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Thread: Help My Guinie Pug Is Pregnant!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Help My Guinie Pug Is Pregnant!!!

    I have no idea how to take care of her at this time or when she has her babbies. I dont now how long shes been pregnant but now she is BIG.... will some one please tell me what to do?
    Like what to feed her how large a tank she'll need can she stay w/ the boys ect.

    thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Most guinea pigs give birth with no major problems, from what I've read. How many guinea pigs do you have? How old is she? What kind of cage is she in? Is she in a cage by herself? Have you taken her to the vet? The vet can probably give you an idea of how far along she is, and about when to expect the babies.

  3. #3
    I would take her to the vet too ; he can tell you how far the pregnancy is evoluated , and he can give you good advise !

    Good luck!! And .. do NOT forget to post pics of the new litter , he he!!

    Before I forget : to Pettalk!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    im guessing she was pregnant when u got her? or did u put her with a male?
    I've been BOO'd!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    ummmm she is w/ some males so i tink she got pregnant then....
    and I WILL NOT FERGET SOME PICS thanks guys!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sask. Canada
    unless you are purposly breeding, or the males ar eneutered you can NEVER keep males with femals, remove the males from her right away and never put them back. as for the tank, a tank is no good either, they dont have nearly enugh ventalation, and that can couse lung problems if you can feel the babys she is due in about 2 weeks, they are pretty good at not having birthing problems however, just in case she does not remove the sac you will need to do that. you can build them a C&C cage, look on for ideas. as for feeding give her high vit. C vegies, and about 2 cups a day, remember she is feeding herself as well as all those little ones. dont change her pellets or hey about, and DONT take her to the vet as this would be EXTREMLY stressfull. I know what I am doing I have dealt with 2 litters myself if you need any more info. or help, just ask I got 11 guinea piggies myself

    edit to add that is one of the BEST piggie sites on the web, a C&C cage is larger and cheeper, and better then ANY thing you can buy, most people have spent no more then $30 on generally 10.5 square foot cages! you can read the testamonials
    Last edited by cali; 02-23-2003 at 10:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    Cavies or Guinea pigs can have alot of difficulties giving birth because of their backs. Youll have to watch her very carefully.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Actually there are a mulititude of complications that can arise in a pregnant guinea pig and they require a lot of extra care during this time. I have a friend who moderates a Cavy board and she would love to help you, I'm sure. She knows everything about guinea pigs!! I'll email her and ask her to reply here or email you. In the meantime, here are a few links to sites and forums that may help you. And please, if you plan on housing your males and females together, please have the males neutered or better yet, keep them in separate cages! Keep us updated!!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  9. #9
    Hi Dusty. The link tatsxxx11 just gave to Guinea Lynx is great - it's so important that you learn what a normal delivery should be like (not that you'll probably get to see it as they tend to deliver in the early hours!) so you can tell is something is wrong and get her help. The forums there and on the other link are also great if you need more advice about what's normal. GL has an emergency medical forum so keep that handy incase you need expert advice quickly.

    One of the most important things you can do now is find a great cavy vet incase she needs one. If she gets in to trouble delivering and needs help, you don't want to spend valuable time that could save her and her bubs life trying to find a vet who is experienced in piggy pregnancy. Personally, if she's in good health now I wouldn't actually take her to the vets as it sounds as if she is pretty close so you want to minimise all handling and stress and just let her relax. However if after reading up on what is normal you feel concerned then a vet check would be a great idea.

    You must remove any males from her now. Females go in to season again right after they give birth and it's very stressful for their bodies to have back to back pregnancies. The boy bubs will need to be removed from mum and sisters at 3-4 weeks, before they become fertile. If you're not sure about sexing (and many people do find sexing babies tricky) check out this page . If you have even a scrap of uncertainty then take them to the vet to be sexed.

    Keep a close eye on her to make sure she's active, eating and drinking (and doing the necessary out of the other end!). Hopefully your pigger will have a nice smooth delivery but it is important to be prepared for something going wrong so you can help them. Good luck!

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    she had 2 babys and i think they r both little boys, i wish i new they went in heat after pregnancy befor she had them but i made sure i caut the boys be ore they could try and make more. one problem, one male wont let us handel him it may be because hes the daddy(i dont reallyknow that ) or because in removeing them they were fighting to be the next daddy and when removeing and seperating them my mom got bit, she had to hit him lightly because he would not let go, i think he was just supprized, any way, can i get him to be normal agin? if not ill still louve him but i wanted him to be able to be held by my lil brother and the kids i babysit,....... and how can i get him out to clean his cage with him attacking wen i try to pick him up,

    ~dusty~(i wish he was still good he was my 1st and his name is my screen nameusty )
    ps: the babys r fine and so is the mommy and, apart from a few bites on the butt and nose scratches, other male who was fighting

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    awww...guniea babies...guinea piglets? lol
    im not sure about ur male guinea, thats sure strange behaviour, but i bet someone experienced could answer that for u
    I've been BOO'd!

  13. #13
    If there was more than one adult male in with her, that could explain the fighting. Male piggers can get along very well together, but often fight if there is a female present - for who gets to mate with her. As she will have gone in to season right after giving birth, that could have set them off competing with each other. I hope that none of the males got to her before you removed them anyway - just keep her with her bubs now. Hopefully in a couple of weeks their gender will be clear but if not, check with your vet so you can remove the boys at 3-4 weeks.

    Here's a great page on biting with lots of advice on how to handle it. It's really important you never hit or punish them because it just doesn't work. A piggy will only bite because it is scared or feels threatened, and by physically hurting it, all you do is confirm it was right to be scared. So next time it will be expecting to be hurt again so will be even more scared and defensive - you earn yourself another bite. Good handling, time and patience is what's needed and I'm sure he will be back to his usual self.

    The only thing worth mentioning is that if a usually friendly piggy suddenly becomes reluctant to be held and starts biting, it can indicate they have a parasitic or fungal condition such as mites. These cause them irritation and makes it uncomfortable for them to be handled. If a change in behaviour like this is accompanied by any extra scratching, dry skin or hairloss then see a vet.

    Good luck with your piggers!

  14. #14
    Go get some guinea pig books! Most of them have things on pregnant piggies. How old is she? Hopefully she won't have any problems! Make sure you separate her from the others too!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by wolfsoul
    awww...guniea babies...guinea piglets? lol
    lol I'm pretty sure baby guinea pigs are called pups
    When we got Garrison she was pregnant. She had the babies, and, three months later, had ANOTHER litter! We just stratched our heads and were like "huh?" She had those two litters and her daughters also had two litters before we figured out she hadn't only come to us pregnant...her impregnator had also come! Little Maeve was actually Maverick!
    But even though we had no knowledge about piggie pregnancy or birth everything went fine. We consulted our vet and read books, but there were no complications at all. And I'm now the proud mommy of seven guinea pigs!

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