Our family has gotten interested in our DNA ancestry. We ordered some kits of 23andme.com and got some results that we thought we'd share. The kits are $99 each. After you mail them back, the results take 2 or 3 weeks.

Looks are deceiving and DNA doesn't lie. I would have bet you a bunch of money that Bobcat had a Turkish ancestor, but the results don't show that. I've got the palest skin on the planet (kids used to call me Casper when I was a kid , a lot of red in my hair and green eyes. It makes a lot of sense as my results show over 55% British and Irish. We heard the family stories of Native American and African, and the results show that they are (ever so slightly) there. But, had no clue of the South Asian -- and that's even more prevalent in the DNA.

Anyway, here are our results. They have started a wonderful family conversation and your family might enjoy participating as well.

Here's Bobcat: 99.80% European

Northern European
11.50% British & Irish
9.20% French & German
1.20% Scandinavian
26.70% Broadly Northern European
26.80% Eastern European

Southern European
6.70% Balkan
0.20% Iberian
0.10% Sardinian
4.90% Broadly Southern European
2.00% Ashkenazi (Jewish)
10.60% Broadly European
0.20% Unassigned

Here's me: 99.40% European

Northern European
55.30% British & Irish
4.60% French & German
3.00% Scandinavian
33.10% Broadly Northern European

Southern European
0.70% Italian
0.60% Broadly Southern European
2.20% Broadly European

0.20% South Asian
0.10% East Asian & Native American
0.10% Middle Eastern & North African
0.10% Broadly Middle Eastern & North African
0.20% Unassigned