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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Merlin here; Mom says I should share this story just to show ya How much smarter dogs are over cats.
    This weekend Winky (resident cat) and B.A (neighbors cat) Sat on oppissite sides of Daddys jeep, we thought it was the usual stare off. Next morningthey stated it again. So hooman brother Ben gotdown on ground(we couldn't get them to look away) and Ben found a little pitty feild mouse sitting on the axle he kept running back and forth teasing the two cats.the thing kept them busy for two days just staring at it. Not sure what happeed to it Dad took the car to work this morning. I just ran around the yard all day chasing birds and squrriels(important intruders) Mom said she'd try to think up some of my antics to post later (I of course don't have any for here to tell)(ha ha) she says

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Killian here.

    Mom and sis (human) went to go see if we could get us another bro/sis Saturday, but that didn't work out. Looks like I'll have ta put up with that pesty Shiloh by myself for the time bein. Darn, thought I'd get a break! Oh, well! To make things worse, I hadda get my back molar pulled on Monday, too. I'm gettin tired of all the dentist stuff. I was just there last November and he did the same thing on the other side. I guess my "eosinophyllic gingivitis" is a pain in the tooth! I do feel much better, though. Shiloh just comes around and licks me on the top of my head to say how sorry she feels for me (yeah, right!). She's just waitin' for me to get up and chase her. OK, I guess I'll just do that right now since I feel better!

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hi, it's me, Hannah. Tucker and me had a good weekend too. Mom and Dad actually got off their butts to take us to the park. She put us on our 20 foot leashes and off we went while Dad stayed in the SUV. She claims we forgot how to act and were running and pulling in all different directions and she was telling us "easy, easy" and we weren't paying her no mind. So back to the SUV we all go. She gets out the short leashes and attaches them to our chain collars. Dad gets Tucker and she takes me and one snap of my collar and all my training comes back to me. We walked for a while and saw ducks by the river and even met two other dogs but they weren't very interested in being friendly. Tucker was tuckered out and I was drop on the floor tired when we got home. I've been reading that some other dogs got stuff for Easter, but Tucker and me got zippo! To top it off she and Dad go off for Easter dinner at somebody's house and when they came home they smelled like LABORADORS. When I confronted her she said yes, Raven, the black lab that I know from a long time ago was there and the brown lab puppy, Sue, who came over to our house in January was there. That Sue was such a BABY. She just barked and barked, like I was supposed to play with her or something. No fair that SHE got to go and I didn't! - Oh, Mom just told me it was Sue's grandpa's house. - That's okay, I didn't want to be there anyways with her silly baby barking all the time.

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Gee, Cinder and Smokey - sure sounds like you had fun dog-sitters! Probably just as well Bots stayed home to guard the place - he probably wanted to make sure no OTHER strays set up residence, and he got the big bed all to himself for a couple days. (I bet he missed you, even if he won't admit it!) Hope your Dad's mom is okay - if she hasta go to the human horsbittle, maybe Dad can say you guys are "therapy dogs" and you could visit her! Wouldn't she be surprised!

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Honolulu, HI, USA
    Been reading all the new posts and I so much appreciate all the caring thoughts and good wishes for my lost Jasper. Still no news, hard to take and keep up hope. Every rustle in the grass, noise by the window...he is somewhere.
    I have put up over 70 posters, individually put posters in neighbor's mailboxes, talked to all I meet, scoured the area, visited the humane society repeatedly, called and mailed to every vet, rescue agency and feral cat group I can find. After being told of a frequently used cat drop site at a park in an industrial area, I put up posters, fed and talked to some of the friendly ones that came to sit with me in the dark. They tried to tell me their neverending stories...but I couldn't understand their words.
    I have now updated my profile and I think it will reveal my email address now. Thanks for understanding.
    Although an Easter Story should not be scary, this one was for me. I didn't really pick up Easter treats for my boys because I seem to pick up treats all the time, everywhere I go, so nothing new came their way for Easter. I guess they were mad at me for that, or at least my 11mo old Goldie Moses sure was. My house was quiet today, I had dozed off when suddenly my youngest son raced into my room telling me his Easter basket had been raided. He had taken away a Cadberry egg from Moses earlier, but it had now disappeared from its hiding spot. I jumped up, memories of a previous chocolate adventure with Moses coming to mind. While a wee pup, maybe 2-3 months old, my granddaughter decided to share her chocolate milk with him. She came to tell me because she was mad he had drank it all. An early Sunday morning. My vet was not around. Called another nearby, and the on duty vet told me the dosage to give of hydrogen peroxide to my pup. No results, and was told to give a little more. Finally he blessed my kitchen floor, several times, with his illgotten chocolate milk.
    Now here I was in the same fix, my chocolate addicted Moses was at it again...and I'm so careful. Into the kitchen we dragged him again, knowing the carpets would not do well with our desired results. Gave him a portion of hydrogen peroxide again. Nothing. He did cough a little at the awful taste but then ran to drink water. More waiting. Again we gave him some. Waiting..and nothing. A little more down his throat, and immediate results. And oh the results. We counted not one, but two Cadberry eggs, foil and all, a couple Disney hanging ones, foil and gold string attached, at least seven foil items, plus more. And oh the smell of chocolate. Oh bad, bad boy. He really did a number on the chocolate. I'm so glad my son came and told me for Moses would surely have died from the collection in his stomach. My son helped me clean up the mess, feeling bad because he loves the dogs so much. Then we decided we had better dose Sandy too, for he also may have consumed some. After more hydrogen peroxide than Moses needed, Sandy gave us one blessing and came to us for praise and hugs, for alas, no chocolate or foil..good dog. Sandy got a big crunchy dog bone biscuit, Moses got confined to the kitchen as punishment. Oh boy...maybe next year I'd better get the boys special Easter treats so Moses won't be so mad. And my son, maybe he doesn't need an Easter basket. But, he is so very remorseful after watching their agony. I think he has learned his lesson. And Moses, I think he'd do it again.

