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Thread: kid thread

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by LoudLou
    Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" now you get it on "THE REAR"!

    check it out- A RAPPING NANNY!!!!!!

    now i'm scared!

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Originally posted by Soledad
    I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.
    I *SO* agree with many times I have witnessed spanking done in anger. What is left behind is a bewildered kid that is filled with anger. That starts a vicious cycle.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by RICHARD

    remember when you write things use grammar and terms to keep the reader interested in the topic, you have no control over the literal intrepretation or reaction that the reader may attach to your comments. Should the reader make assumptions or is
    unable to detect sarcasm or hidden meanings in the topic,
    write at their level next time.

    p.s. people with no sense of humor, wit or any of the tools
    that allow them latitude in comprehension, can never be changed.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    I really like this thread
    first I want to say..
    Sara-whoever asks you when you are having kids, tell them "just as soon as you learn to mind your own business"!

    2nd- as far as hitting or discipline, I think there is a difference, and some parents let it go till the kid goes too far then they really lose their parents were good at discipline(aside from the 2 or 3 provoked moments with my mom) there was a certain way we were expected to act. thats it, no room for misunderstanding, thats just the way it was. naps were a fact too, not something to be argued with. mymom would say if you arent tired then just rest. because she needed her quiet time for her sanity! (5 kids in my family) if I was being too loud and my dad was on the phone he would snap his fingers, just to signal me, it was not done mean, there was no hint of getting in trouble, just that I had to tone it was just alot of things like that. I broke a window once, by mistake, and was so scared, that the next day when my mother asked me about it I told her what happend but I was really scared, I told her what happend then asked her will it cost alot to replace? she said no(insurance)
    and I was not in trouble as long as I admitted it.(oh good lets do it again haha..j/k)
    now, 3rd...Richard you really are a riot, I love your humor!
    and to answer your question, no that is not entirely what made me the mean person I am today... it helped b LOL but I had to learn the lesson again as a teen, 16, I mouthed off to my dad, when he was trying to help me with my homework, then walked down the hall, well I did not see my mother, and as I turned the corner, wham! hard slap to the face!"don't you EVER talk to your father like that again" she was right of course.
    Ihave 4 older brothers and they got more discipline from my father, but not daddys little girl and being so much younger...can you say B-R-A-T?

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    I did , however, get threatend with the BELT several times, but never actually saw THE BELT.
    my brothers did a time or two, mostly on vacation when were on car trips and they just got to be too much for my dad, ( long drive, no AC, and 4 loud boys, gee wonder why he got mad...
    of course the little darling was up front with mom and dad !

    I also want to say, (whew long winded )
    that I think when I kid is like , 2 ,3 or 4 maybe and they say or do something wrong, the I thinnk a light slap on the mouth, or hand, or bottom, depending on what the kid did.. and I mean just a light tap, just to make the point, I think that is enough.
    also, you can tell when kid knows it is doing wrong, when they look to see if you are looking, and then do whatever it is. then you know they know its wrong.
    times out and being sent to the room is good too for young children.
    oh boy I remember one time I was baby sitting my nephew and he had a friend over, and unfortunately he got his aunts mouth, well I was looking for something, said where is it? and he thought he was so funny, he said, maybe its up your....! and then they laughed, they were about 8 or 9, oh he saw his aunts wrath for the first time that day. I froze in place and looked at him, did I hear right? I said UP, in your room NOW (had he been mine he was old enough for hitting) and told the friend to call his mom to pick him up, Daniel is no longer allowed company right now. I made him stay in his room wondering what was going to happen then I told him to call his mother and tell her what he had said to me! so then he had his parents coming home to think about and wait. hehe

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    As far as "Discipline" goes, I was raised by a WONDERFUL Nanny who used the 3 Strike rule with me: 1) I warn you. 2) I warn you again, AND you lose something (i.e., toy, dessert...etc.) 3) Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" (you didn't listen) now you get it on "THE REAR"!
    I was a "nanny" (though we didn't call it that) for two years when I was in college. The little girl was just about to turn 4 when I started, and was almost 6 when she was the flower girl at Paul's and my wedding. She was a very smart child, and knew the rules. Her bedtime routine always consisted of two stories and three songs. If she was naughty, I'd cancel one story, then the second, and so on ... She valued her stories/songs so much that she was never bad enough to jeapordize them TOOO badly. I remember only one day that she got NO stories, but she was never naughty enough for no stories AND no songs!

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    wow, what a nice nammy you were, 2 stories and 3 songs!

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Washington D.C.
    "p.s. people with no sense of humor, wit or any of the tools
    that allow them latitude in comprehension, can never be changed."

    I don't really think this is necessary, Richard. I was just trying to elaborate on a point, not attack your sense of humour.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    Originally posted by Soledad
    I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.
    So who spanks while everybody's happy? I got spanked a few times while my mother was mad at me. I deserved it, and I probably never did whatever it was I did in the first place again. Huh? I lost myself there.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    Richard is not being nice!

    (Soledad, I'm not making fun of you..)

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Washington D.C.
    Not happy, Micki, just not out of control.

    I don't have fond memories of being hunted down by my dad as he ran with a belt (buckle side awaiting my ass, thank you). And I don't think anyone can benefit from that.

    Thanks, Mary.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by marysmerrycats
    wow, what a nice nanny you were, 2 stories and 3 songs!
    She was a nice kid, and I haven't to this day met a child I couldn't sing to sleep, so the songs worked in my favor as well as made her happy!

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    Originally posted by Soledad
    Not happy, Micki, just not out of control.

    I don't have fond memories of being hunted down by my dad as he ran with a belt (buckle side awaiting my ass, thank you). And I don't think anyone can benefit from that.

    Thanks, Mary.
    Well, I don't think I'd have fond memories of that either.

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    I understand what you are saying.

    the parent should wait til they are in control of their emotions, so as to not overdue the punishment. right?
    I also undertand that sometimes a parent will spank a kid while the parent is mad, at the moment so the kid knows what it is for.younger kids tend to forget later on...but Soledad I know what point you are trying to make. each case is different also the age of the child makes a big difference. I would spank a , say 5 year old, 8 year old, but not not a 13 yr old. or a baby. there are just different ways of discipline.

    if I had tried to sing to any of the kids I babysat, it would have scared the wits out of them haha
    I used to like the babies, because I could sit down and rock them to sleep, the older ones keep trying to make excuses to stay up LOL but I had fun with them too.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Washington D.C.
    Yes, Mary, that was EXACTLY what I was saying.

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