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Thread: Handsome Jack the Lab!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    Handsome Jack the Lab!

    How fortune it is that your new humans rescued you from the shelter that day! We know that Labradors are active, energetic dogs, and it is no wonder you were "overweight and over-wrought" being in a shelter setting for so long! We are glad you people immediately knew what you really needed - love, exercise and the right care! You are now such a good-looking senior - that white face gives away your age, but nothing else does! We are glad your people not only helped you back to good health, but inspired by you, now have a business to help other doggies and they people, too! And it is nice you now have a sister, and you can help Maggie as she learns all the joy that can come when one is a loved dog in a good home! You have hit the Jack-pot, cutie! Enjoy your big day, and your wonderful future, and maybe you will have some special toys or treats to celebrate!
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #2
    You're so handsome Jack!!! I'm so glad you were rescued! It sounds like you have found yourself in a wonderful home!

    Congrats on being DOTD! I hope you and Maggie have a fun day!
    Forever in my heart...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Brave, beautiful Jack!

    Good morning, Jack! Happy Labbie Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart!

    As a lifelong, Lab loving family, all I can say is God Bless your family for giving you, and your sister Maggie, a 2nd chance at a happy life! I can't imagine how a beautiful Labbie boy such as you came to find himself in a shelter, at age 6; languishing there, being passed over, for over a year! And it breaks my heart even more to imagine the life you were leading before you were surrendered, "overweight and overwrought." You waited far too long for that committed, caring forever family to come along, but find them you did, and how far you've come under their loving care; Prozac free, healthy and fit, enjoying life to its fullest! As any Lab savvy family will tell you, Retrievers are high energy dogs, requiring regular exercise, and more importantly, love...being with their people, participating in family activities; they're family!

    Well, those sad and lonely days are but a distant memory now, Jack, for you and sister Maggie, and we couldn't be happier for you both! And yes, what an inspiration your rescue story is, what a source of encouragement and motivation your family's (your) business is, helping other pet families to deal with their challenges! How well you have paid it forward, Jack, and how lucky your family is, having a brave, beautiful best friend in you!

    Thanks for starting my day off on such a happy note, sweetheart! Wishing for you and dear sister Maggie, a very special day of celebration, and many, many more happy, carefree, love filled years with your wonderful family! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Jack, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day! Lots of love to Maggie, too!

    Maggie Masters the Doggie Door!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
    You will spend your senior years in a loving home with a doggy friend.
    Who could ask for anything more?
    Celebrate your special day with some healthy treats and maybe
    extra nap time. I love senior dogs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I know a 7 year old lab mix who won't be happy that I'm going to check out your website!!

    Congrats on being our dog of the day!! You are so handsome!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Hello, beautiful Jack! I too am overweight, and I can't run - but I would love to go for a walk with you! And Maggie, if she likes to walk too. You are beautiful! How wonderful that you and Maggie were rescued and are now enjoying all the pleasures, fun, delights and happiness of being loved doggies! Happy Dog of the Day to Jack and to Maggie too!

    p.s., I was just looking at your blog and reading the story about Maggie and the doggie door ! Go, Maggie! And Maggie, Jack and the big waste bin, I bet there were many interesting smells in the bin Could you please have your people give you a big hug for me ((HUGS)))
    Last edited by cassiesmom; 10-30-2014 at 03:17 PM.
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    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Jack is so adorable, gotta love Jack 4 sure! Excellent DOTD!


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