    [This message has been edited by Jasper's Mom (edited April 19, 2001).]

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    OO! Thank goodness Moses and Sandy are OK. I learned something from this- hydrogen perioxide!! I did not know that! At least Moses has good taste. those Cadbury eggs are marvelous! I'm not making light, just kidding, cause chocolate is a serious matter. I had left my purse open with a chocolate bar inside and tho it fell to the bottom, for some reason, instinct?- since Cody was not with me as always, I ran over and snatched that candy from his mouth just as he grabbed it! Whew! So I know where you're coming from! I'm just glad all turned out OK!

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    That was a close call for Moses. Thank goodness your son had the where with all to tell you what had happened, so you could take action while you still had time to do something. I, like Karen, didn't know that Hydrogen Peroxide could be used to make a dog vomit. I always have that in the house. Do you mix it with water or anything? I suppose the dosage depends on the size of the dog? Anyway, you really did divert a disaster. When we got Tucker, he was recovering from a surgery after a similar incident where he ingested a peanut butter cup (with wrapper) and some dental floss. This did create an obstruction which necessitated the surgery. It cost his previous owners over $800.00. Fortunately they were good people and took him to the vet and saved his life. I can't imagine life without him.

    I'm so glad that Moses is okay. Quick thinking and courage on the part of Mom to take action. Congratulations to your son for reporting what happened. You both saved your dog's life or at the least some serious suffering and expensive vet bills.

    We are still keeping up hope for Jasper.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh poor Jasper's mom! First Jasper goes missing and now chocolate! Thank goodness you intervened in time. And your son is quite the hero as well! I too, did not know about the hydrogen peroxide! I am so paranoid about having chocolate in the house that if I do, I hide it in the highest closed kitchen cabinet over the frig! My girls are real counter cruisers and trash raiders and even the cats might knock it off even the highest open "perch!"
    Please keep hope for Jasper's safe return. I know he must be loved so dearly. You have done everything imaginable you can for now. What a special fur mom you are. My heart breaks for you, as I know from personal experience that the waiting and wondering is the hardest part. Please know I think of you and Jasper every day and await your updates. You are in my prayers. Love Sandra

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited April 20, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited April 20, 2001).]

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Cinder and Smoke.........are you readin all these stories about chocolate? We don't wanna hear any uppychuckin stories from Ohio now.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Honolulu, HI, USA
    I realized tonight that my boy Moses is still addicted to chocolate, even after his forced upchuck the other day. Greeting someone who had just come into my home tonight, his intense interest was found to be caused not by love for this person, nor want of attention, but that they were carrying his favorite, peanut butter chocolate. No, no, no, none for you...

    The vet that recommended using hydrogen peroxide was so helpful in saving my pup, calling back to check on our progress, with no want of compensation for their valued advise and time, that I called the next day to schedule all my animals with them. They are great. They remind me of the kind and caring vets you see on Emergency Vets on Animal Planet.

    The first time Moses was dosed, he was so little, so I was told to use only a teaspoonful at a time. I was not to add water. Just pour it in his mouth. Then wait to see if there were results. If none, give a little more. It took two teaspoonfuls. Moses was so pitiful, wretching several times, but it cleared his stomach. In a couple minutes he felt fine. He did not seem to have any after effects from it.

    This time Moses was 11 months old, and it was heavy duty chocolate, so I was really worried. I started by giving him just two teaspoons. Waited 3 or 4 minutes, then gave him two more, which then made a total of 4. We waited again. He only paced and drank water. I could tell he was feeling queasy because he paced and licked his mouth. So 5 minutes passed this time and I was getting really nervous. We decided to give him one more, so a total of 5. As soon as it hit his stomach, that was it. He got sick several times, giving us lots to check over. Such a nice topic to discuss... He had finished off Sandy's food, plus his stolen Easter treats so Moses needed less than Sandy to get results. In a few minutes he was feeling just fine again.

