May 27, 2014 Entertainment

There aren’t many people in the world today who truly value the English language. Thanks to social media and digital communication, abbreviations and poor grammar are infuriatingly commonplace. Even people who think they are proficient forget some simple grammar rules (like the difference between using “fewer” and “less”). Everyone has failed at some point. There may even be multiple glaring errors in this article (but hopefully not).
No matter what mistakes you have made in the past, your failings will never compare to what you’re about to see. These people attempted to use the English language and failed so spectacularly, it’s a wonder they’re able to walk around without bumping into things or running into a Greyhound bus.
1.) If YOU’RE going to be condescending, at least be correct.

2.) Whew. At least it wasn’t diabetes.

3.) This one is so bad, it’s hard to follow.

4.) You’re right.

5.) Organisms are overrated.

6.) Mmmm. Pizzer.

7.) This hurts my brain.

8.) I prefer human beans to pinto beans.

9.) Don’t be so surly, man.

10.) The school system failed this man.