky working too hard at her jobNot much time for playing but I get to snuggle more cuz she naps a lot. It's been very hot here for May mom's garden (off limits) is growing good. Hope it does soon I love the zuccinni stuff.
    Glad to here Your grandma is doing better your visits have to help(after all we are the best cure for all). Gotta go Mom's heading for bed. She has a full weekend ahead too ,on her days off we spin dog wool for hats for people for memories . I get to sniff all the packages that come in the mail, lots off nice smelling pups out they. Take care all and good nite. Montanas Mystical Merlin

  15. #240
    Cinders ~ ya furgotz ta tell my Whopper storee ~

    Smokey here ~ Nutz to Cinner's fry grab caper ~ I gotta hunk of a Whopper sammich a cupla weeks before...

    We wuz goin Home fromma visit wiff GranMom and Dad getz hungree, so's we stop atta burger joint. Now eatin outta a brown paper sack, drivin, an holdin off two NaeTeeDawgs sorta looks like a mobile 3-ring cirkus, based upon observations of summa the other *grinnin* motorists that happen to pass us while the show's on .

    Cinder alluz jumps inna front seat an tries ta grab a hunka sammich. Dad getz crankee an tells her to *get back* inna back seat. She pouts inna back korner which opens up her co-pilot's spot onna arm rest. I slip in an take up the position of clean-up man wiffa headbone resting on Dad's shoulderbone. After he takes a bite, I reach around wiffa tongue-lapper and *Schlurrrp-up* alla sammich goo he smears all ober his facebones. He allus holds the sammich wiff boff handpawz an he's pointin the kar wiffa kneebones, so he got nuffin but a shoulder twitch to push me away. (Wunst he tried pushin me wiffa elbow; but he squoozed the sammich too hard an it jumped outa the bunbread ~ Cinners an I had it divided up an gone fore he knew what happened!)

    So enniehow ~ I'm inna clean-up position, head onna shoulder. Dad pulls up the sammich
    an takes a chomp outa the left side, which leaved a lotta Whopper hangin out on my side. Opportinity knocked. Sammich is almost bein jammed inna my mouff. Yep; I dun it! HUGE *chomp* outta my side. Dad dint feel nuffin. (Good thing I dint hit a finnerbone!) I'm inna back seat gobblin fast as I can wiffout droppin any bits for the CinderDog. Dad's lookin inna see-back window tryin ta figure out what all the chompin noizez are from. He figgured it out purdy quick when he tried ta take a bite outa the missing side an came up emptee! Course my mouff smelled a liddel like *warm burger* when I came back for the next wipe-up. He wuz laffin so hard he almost dropped whut wuz left. Cinners got the hole last bite by herself, though .

    Dad sez he's gonna find a gate to block off the arm rest hole inna front seat so he can eat in peace .

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

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