    Sandy had not eaten all his food, and no forbidden chocolate, so it took more, 6 teaspoonfuls to make him wretch. And he did it only once. He only had a little food, but more (sorry) sticky foam. I feel because he had less food in his stomach, he needed more of the hydrogen perioxide for it to work. He was immediately fine and accepted his token bone bisquit, eating it with relish.

    I know with petroleum products, and probably other things you should not induce vomiting because it can cause damage coming up, especially if it gets in the lungs. At least that's what they warn for people.

    This is what happened to us, and what I did because of what my vet told me. But please, don't follow anyone's advise without first checking. Ask your vet how they feel about using this on your pet. Only your vet knows what is right for your precious babies. Ask now, so that if an emergency arises on a holiday or in the middle of the night, you will know what to do.

  11. #221
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Sorry I've been gone for so long everybody, but my Mom was gone and I cant turn on the pyooter by meself! But now she is home. I was a lil' mad at her when she first got home but I am over it now and glad she is back! All while she was gone I wasn't meself, and at night I slept in her bed but I woke up alot and would go cry to Grandma to ask her if she noticed that Mom wasn't there. FINALLY Mom is home! She went to someplace called Spain and she is talking what sounds like gibberish a lot. She keeps saying she is in Spanish mode. I don't get it. Oh well. Moses, you got good taste! Chocolate, mmmmm. I've had lotsa chocolate and have been lucky so far. Mom tris in vain to hide chocolate from me but I am Daisy, Wonder Basset! And I always get it, bwahahaha. Haven't gotten any lately though. Although today I did have a little eating incident... Grandma bought me a container of heart shaped treats. We keep all my treats in a hamper on the floor in the laundry room, and I have just found this out and have eaten everything that isn't sealed, but the darn cover is always on the container with the heart treats! But this morning I looked and lo and behold, someone had forgotten to put the cover back on and there were about 75 treats left. Mmmmm were they good. When Mom found out about the treats she was very mad and she can't beleive I didn't get sick. She says I am gonna get real fat and better be prepared for lotsa ezzersize tomorrow. She is real 'xcited today because Grandma and Grandpa are allowing her to drive to the beach house in New Hampshire tomorrow. She has been drivin' the car a lot lately and she's gettin' pretty good. I have noticed Grandma has finally stopped grabbin' atta wheel and screamin' bad words, and Mom doesn't get beeped at so much. So tomorrow the whole family ('ncludin' me!) is goin' to the beach, with Mom as our chaufeur! Wish us luck Now I think I gotta go. I am gonna go cry at the door. Mom won't let me out tonight because there are coyotes runnin' around my house and two of 'em even had a big fight! I coulda joined in, and I could beat 'em! Mom doesn't agree with me though, so I have been running fromw indow to window barkin' and howlin' and getting my family very mad. But I don't think I am gonna win this one. Mom doesn't beleive that Daisy the Wonder Basset couldn't take a pack of coyotes. Ha! Oh well. Wish me a fun day at the beach (hope we get there alive ). It's s'posed to be 80!!!! That should get rid of the last remnants of snow. Wahoo!

  12. #222
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    HI Y'all. Its me Shaianne, speed demon greyhound. I just wanted to tell you I am listed on this site why I don't know mom though it would be real funny to get me on da net. Don know why.
    Here are my links:
    I think a couple of ya have checked me out, but I thought I'd post it so I can be a NAWTEE DOG TOO!

  13. #223
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Patches and Rascal here.

    We really don't like dogs. If Mom leaves the gate open the duffasses across the street always come in our yard and chase us. But they can't crawl under the house and we always get away - hee hee!! But Mom has been telling us about Cinder and Smoke and as along as we are sure they live way across the country I guess we will tolerate their stories. Why she is reading this stuff about dogs gets us, when there are all of those good cat stories she can read us.
    You don't think she is thinking about getting a dog do you?

  14. #224
    Cinder & Smoke finally back with all you NawTeeDawgs ~

    Sorry to be away for so long, but Dad's been goin to see GranMom on weekends an that takes away frum our puter time.

    Sure hope JasperKat sees wun of his posters and trots back home reel soon! We've still got our paws crossed. And Moses ~ you're worse than a NawTeeDawg for gobblin choklet. Iffin we'd dun that I hate ta think what Dad wooda dun . I know that he's got summa that peroxide puke juice stashed at the Ranch and the Shop, but the most choklet we ever see is a corner of a chokachip cookie - an he usually makes sure the chip parts go inta his mouf fore we get our corner.

