It doesn't seem possible that one year ago today, my sweet little Myndi left us. Sometimes it seems like she was here just a few days ago, and other times it seems like an eternity.

I'm so grateful that she was bright and spunky up until just a few hours before she left. Just the previous day, she posted one of her silly, drama tales in the Fuzzbutt Journal. I think she knew it would be the last, and she wanted all that read it to have a chuckle and grin to remember her by. Not even I knew where she was headed later that day. But.......

She was very old.
She was very tired.
She was ready to move on....

I watched helplessly and with my heart breaking, as throughout the day, she started slipping away. The once spunky, sassy, bright and sharp-minded little girl was shutting down, until all that was left was just a mere flicker of the brightness that had always been Myndi. She was restless and confused, and aimlessly paced the floor as if wanting morning to come, so that Mom and Dr. Annie would help her one last time.

And morning did come and she became very calm, tho not really aware of her surroundings - like she was ready and anxious to take that next step. At 9:55 a.m. while laying snuggled on my lap and me speaking softly to her, Dr Annie released Myndi to the angels that would guide her on her journey to Rainbow Bridge, and that grand reunion with her brother Sparky.

I held her for a long time after, before I could bring myself to leave without her. The short drive home seemed endless, and the house was eerily silent and empty when I walked back in. Myndi was a gem and there will never be another like her.

So my dear little Myndi girl ~~ sleep softly, play hard, and be happy ~~ until we meet again. I love you and miss you.