Snoopy has a rather large bald spot on her tummy. I see little scars and she is also licking there a lot.
Monday morning I went to the vet with her.
He gave her a shot of antibiotics and prescribed her food supplements for cats.
When I asked him what caused this, he said: "It's your fault"
At first I didn't understand what he meant, so I told him that.
Then he answered:"You have been away for almost 3 weeks right (we went cruising around Indonesia)? Well Snoopy missed you"!

I am wondering if what he said is true!? Our son Jo took good care of the cats during our trip. Of course they ware alone during the day, but Jo fed them in the morning before leaving, and around 5 pm after he came home from his work. During the weekends Jo's girlfriend stayed at our house too, and I know she played with the cats; she is very fond of them!
Is it possible then that Snoopy missed us that much so she licked herself to much?