    Hey Daisy ~ Did ya get all 75 treats fore you got caught? We've been tryin ta teach Boots, the Kat, to pop the cover off the buskit jar and flip us out sum extras, but every time he gets the cover off he only drags wun biskit out and jest chonks on it by hisself onna counter . And watch out for them kiyotees - I likes ta chase sqwirruls and wabbits, but those kiyotee things sound a little skarrie...

    Merlin ~ Your Winky sounds bout as sharp a tack as our Boots, the Kat. He runs all around the house jumpin onna windows grrrin and hisssn atta burds what sit onna bushes outside. And then he shares his krunchies wiffa liddel mousey kritters when they wander inta the house. Dad sez the Kat jest ain't quite right inna brain bucket!

    Hey Killian ~ sorry about loosin the toofs. Any luck wiff gettin annuder bro/sis to help keep Shiloh under control? Two Dawgs and wun Kat is a good ratio - jest ask our Boots! He's slimmed down a liddel since SmokeMutt arrived to help keep the Kat onna run.

    Hannah an Tuck ~ Wow, 20 footers! That's 40 foot ta play with! We could tie Dad up so bad he'd never get loose. Too bad yer Dad wuz along to help out. Wudda been a lotta fun if yer Mom wuz alone...

    Shai ~ That's a neet site you write for. Dad's been readin that site for a year or so, but he nebber told us bout it . Think I'll spin a few of our Tails on that wun, too.

    Patches & Rascal ~ Yep, you Kats need a Dawg in your pack. "... don't like dogs ..." Definite *attitude adjustment* needed here.

    Now here's sumpin y'all won't believe ~ SmokeMan and Me, the original NawTeeDawg, skatter-brained rowdies, both got to be Therapy Dogs last Thursday ! Yep, we reely did. Seems Dad hadda go see GranMom inna Health Center wing of her big partment complex cuz she wuzint eatin her grub and got week an siklee. The White Coats said she hadda stay inna Health Center till she got stronger and could go back to her partment. They held a meetin to make plans for gettin her better on Thursday, so Dad hadda go to Picksberg and come back that nite. He'd seen a nouncement sayin a Therapy Dog wuz commin an asked if he could bring us along. Sure, if he'd share an take us to see all the other folks while we wuz there. Oh boy!

    Baff nite wuz Toosday inna garage... Shampoo, lotta skrubbin and fluffin, nails chopped off, brushin an combin - got us all spiffied up. No mud puddles or dirt rollin on Wensday. Just sum close order drills wiffa lotta heelin and *sittin purdy* praktis. Erlee brekfust, not too much wadder, an off we went. Kinda had a rockie start ~ Dad left us tied to the bumper unner a tree inna parking lot while he went in for the meeting. We got a liddel rowdie - did sum barkin atta residents what wuz walking round the complex. Sekuritee guy found Dad an said we wuz gonna have ta straighten up or *go*. Oooops.

    I got to go in furst. Trotted rite inta GranMom's room acted like a liddel *princess*! Dint jump or do anything but act purfikt. Sat rite side her chair and got a lotta *skritches*, shook paws, the whole good gurl thing! Then we started on rounds - got to go visit a whole buncha new GranMoms and GranPaws in their rooms. The White Coat Gurls were reel impressed wiff how gentle I wuz when I hadda put my front paws onna bed ta snuggle wiffa GranMa's that were layin down. And even the rollin chairs wiffa big wheels dint bother me; I jest hadda watch they dint *squarwsh* my toes!

    Lemmie talk, Cinners! SmokeMan here! I wuz reel good an quiet while Cinders wuz inside, so I got to go in, too. I wuz skairt at furst, but GranMom wuz reel nice an patted my headbone and let me stand wiff my fronts onna chair so's I could shlurrrp her a kiss. Dad took me on rounds so I got ta see everbody, too. I wuz fraid of the big wheel chairs at furst, but there were so many of em I got used to it and dint mind after a while. I got reel good at standin up and leanin onna beds wiffout pawin or skratchin enniebody.

    After the sickies got their dinner grub, me an Cinders did another round of visits before bedtime when we hadda say g'nite an head back to the Ranch. Dad wuz gonna stay, but GranMom said she'd get tossed out iffin we Dawgs tried to sleep over in her partment.

    Dad wuntz ta take us back for more visits, but it's a long drive inna kar iffin we don't sleep over. Dad's not too sure we'd sleep inna kar wiffout raisin a rukus an barkin at all the Hoomins walking around the complex. He might get a liddel upset iffin the Sekuritee guy hadda tell Dad we wuz misbehavin inna middel of the nite! Wunder if we gotta have anudder baff if we go again this weekend?

    Keep yer Tails Waggin!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  15. #225
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Cinder and Smoke, you guys done real good visitin' the grammas and granpas. I bet they really loved it! Hope your gramma is feelin' better real soon. Bet Dad was proud of you guys!
    Killian and Shiloh

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