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Thread: I haven't been here for some time!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    I haven't been here for some time!


    I did, finally, get my new computer after trying for months. The funds kept being dumped into car repairs galore.

    I promise to load a shortcut and become more active!

    Not much is new.

    My dog Prue is fine, as well as my three cats, Chloe, Juni get down and Lucy, the black barn cat.

    I am now a school bus driver. I know. Am I nuts? It took me months to complete the training and passing the tests etc. In January I started driving officially. Just last week I was assigned to one particular route and now the stress will lessen a bit. Before then, I was subbing for other drivers. Very stressful to say the least. I wanted a part time job, sitting, not in an office etc. I ended up doing this. I go in early, leave around 8:30 for home...return to the bus terminal around 2 - 5. I work around 25 hours a week. I also do mid day trips for schools..... i.e. to the local theater etc. There are weeks when I work 40 hours, but not many.

    So life is good right now. I am healthy, happy and living life to the fullest. My Mom is still alive - 93 now and still in assisted living. My sister passed away this summer and my brother passed away several years ago, leaving just my Mom and me, a niece and nephew and a weird sister in law. Since I never had children, I will be on my own if I become demented etc. I hope they send me out in the woods during hunting season, as I don't want to end up in a nursing home like my Mom. She is happy, but I don't want that for me.

    Well, I will snoop around and see what has been happening.

    Sallyanne, Chloe, Jun-get-down, Lucy and Prue the dog.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for checking in with an update Sas.
    It was nice to catch up with you on the phone.
    I'm sorry you don't have room for another Aby cat at this time so I will post a link to the Aby at my local shelter so other people can see him.
    Let me know if you know anyone who might be interested in him.
    RIP sweet Samantha

    Milly & Izzy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Great to hear from you! My Great Uncles were school bus drivers (and mechanics) when I was little, and I treasured the shoebox of stuff left on the bus at the end of each school year - pens, pencils of all sizes and colors and other things kids lost and never claimed!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Hi Sallyanne, it's good to hear from you and I'm glad you got that job - sounds like you enjoy it. Also glad that Chloe, June-get-down, Lucy and Prue are fine.

    I have been cat-sitting quite a lot and will again over Easter. Lucy a grey girl will be staying with me for ten days. She's a sweetie and jump on top of me and settle down when I lie in bed. Bourgoise, I will visit in her home not far away. She's a Galico, three years old and very sweet and active. Her mom tried to put a leash on her when she was younger, but she wouldn't move one step with it on. So unfortunately, I can't take down to the lawn.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    When Zoe PMd me yesterday to hear whether I am in contact with you I started to get really worried!
    So it's wonderful to hear from you. I am full of admiration that you completed the training to drive a bus. These days my car was in repair and they gave me a SUV for exchange- I thought I didn't want anything bigger than that.
    Let's hope there is still a long time before they send us in the woods
    Kiss the kitties for me, especially Chloe and Juni-get-down.
    Orion was so wonderfully behaved when he first came to join us. Then Kiri came who in her wild days did not have any education at all and now Orion learned from her and they both think they could put their adorable nosies in anything that's on the table

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    I haven't been here for quite a while either, but I am back too !!!!
    Welcome back Sallyanne
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Good to see you back here Sallyanne and am so happy to hear all is well with you, Prue and the kitties.

    Well done with the bus drivers job too!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Welcome back, Sallyanne!

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    What a winter

    The weather here has been rather brutal. And, I starting driving a 40 foot bus during a snow storm. This week will be the first week in months that I haven't had to watch for the piles of snow at nearly all the intersections. Now we have huge ruts and frost heaves to deal with.... oh, and then there is mud season. Today's temps seemed to melt quite a bit of snow, thank goodness.

    I love my new computer. My last one was second hand and just ok. It died ... suddenly... and I still need to get some files transferred to the new one.

    Today I went to see my Mom and took Prue. Prue loves visiting there and of course, the ladies love seeing her. Prue gives out lots of kisses and usually gently curls up next to anyone willing to pet her for an extended amount of time. There are treats involved and we are trying to cut back on the treats. I usually ask Prue is she wants to go see Nana and she goes crazy. Much like she did when she went to doggie day care each week. All I had to say was doggie ...da..... and she would wiggle and act silly.... with excitement.

    My bus driving days have had their ups and downs. I am amazed how poorly behaved many children are these days. I would have had my block knocked off if I had back talked to an adult like they do to me. My bus has pre-schoolers age 4-5, kintergarden ag 6), first graders through fifth.....78 students. Not all the students ride the bus every day.... I also have high school and middle school students on a different schedule but they are no problem.... not many of them and they are polite for the most part. The little ones are the problem! I wore ear muffs early on, just to keep the noise level down a bit. I can't wear them in May!

    Last May I had a knee replacement done and was driving after two weeks. I didn't do much rehab after the surgery but had done quite a few sessions of prehab. My life improved 10 fold once I had the surgery. I had a hip replacement done several years ago...then the knee started killing me. It took a few years to get it together to get the knee done. The bionic woman!

    Juni and Chloe still hate each other. They live apart, in my home. It isn't want I wanted but we have all learned to live with this situation. Cats....female cats, can be a big problem.

    Well, I shall snoop a little see how everyone is doing.

    I have missed you all, but just didn't get back here until Zoe reminded me that I had been absent way too long!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by sasvermont View Post
    Now we have huge ruts and frost heaves to deal with.... oh, and then there is mud season. Today's temps seemed to melt quite a bit of snow, thank goodness.
    All but the biggest snow piles are gone here, but we do have the potholes and frost heaves to deal with, and of course every time they plowed, some of last year's "patches" to those post holes would get peeled off, the street next to my church had such big chunks of pavement come lose, that I actually shoved one of them back into the hole (5" deep) it came from, just to share some tire wear.

    Sadly, one of my tires now needs replacement anyway. This is what spring means in New England. sigh.
    I've Been Frosted


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