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Thread: Long overdue update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA

    Long overdue update

    I haven't posted in a loooong time. I'm not even sure if any of the members I used to talk to are even still around. But in case they are, I wanted to update everyone.

    I would post pictures, but I have zero idea how to do that anymore here. What I used to do doesn't seem to work anymore (getting the img code from Photobucket or directly from my computer using the 'insert picture' option, and download through the 'manage attachment' section, nothing is working). If anyone can let me know I can update this to include their pictures.

    Bear passed suddenly and unexpectedly at home at the age of 14 1/2 on July 6 2016. I also lost my Mother to heart failure in January that year, and her 18 year old cat I inherited in August that year due to kidney failure. Is it any wonder I call it the year of death?

    Pooky (Bear's brother) died at home at the age of 16 1/2 on June 23 2018 We are unsure what caused his death as he had been doing pretty good and suddenly over a 3 day time period he just stopped eating and quickly went downhill. His labwork was showed some elevated kidney tests but nothing really bad, he had Hyperthyroid disease and had been on medication for that for a couple years. He had IBD for 1 1/2 years prior to this but again, he was on medication for it. Being he was my favorite, a polydactyl, and a Ragdoll mix, I really miss him the most.

    I still have Cami who will be 15 in October. She has some blindness starting, weight loss, and eating isn't always good, but she's playful still.
    Josh and Sassy (my last 2 remaining bottle babies and also foster failures) will be 13 in September. They are doing good. I may try to post updated pix of them if anyone is interested & someone can let me know how.

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Hi there, I do remember you; and thank you for the PM, as well.

    I am sorry to learn you had so many losses, both Mom and furbabies, in such a short time. That is difficult to deal with. Then more of your clowder moved on to Rainbow Bridge. You received so much joy, fun, and love, from them. They will be waiting for you.

    Sorry I can't help you re photos. Photobucket, you have to pay now for that to work. I used to be able to use the attachment feature on here, until there was some sort of calamity on the computer server end of things. Karen hasn't been able to get that feature working. I've bought a brand new laptop twice since this all happened, and still not able to post photos, so I seldom post on here now. It has been quite a few years, it seems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dear Catlady711, I remember you from way back! Thank you for the update.

    I'm so sorry you have experienced so many losses in recent times. What wonderful lives you and they have shared! My deepest sympathy to you and all who love them and miss them and grieve them. May your precious memories and keepsakes help to bring you comfort.

    There is quite a crowd of Angels at the Rainbow Bridge who are watching over you and sending down love and will be welcoming you Home... One Fine Day...

    {{{{{HUGS/PETS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and to you and Cami and Josh and Sassy,
    from Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy and all our Angels
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sorry to hear about all your losses. I know hope it feels, though mine were all humans, not pets. I can post things using the attachments feature,, but some other people cannot, I do not know why.

    Welcome home to Pet Talk, anyway. Sending you hugs.
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    We don't know each other, I've been here on Pettalk for a few years, but I wanted to send you my condolences for all those losses.
    Please take care of yourself!
    Willa (5/1/1997-3/17/2018)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Thank you for the kind words.
    Bummer on posting pix though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Hi there, I do remember you; and thank you for the PM, as well.

    I am sorry to learn you had so many losses, both Mom and furbabies, in such a short time. That is difficult to deal with. Then more of your clowder moved on to Rainbow Bridge. You received so much joy, fun, and love, from them. They will be waiting for you.

    Sorry I can't help you re photos. Photobucket, you have to pay now for that to work. I used to be able to use the attachment feature on here, until there was some sort of calamity on the computer server end of things. Karen hasn't been able to get that feature working. I've bought a brand new laptop twice since this all happened, and still not able to post photos, so I seldom post on here now. It has been quite a few years, it seems.

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Thank you!🙂

    Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
    Dear Catlady711, I remember you from way back! Thank you for the update.

    I'm so sorry you have experienced so many losses in recent times. What wonderful lives you and they have shared! My deepest sympathy to you and all who love them and miss them and grieve them. May your precious memories and keepsakes help to bring you comfort.

    There is quite a crowd of Angels at the Rainbow Bridge who are watching over you and sending down love and will be welcoming you Home... One Fine Day...

    {{{{{HUGS/PETS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and to you and Cami and Josh and Sassy,
    from Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy and all our Angels

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Thank you Mayor Karen! 🙂

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Sorry to hear about all your losses. I know hope it feels, though mine were all humans, not pets. I can post things using the attachments feature,, but some other people cannot, I do not know why.

    Welcome home to Pet Talk, anyway. Sending you hugs.

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Thank you very much! 🙂

    Quote Originally Posted by cats4ever View Post
    We don't know each other, I've been here on Pettalk for a few years, but I wanted to send you my condolences for all those losses.
    Please take care of yourself!

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  10. #10
    So sorry for your losses. An electronic hug to you and to your loved ones both two footed and four footed who are now watching over you.


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