As you all know, we put out birdseed for the birds, but as I scatter it on the ground, we also get chipmunk, squirrels, and the occasional wild bunny. This spring and summer, Brownie, an adult has often come by, but in the last month, this little guy started coming by. He has nearly doubled in size in the past month, he is still little bunny. He is less skittish than Brownie, and was actually relaxing outside our door this afternoon. Usually the bunnies only come by dawn and dusk, as rabbits are crepuscular, so the light is bad for pictures. But this afternoon Kini bunny (baby rabbit are called "kittens" or "kits" so his name became Kini) was relaxing - Miss Hoppy taught us that the back legs to the side like you see here is a very relaxed bunny! He is still very wild, and will run at the slightest noise, so it was a rare treat to have him here in daylight so I could get a picture to show him to you!